Make a rabbit more friendly?


Jun 20, 2013
So i just got a new rabbit,but he seems to be afraid of me. He is actually attacking me sometimes. Ive tried a lot of things to "calm him down",but its just not working. Ive bought toys for him,tried to play with him and layed down near him in my room for several hours. But it doesnt seem like he is becoming less afraid of me? Any tips on how i can get his trust?
My wife and I don't own pets so I couldn't help you there (sorry) but I DO have a question for you Carnorr: Why don't you post more about the current economic situation in Greece?
Thats ok. Thank you anyway:)
I dont live in Greece actually,and never have. But both my parents are born and grown up there. So i dont have any personal histories that i can tell about the greek economy.
But if you guys (on this forum) are interested in the greek economic situation right now,i can post some interesting videos and articles,and try to answer any questions you have.
Don't know much about rabbits..but I did move someone with one. It was like a cat. Came when called went in the litter box..and didn't require a cage.

This might help.

[ame=]How to get a rabbit to come when called. - YouTube[/ame]
So i just got a new rabbit,but he seems to be afraid of me. He is actually attacking me sometimes. Ive tried a lot of things to "calm him down",but its just not working. Ive bought toys for him,tried to play with him and layed down near him in my room for several hours. But it doesnt seem like he is becoming less afraid of me? Any tips on how i can get his trust?

I've never have rabbits but... why don't you tempt him with a nice treat? He might like it! :)
So i just got a new rabbit,but he seems to be afraid of me. He is actually attacking me sometimes. Ive tried a lot of things to "calm him down",but its just not working. Ive bought toys for him,tried to play with him and layed down near him in my room for several hours. But it doesnt seem like he is becoming less afraid of me? Any tips on how i can get his trust?

I used to have a pet rabbit. Is it an older rabbit or baby rabbit? You need to give it a little place it can go and hide. A big box would work. Your rabbit needs to acclimate to his new settings. And you. I'd give him some space. He'll come around.

Rabbits make great pets.

So i just got a new rabbit,but he seems to be afraid of me. He is actually attacking me sometimes. Ive tried a lot of things to "calm him down",but its just not working. Ive bought toys for him,tried to play with him and layed down near him in my room for several hours. But it doesnt seem like he is becoming less afraid of me? Any tips on how i can get his trust?

I have never had a rabbit for a pet, but i know others who have. I had to sit one for a month...and was told that it was very sensitive to the smell of your hands....

so if you wanted to pet it, if your hands had smells on them that it did not like... no way was it going to let you pet it. So i would scrub my hands with backing soda before i went to feed or touch him.

I would suggest just sitting with it very quietly, and feeding it treats.
Thanks a lot for your answers,everyone!
Sallow: Very nice video. Thank you very much!
Skye: I will try that. Thanks!
Jeremiah: Its 9-10 months old now:) Thank you for your advices!
Mr_Clean: They are actually one of the most popular pets in Europe (4-5th in UK). And as Sallow said: They make good pets.
Syreen: I didnt know that. Thank you.
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