"Make America Great Again" is a racist statement and a total lie

It's an insult to President Obama, the first black president of America, and a total lie. It was Obama that pulled this county out of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. It was Obama that took unemployment down from over 10% to less then 5%. It was Obama that ended that stupid Iraq/Afghan wars and get Bin Laden. It was Obama that brought credibility and dignity back to this country after the republicans destroyed it all with the global economic collapse, and those stupid wars that the rest of the world was fooled into.

Trump has done nothing but insult everyone, except Russia. He's disrespected the CIA, FBI and the media with HIS fake news..

He's told half the country to "go fuck themselves".

He's declared Hillary to be guilty, without being convicted.

Here's a fact....America will NEVER be great as a half a country.

For eight years the GOP did everything in their power to undermine Obama. And now they expect cooperation with their destructive agenda.....not gonna happen.

It's simple, really. You are either for "the fundamental transformation of America" or "making America great again." Here's the kicker: If you are on the other side of one of those statements, you consider it an insult. But, it has nothing to do with race. Race is just a card.
It's an insult to President Obama, the first black president of America, and a total lie. It was Obama that pulled this county out of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. It was Obama that took unemployment down from over 10% to less then 5%. It was Obama that ended that stupid Iraq/Afghan wars and get Bin Laden. It was Obama that brought credibility and dignity back to this country after the republicans destroyed it all with the global economic collapse, and those stupid wars that the rest of the world was fooled into.

Trump has done nothing but insult everyone, except Russia. He's disrespected the CIA, FBI and the media with HIS fake news..

He's told half the country to "go fuck themselves".

He's declared Hillary to be guilty, without being convicted.

Here's a fact....America will NEVER be great as a half a country.

For eight years the GOP did everything in their power to undermine Obama. And now they expect cooperation with their destructive agenda.....not gonna happen.

Oh please stop with the bullshit.....there was no depression.
Stop making rules or threats, forcing banks to loan to people and you don't get these problems.

Unemployment, if it was so good why are govt services used more now?

Either they falsify the ue numbers or they expanded welfare, so which is it, hint.......both
It's an insult to President Obama, the first black president of America, and a total lie. It was Obama that pulled this county out of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. It was Obama that took unemployment down from over 10% to less then 5%. It was Obama that ended that stupid Iraq/Afghan wars and get Bin Laden. It was Obama that brought credibility and dignity back to this country after the republicans destroyed it all with the global economic collapse, and those stupid wars that the rest of the world was fooled into.

Trump has done nothing but insult everyone, except Russia. He's disrespected the CIA, FBI and the media with HIS fake news..

He's told half the country to "go fuck themselves".

He's declared Hillary to be guilty, without being convicted.

Here's a fact....America will NEVER be great as a half a country.

For eight years the GOP did everything in their power to undermine Obama. And now they expect cooperation with their destructive agenda.....not gonna happen.

Oh please stop with the bullshit.....there was no depression.
Stop making rules or threats, forcing banks to loan to people and you don't get these problems.

Unemployment, if it was so good why are govt services used more now?

Either they falsify the ue numbers or they expanded welfare, so which is it, hint.......both
Take a reading comprehension class. I never said it was a depression, I said it was an economic disaster.

It's funny when cons call numbers false, except when they support them. With your logic, the electoral college numbers are false, and Trump didn't win.
Since when to lefties care about "disrespect" towards the CIA? It seems to me that the CIA showed it's negligence and disrespect for the Country on a pretty morning in Sept, 11, 2001. Black unemployment is in double digits and Barry's labor dept. fudged statistics to pretend that employment was booming while the GDP went up a laughable 1% or 2% during the Obama administration. There is more violence in the streets and race relations are worse than they have been in several decades. Obama's adopted home town, Chicago, has had more murders than L.A. and NYC combined in a year. We have a war that he doesn't want to win and can't get out of and the administration has destabilized the Mid East to the point that an American Ambassador was murdered while Obama was eating pizza and watching it in real time. Obama bowed to every two bit thug in the world on a non stop apology tour and rewarded Iran a billion dollars in cash when they released a gaggle of crying U.S. Sailors. Obama promised to "wean America off oil" and the rest of the world got rich on fossil fuel while the administration gave away tax dollars to solar companies that were already in trouble and soon went under. Playing the race card is the last desperate effort of the dishonest left but it's no surprise.
It's an insult to President Obama, the first black president of America, and a total lie. It was Obama that pulled this county out of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. It was Obama that took unemployment down from over 10% to less then 5%. It was Obama that ended that stupid Iraq/Afghan wars and get Bin Laden. It was Obama that brought credibility and dignity back to this country after the republicans destroyed it all with the global economic collapse, and those stupid wars that the rest of the world was fooled into.

Trump has done nothing but insult everyone, except Russia. He's disrespected the CIA, FBI and the media with HIS fake news..

He's told half the country to "go fuck themselves".

He's declared Hillary to be guilty, without being convicted.

Here's a fact....America will NEVER be great as a half a country.

For eight years the GOP did everything in their power to undermine Obama. And now they expect cooperation with their destructive agenda.....not gonna happen.

Oh please stop with the bullshit.....there was no depression.
Stop making rules or threats, forcing banks to loan to people and you don't get these problems.

Unemployment, if it was so good why are govt services used more now?

Either they falsify the ue numbers or they expanded welfare, so which is it, hint.......both
Take a reading comprehension class. I never said it was a depression, I said it was an economic disaster.

It's funny when cons call numbers false, except when they support them. With your logic, the electoral college numbers are false, and Trump didn't win.

You said the worst since the great depresion.....the same comment you have with every economic downturn.

Stop financing banks to loan to people and that collapse doesn't happen.
So what isn't racist to you left leaning wackadoodles ? People are tired of this kind of shit and its why Democrats are losing across the nation. I hope you knuckle heads keep up that "winning" strategy.

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