"Make America Great Again"...what do you think it means?

MAGA can only refer to coming days when American voters smarten up, rip trump's head off and shove it up his own stinking ass. That will happen only in the voting booth, of course.

I've read every post in this thread and found it hilarious. It's funny to see how incredibly racist and bigoted trump supporter are. Read their language, the way they refer to 'others', and anyone they disagree with. Funniest of all, they actually think other people agree with them and will go along with their racist agenda. But then, they are fools. They have proved that over and over by their unthinking support of the Posse Grabber In Chief — the stinking liar who now, unfortunately, infests our White House.

Thanks for all the laughs. We know you far better now, trust you less, and like you even less than before. Enjoy the smoke trump blows up your collective ass.
making America great within my mind is first world infrastructure, top 5 educational system, clean air, water and food. Tell me again how the republican party aims to do that?
With more tax cuts for the rich, of course.
Make America Great Again means a White man back in the oval office.....we accomplished that. The dark dreary days of Obama are over but the damage remains
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?

I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
It means America first in all aspects to me.

Great slogan
it was Reagan's slogan....
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?

the slogan was used previously, I agree!

but there is no doubt, Danny is not Clinton's kid.
To me it means being fiscally solid and respected around the world.

Not sure what it means to Trump, but I would guess the same....
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American.
The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type of citizens we were during those times.
Why does that notion suck again?
/----/ On a similar note to your most excellent question: CNBC reports The S&P closed at a record high every day last week, the first time that's happened in nearly 20 years.

Let me see
1. It means we're going back to limiting women from being able to work, get educated and throwing them back into the kitchen.
2. It means that human rights mean less and people are treated like shit as a pass time.
3. It means we have less freedom in our lives
4. most people were paid next to shit and were used as serfs to make the rich richer. This was before TR and FDR reformed things and added rights.
5. Disabled people were considered unable to work and thought of as a joke. Not something I want to see in my life time.

Lets just say that live was far harder and there was no mercy in the 19th century you want to take us back to. Is that really worth doing?
/----/ What's funny about your baseless rants is that you can not substantiate any of it. You're like a cornered rat lashing out.
1. So if we're limiting women the right to work, explain how the UE rate is the lowest since 1973. There aren't enough unemployed men to make that happen. Besides if your stupid point was true, women would be flocking to employment lawyers to file discrimination suits. In addition LIbtards claim women are paid less so evil greedy corporations would hire them first over men.
2. Nothing more than an empty talking point unless you mean DemocRATS are less tolerant of anyone who disagrees with them.
3. What freedoms have you lost?
4. I have no idea what that point means. It looks like you were creating a gripe out of thin air.
5. I don't know what century you dug that up from, but the disabled have always been able to find work. Henry Ford hired them by the droves after WWI to work in his factories.
I've noticed Liberals can become quite offended by the phrase and I can't for the life of me figure out why such a thing could be considered offensive to a real American. The meaning and implication to me is clear....there were times when this country was better than it is today...let's work toward becoming the type citizens we were during those times. Why does that notion suck again?
I'm offended by people who don't think America is great right now. If you don't think so, find someplace better to live.
/----/ To be fair (and Libs love fairness) you must be offended when Billy Boy Clintoon said the same thing in 1991 when he ran for president.
Liberals think America will be great when it's a third world country


and you think allowing corporations to pollute like they currently do in China won't do that under your policies?

And you think by mistreating disabled people, women and anyone that isn't rich is going to allow for upward mobility. Look at some history.

Allowing giant monopolies to control entire industries is somehow good?

Your policies are bad for America....
/----/ Again with the baseless rants you can't back up with facts. BTW your posted "and you think allowing corporations to pollute like they currently do in China won't do that under your policies?" Corporations in China are controlled 100% by the Communist regime. They have no authority to do anything with out the OK of the government. So if the pollution is rampant in China, and I know it is, it's the fault of the Commies running the country. And I think you already knew that but needed to post something to get attention.
America has always been on the road to greatness. Only trump supporters throw America into the trash, hallucinating of a past time of greatness that has been lost.

And, amazingly enough, wrap themselves in the Flag of the great nation they hate.

trump supporters claim America is not exceptional, is not great.

America is great, has always been great! Perfect? Absolutely not.

The greatness of America is that we have always corrected the errors.

We will correct the trump error also.

What criteria are you using to qualify our nation as currently great?

Same as always

Respected as a world leader, cares about the people, leads the world in science and education

Things that Trump destroyed from the moment he was elected
/----/ From your link: "His plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, for example, is opposed by a median of 76% across the 37 countries surveyed. Opposition is especially intense in Mexico, where more than nine-in-ten (94%) oppose the U.S. government erecting a wall." Now why would 37 countries care if we build a wall to protect our border? How many of those 37 have tough immigration policies in place for a century? And Mexico built a wall on their southern border to stop illegals moving up from South America. Any fake outrage over that?
America has always been on the road to greatness. Only trump supporters throw America into the trash, hallucinating of a past time of greatness that has been lost.

And, amazingly enough, wrap themselves in the Flag of the great nation they hate.

trump supporters claim America is not exceptional, is not great.

America is great, has always been great! Perfect? Absolutely not.

The greatness of America is that we have always corrected the errors.

We will correct the trump error also.

What criteria are you using to qualify our nation as currently great?

Same as always

Respected as a world leader, cares about the people, leads the world in science and education

Things that Trump destroyed from the moment he was elected
/----/ BTW I don't care if other countries looking for a handout from the US like us or not. I want them to fear us.

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