"Make America Great Again"...what do you think it means?

What criteria are you using to qualify our nation as currently great?

Same as always

Respected as a world leader, cares about the people, leads the world in science and education

Things that Trump destroyed from the moment he was elected

Trump destroyed America's science and education the moment he was elected?

How? He wasn't in office until months later.

Or was that just the normal flow of partisan shit that comes out of your mind these days?

Lets see.....

Global warming denier
Pulled out of Paris accords
Appointed deniers to EPA, Energy and Interior Dept
Scaled back environmental protection
Cut scholarships and grants
Appointed Betsy DeVos

Yea....I'd say he destroyed our science and education

SO, you're talk of as soon as he was elected was just bullshit, got it.

The Paris Accords were a disaster, and he was right to pull out of them.

The EPA has over stepped it's bounds, long ago.

"Sholarships and grants"? LOL!!! Are you aware of the budget situation?

YOu are just spewing partisan bullshit.

As soon as he was elected we elected a birther (so much for education), a global warming denier (so much for science), someone who believes vaccines cause autism (more science)

The entire planet looked at us and said....WTF were they thinking?

The way you ignored my responses to your previous posts and just repeated your initial position?

That's the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, and people use it when they know they can't defend their position.

Your post is invalid and you lose.
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American. The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type citizens we were during those times. Why does that notion suck again?
I'm offended by people who don't think America is great right now. If you don't think so, find someplace better to live.
/----/ To be fair (and Libs love fairness) you must be offended when Billy Boy Clintoon said the same thing in 1991 when he ran for president.

lol, here we go again, the Trumptards defending Trump by trying to show how much like Bill Clinton he is.

THat two men used the same phrase does not make them alike.

The fact that you had to lie about that, shows that you know that his accusation of hypocrisy is correct.

YOu lefties were fine with the phrase when Bill used it, but now it's a scandal.

You lefties should never be given any credibility.
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
Who is Trump making great?

The rich

The list is growing by the day but let's start with your local drywaller that use to make $19 an hour before all the wetbacks rolled in and whored the wage out for $10. Donny is making him great again by flushing the wetbacks back home...is he not?

Of course the real problem is the "wetbacks" rather than those who are eager to employ them.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
Who is Trump making great?

The rich

The list is growing by the day but let's start with your local drywaller that use to make $19 an hour before all the wetbacks rolled in and whored the wage out for $10. Donny is making him great again by flushing the wetbacks back home...is he not?

Of course the real problem is the "wetbacks" rather than those who are eager to employ them.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?

It means no Hag:

I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
Who is Trump making great?

The rich

The list is growing by the day but let's start with your local drywaller that use to make $19 an hour before all the wetbacks rolled in and whored the wage out for $10. Donny is making him great again by flushing the wetbacks back home...is he not?

Of course the real problem is the "wetbacks" rather than those who are eager to employ them.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:

IF the government had enforced the democratically enacted laws of the land, the contractors would have been forced to hire the Americans at 19$ an hour.

Do you think it is better for the American to be out of work, while the illegal does the job for half the wage and the employer pockets the difference?

Because your side of the debate is fighting to keep that status quo, while I want to empower the American worker.
Who is Trump making great?

The rich

The list is growing by the day but let's start with your local drywaller that use to make $19 an hour before all the wetbacks rolled in and whored the wage out for $10. Donny is making him great again by flushing the wetbacks back home...is he not?

Of course the real problem is the "wetbacks" rather than those who are eager to employ them.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:

IF the government had enforced the democratically enacted laws of the land, the contractors would have been forced to hire the Americans at 19$ an hour.

Do you think it is better for the American to be out of work, while the illegal does the job for half the wage and the employer pockets the difference?

Because your side of the debate is fighting to keep that status quo, while I want to empower the American worker.

There is no debate. Undocumented workers come here to work because they can. Period.

It's the employers that are bigger criminals than the undocumented.
The list is growing by the day but let's start with your local drywaller that use to make $19 an hour before all the wetbacks rolled in and whored the wage out for $10. Donny is making him great again by flushing the wetbacks back home...is he not?

