Majority Want Citizenship Question On Census, 53%-32%

POTUS is going to expedite the census citizenship question using Executive Order thus overriding SCOTUS.
another ignorant thread

God bless you inbreeds!

You know that Blacks and Mexicans are far and away the most incestual groups...right?
And you know they vote Mexicrat...right?

“Race and ethnicity are an important factor in identified sexual abuse. African American children have almost twice the risk of sexual abuse than white children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity have a slightly greater risk than non-Hispanic white children."
Please Explain what is so wrong with asking the citizenship question?

According to the Trump Admin asking the question will reduce response rates. Refused response rates make the results less accurate.

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So now you pick and choose when to believe the Trump Administration.

No, I happen to know how these things work since dealing with such data is my career.

Funny to see you though doubt your god sitting in the White House.

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thankyou XBand .

Don't thank me but thank Trump, however I voted for Trump. The Democrats have run amok.
----------------------------- you voted for The TRUMP and that's the best that can be done by a Citizen . And yeah on the 'dems' but I have never voted 'dem' or would vote 'dem' in my 70 years [actually 50 years of on and off voting XBand ]
What would the citizenship question add to the purpose of the census? I always thought the census was needed for districting, school funding, Congressional representation etc.
What is the positive effect of such a question?
They've always asked it, so it must serve some purpose.
------------------------------------ of course it serves a purpose if I understand the Official Explanation. TRUMP and they simply want to know how many legal VERSUS illegals are actually in the USA . Though it will be inaccurate its still better than nothing . --------------- PLUS , its my thinking that this question is also UNOFFICIALY meant to 'whip them up ' OldLady
thankyou XBand .

Don't thank me but thank Trump, however I voted for Trump. The Democrats have run amok.
----------------------------- you voted for The TRUMP and that's the best that can be done by a Citizen . And yeah on the 'dems' but I have never voted 'dem' or would vote 'dem' in my 70 years [actually 50 years of on and off voting XBand ]

Give me the opportunity to start a third party; xband party and I guarantee that Hell will be raised. No welfare of any kind, etc. etc.
An accurate census that does not count Illegals will cost the democrat Party 9,000,000 to 15,000,000 votes nationwide
The Democrats want to try Communism again which is a failed experiment on all points.
Only citizens are allowed to have a say in hor the country is run.
Only citizens are allowed to vote in our elections.
Only citizens are entitled to representation in Congress and in the Electoral College.
To allow otherwise is to allow undue foreign interference in our elections and government..

So one would think Mr Bob. But its not true. Not at all. Illegals do indeed have representatives in Congress and the Electoral College. Electors, and Congressmen, are apportioned by total population...not citizenship. This is why with 30% of its population foreign born, California has such an outsized influence on our elections. The Democrats who run these states are looking for a third world situation where their power is magnified by the number of serfs they can import. Their power increases with each border crossing and your (and all) American influence decreases with each illegal entry.
This is why they fear the census question. They are afraid (1) the numbers will prove shocking and (2) illegals may avoid the census thus lessening Democrat influence and (3) they fear a move to limit representation to American citizens only.
The Democrats are a foreign fifth column inside the US who represent foreign interests. So far three of their presidential candidates have traveled outside the country to campaign.

Who is included in the apportionment population counts? back to top

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population (citizens and non-citizens) of the 50 states. In the 2010 Census, the apportionment population also includes U.S. Armed Forces personnel and federal civilian employees stationed outside the United States (and their dependents living with them) that can be allocated, based on administrative records, back to a home state. This is the same procedure used in 2000.

Congressional Apportionment - Frequently Asked Questions - People and Households - U.S. Census Bureau

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

Article I Section ii US Constitution
It sucks to be a Democrat these days. Americans hate everything Democrats are for.
Is that why America elected a democrat as president for 8 years prior to Trump? Sorry dude, but your crazy theories are just that... crazy
How many Democrats would win without a monopoly in the schools and media?
No one would ever vote for a Democrat without constant brainwashing.
It sucks to be a Democrat these days. Americans hate everything Democrats are for.
Is that why America elected a democrat as president for 8 years prior to Trump? Sorry dude, but your crazy theories are just that... crazy
How many Democrats would win without a monopoly in the schools and media?
I don’t know... that’s a pretty dumb question though. How many Republicans would win if we were on mars?
Having government run the schools is hardly the equivalent of living on Mars.
It sucks to be a Democrat these days. Americans hate everything Democrats are for.
Is that why America elected a democrat as president for 8 years prior to Trump? Sorry dude, but your crazy theories are just that... crazy
How many Democrats would win without a monopoly in the schools and media?
No one would ever vote for a Democrat without constant brainwashing.
Are you tripping? The Dem candidate has overwhelmingly gotten the majority of the voting public’s votes in 6 of the past 7 elections. That’s not a result of brainwashing
another ignorant thread

God bless you inbreeds!
Be sure to answer if you’re a citizen on your census. Otherwise the government has to send someone to your door to get the question answered.
In 2010 they did send someone to my door. Hold in mind, I live off-grid on a 200 acre parcel in Alaska. They must have had someone lurking out by the main road to follow me home, how else do they find people like me? If they can stalk me, why not send them out to other households?
It sucks to be a Democrat these days. Americans hate everything Democrats are for.
Is that why America elected a democrat as president for 8 years prior to Trump? Sorry dude, but your crazy theories are just that... crazy
How many Democrats would win without a monopoly in the schools and media?
I don’t know... that’s a pretty dumb question though. How many Republicans would win if we were on mars?
Having government run the schools is hardly the equivalent of living on Mars.
You missed the point completely. Put a little more brain power into it... we aren’t in kindergarten

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