Of course the real problem is the "wetbacks" rather than those who are eager to employ them.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:

IF the government had enforced the democratically enacted laws of the land, the contractors would have been forced to hire the Americans at 19$ an hour.

Do you think it is better for the American to be out of work, while the illegal does the job for half the wage and the employer pockets the difference?

Because your side of the debate is fighting to keep that status quo, while I want to empower the American worker.

There is no debate. Undocumented workers come here to work because they can. Period.

It's the employers that are bigger criminals than the undocumented.

An uninteresting debate. I'm for fixing the problem, and getting the wages of Americans back up.

Do you support that or not? THis is now the THIRD time I've asked a very simple yes/no question that you are afraid to answer.
Of course the real problem is the "wetbacks" rather than those who are eager to employ them.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:

IF the government had enforced the democratically enacted laws of the land, the contractors would have been forced to hire the Americans at 19$ an hour.

Do you think it is better for the American to be out of work, while the illegal does the job for half the wage and the employer pockets the difference?

Because your side of the debate is fighting to keep that status quo, while I want to empower the American worker.

There is no debate. Undocumented workers come here to work because they can. Period.

It's the employers that are bigger criminals than the undocumented.

An uninteresting debate. I'm for fixing the problem, and getting the wages of Americans back up.

Do you support that or not? THis is now the THIRD time I've asked a very simple yes/no question that you are afraid to answer.

I'm for that as well. Just not for vilifying good people who just want to work.
Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:

IF the government had enforced the democratically enacted laws of the land, the contractors would have been forced to hire the Americans at 19$ an hour.

Do you think it is better for the American to be out of work, while the illegal does the job for half the wage and the employer pockets the difference?

Because your side of the debate is fighting to keep that status quo, while I want to empower the American worker.

There is no debate. Undocumented workers come here to work because they can. Period.

It's the employers that are bigger criminals than the undocumented.

An uninteresting debate. I'm for fixing the problem, and getting the wages of Americans back up.

Do you support that or not? THis is now the THIRD time I've asked a very simple yes/no question that you are afraid to answer.

I'm for that as well. Just not for vilifying good people who just want to work.

I'm not vilifying anyone.

I'm discussing the effect of their presence in our labor pool.

So, we agree we want better jobs and wages for Americans.

So, what is your path to get there?
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American. The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type citizens we were during those times. Why does that notion suck again?
I'm offended by people who don't think America is great right now. If you don't think so, find someplace better to live.
/----/ To be fair (and Libs love fairness) you must be offended when Billy Boy Clintoon said the same thing in 1991 when he ran for president.

lol, here we go again, the Trumptards defending Trump by trying to show how much like Bill Clinton he is.

/—-/ No you toad, you know exactly what we mean by your selective outrage
The list is growing by the day but let's start with your local drywaller that use to make $19 an hour before all the wetbacks rolled in and whored the wage out for $10. Donny is making him great again by flushing the wetbacks back home...is he not?

Of course the real problem is the "wetbacks" rather than those who are eager to employ them.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:

IF the government had enforced the democratically enacted laws of the land, the contractors would have been forced to hire the Americans at 19$ an hour.

Do you think it is better for the American to be out of work, while the illegal does the job for half the wage and the employer pockets the difference?

Because your side of the debate is fighting to keep that status quo, while I want to empower the American worker.

There is no debate. Undocumented workers come here to work because they can. Period.

It's the employers that are bigger criminals than the undocumented.

Anyone who is for the eradication of illegals is also for aggressively hammering down on employers of illegals. Cracking down on employers may remove the incentive for Carlos to go to work....BUT what about the illegals presenting employers with fraudulent documents to gain employment? What about the incentive for Guadalupe to drop her five anchors here and collect welfare, EBT, housing assistance, health care, schooling etc etc? Will Carlos simply stay at home, not try to work...and leech on Guadalupe's taxpayer funded goodies?
In a feeble attempt to spin the issue and decriminalize illegals many have tried to sell that employers are the root cause....who's more the criminal the drug dealer or the drug manufacture? It's a retarded argument as both sides are pieces of shits. The bottom line is illegals still have plenty of motivation to come here and steal from American's even if employers aren't hiring.
The problem has to be dealt with at its source and point of origin....the border and Mexico...TA-DA!
With that said....Where do you go with your spin from here?
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
All you deplorables heard the dog whistle. You know it means,” Make America WHITE again.”
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
All you deplorables heard the dog whistle. You know it means,” Make America WHITE again.”

Nothing set them off as much as a negro in the Whitehouse

Their immediate response was Obama was not a true President

Then the rallying cry was that America could not be great if Obama was President
Of course the real problem is the "wetbacks" rather than those who are eager to employ them.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:

IF the government had enforced the democratically enacted laws of the land, the contractors would have been forced to hire the Americans at 19$ an hour.

Do you think it is better for the American to be out of work, while the illegal does the job for half the wage and the employer pockets the difference?

Because your side of the debate is fighting to keep that status quo, while I want to empower the American worker.

There is no debate. Undocumented workers come here to work because they can. Period.

It's the employers that are bigger criminals than the undocumented.

An uninteresting debate. I'm for fixing the problem, and getting the wages of Americans back up.

Do you support that or not? THis is now the THIRD time I've asked a very simple yes/no question that you are afraid to answer.

Both are the problem.

Do you want that drywaller to make 19$ an hour or would you prefer be out of work while illegals do it for half?

The wage woes for drywallers are purely a result of the hiring of undocumented laborers. It's by the industry's own design. No one forced contractors to hire them. Maybe they used ancient Mayan magic to fool the white devils in to hiring them. :laugh:

IF the government had enforced the democratically enacted laws of the land, the contractors would have been forced to hire the Americans at 19$ an hour.

Do you think it is better for the American to be out of work, while the illegal does the job for half the wage and the employer pockets the difference?

Because your side of the debate is fighting to keep that status quo, while I want to empower the American worker.

There is no debate. Undocumented workers come here to work because they can. Period.

It's the employers that are bigger criminals than the undocumented.

An uninteresting debate. I'm for fixing the problem, and getting the wages of Americans back up.

Do you support that or not? THis is now the THIRD time I've asked a very simple yes/no question that you are afraid to answer.

I'm for that as well. Just not for vilifying good people who just want to work.

For Regressives and Liberals American greatness has nothing to do with American's, economics or prosperity.
It's all about socialism on some level for them.
"Accept me for wanting to put my penis in anything that moves"
"Disregard biology and allow me to choose what I am"
"Allow 6'5" DaShawn and his 9" penis to disrobe next to your 13 year old daughter...as long as he's wearing a dress of course"
"Pretend I'm awesome because I breathe oxygen and have a heartbeat...ignore that I'm a total drag on society"
"Allow me to do all the drugs I want...LEGALLY...it's not hurting you"
"Allow ALL illegals here...they just want to work"
"Share your wealth with me...keep me from becoming ambitious"

Fulfill the aforementioned desires for LefTards and they're happier than a pig in shit...notice none of their desires are advantageous for good quality, hard working, positive contributing, NORMAL American's...Weird huh?
In reality, it was Obama who failed to do what his voters wanted - make the race issue disappear.

Obama was the bigot. Obama's DOJ deliberately screwed over whites. Obama's IRS deliberately went after those not in favor of RACIAL PREFERENCES.

Obama is Exhibit A of why Affirmative Action needs to go.

1. Obama didn't deserve and preferences, since neither he nor his ancestors ever were subjected to discrimination. For his entire life, Obama got nothing but preferential treatment, and hollered RACISM at anyone who noticed
2. OBAMA said he was from KENYA in LAW SCHOOL. OBAMA said that in the YEARBOOK.
3. Critics of Affirmative Action state that it devalues TRUTH and MERIT. Obama, Holder, and Lynch validated that
4. Obama race baited his "Obama Youth" until they were out there shooting cops in the back

The DEMOCRAT PARTY's lifelong obsession with fascist, state sponsored DNA discrimination needs to go. Slavery, Segregation, and Affirmative Action were all DEMOCRAT policies.
I can think of two things that would help make America great again.
1. Outlaw political parties! They are a major part of the problem with our elections.
2. Mandatory competency tests for all voters. You can only vote on the issues you are current on.

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