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Make no mistake, if the left is not stopped now civilization will collapse.

Why aren't you people at all concerned about the power that today's corporations have? They have infiltrated our govenment and corrupted it. Doesn't it bother you the corporate crime prosecution rate is so low? How about big money shaping our political system? Do you think ANY republicans will do anything about this?

As if democrooks don't get most of their money from the "1%".

Some do sure, but real patriots like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are fighting to end the corporate influence.
Left behind on the platform was a crying infant. As the child cried, one of the now 93-year-old Oskar Groening’s fellow SS officers approached it, grabbed it by the leg, dashed its head against a nearby truck, then tossed the lifeless body into the truck.

As horrific as that story is, what might have been more shocking was Groening’s next observation.

“I don’t know what else I could have expected the guard to do with the baby,” he mused. “I suppose he could have shot it, though.”

The casual acceptance of brutality that the former Waffen SS officer displayed even 70 years after the Third Reich was destroyed provided a rare insight into the twisted nature of the Nazi death camp mindset. Even from a man who admitted in court that he carried “moral guilt” if not legal guilt for the Holocaust, there was no notion that, perhaps, the baby did not need to have been killed.

He made the same point in his testimony Thursday. “I did not expect any Jews to survive Auschwitz,” he said.

Efraim Zuroff, director and head Nazi hunter for the Israeli office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said Groening’s testimony, even in its cool detachment, is unique and historically important.

“In my 35 years of trying to bring Nazis to justice, I've not met one Nazi who expressed any regret,” he said. “Even now, his words show how deeply the attitudes that made the Holocaust possible run.”

Read more here: BERLIN Auschwitz guard offers Germans something rare A Nazi who admits what he did Europe McClatchy DC

I say this with all confidence that the bed wetters who staunchly defend the criminally insane sociopaths who totally disregard the laws they write themselves, will have no moral objection to grabbing our own children by the legs and bashing their skulls in as we're herded into oblivion. They already consider the unborn to be "unviable tissue", so it's not a stretch to conclude they will have no moral objection to killing that same "unviable tissue" even if it happens to be 30 months old and is annoying them by crying for it's mother. They have no morals period, they're openly hostile to the entire concept of morality.

As the bed wetters have shown in this thread, they're completely willing to ignore, overlook and even defend Gestapo tactics. History has proven that leftist regimes create a reality more horrific than any movie can accurately detail. There is NO COMPROMISE with savages like these. They must be defeated at all cost. Do not doubt the intentions of the leftist elite, and don't think for one second that the idiots on this forum wouldn't gleefully dump Zyklon-B on all of us "tea baggers".

yours is the first post in the thread Pete, so obviously you're the bed-wetter.

Imagine that.
Just get your Gods to duke it out and leave the humans out of it for a change,,,

Well, that ain't happening, so it's up to world leaders. And so far, Obama and some others are dropping the ball big time.

There is no such thing as evil. There are only evil acts. What happens when people on the other side of the planet trade evil acts is not our business. I applaud Obama for not responding to or taking sides in such matters.

The more of these morons that kill each other thousands of miles from the USA the better.
So, I'm not going to comment on the incredible invocation of Godwin's law in the very first post.

I'm not going to discuss why it is generally offensive to compare one's political opponents to mass murderers.

As a general rule, I would agree...

Sadly, for your rapidly decaying construct, the Ideological Left, well short of a century ago, murdered 150 million innocent people, in the name of acquiring power.

Placing them; which is to say YOU... in the position of being the most lethal force on earth, short of disease itself.

Now, the only way that a 'people' come to such a loft perch, in terms of infamy, is that the reasoning they employ is a stark deviation from the viable version of reasoning, on which civilization itself, rests.

Anywhere else on earth, the Ideological left as it is presently constituted in the US would be set to remove all viable governance, and run roughshod over the people of the United States. The problem that they have is that in the US, there exist Americans.

Sadly, for the Left... we the Americans are heavily armed, self sufficient, don't give a flying FUCK about their power and we will go to work eviscerating the cult, the INSTANT they attempt to do so.

Thus... the consistent reticence they are experiencing to avoid doing so.

And ya can't blame them, given the unenviable fate that such would bring upon them.
Left behind on the platform was a crying infant. As the child cried, one of the now 93-year-old Oskar Groening’s fellow SS officers approached it, grabbed it by the leg, dashed its head against a nearby truck, then tossed the lifeless body into the truck.

As horrific as that story is, what might have been more shocking was Groening’s next observation.

“I don’t know what else I could have expected the guard to do with the baby,” he mused. “I suppose he could have shot it, though.”

The casual acceptance of brutality that the former Waffen SS officer displayed even 70 years after the Third Reich was destroyed provided a rare insight into the twisted nature of the Nazi death camp mindset. Even from a man who admitted in court that he carried “moral guilt” if not legal guilt for the Holocaust, there was no notion that, perhaps, the baby did not need to have been killed.

He made the same point in his testimony Thursday. “I did not expect any Jews to survive Auschwitz,” he said.

Efraim Zuroff, director and head Nazi hunter for the Israeli office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said Groening’s testimony, even in its cool detachment, is unique and historically important.

“In my 35 years of trying to bring Nazis to justice, I've not met one Nazi who expressed any regret,” he said. “Even now, his words show how deeply the attitudes that made the Holocaust possible run.”

Read more here: BERLIN Auschwitz guard offers Germans something rare A Nazi who admits what he did Europe McClatchy DC

I say this with all confidence that the bed wetters who staunchly defend the criminally insane sociopaths who totally disregard the laws they write themselves, will have no moral objection to grabbing our own children by the legs and bashing their skulls in as we're herded into oblivion. They already consider the unborn to be "unviable tissue", so it's not a stretch to conclude they will have no moral objection to killing that same "unviable tissue" even if it happens to be 30 months old and is annoying them by crying for it's mother. They have no morals period, they're openly hostile to the entire concept of morality.

As the bed wetters have shown in this thread, they're completely willing to ignore, overlook and even defend Gestapo tactics. History has proven that leftist regimes create a reality more horrific than any movie can accurately detail. There is NO COMPROMISE with savages like these. They must be defeated at all cost. Do not doubt the intentions of the leftist elite, and don't think for one second that the idiots on this forum wouldn't gleefully dump Zyklon-B on all of us "tea baggers".

As Bill Engvall would say,

Here's your sign...

"Godwin's Law" is usually invoked when a bed wetting liberal's dogma is correctly equated with the tenets of the national socialist workers party.

Do you see any circularity in this claim?

I don't give a rats hot fuck in a woolen sock who is offended. If they're offended their either stupid or guilty.

Let's say hypothetically that someone is a survivor of the Holocaust or a descendant of survivors. Do you see how they could be offended without being stupid or guilty?

I'm past trying to persuade bed wetting liberals to do what they've proven is impossible for them to do, which is think independently and critically analyse the consequences of collectivist politics.

So who are you interested in persuading? Do you possibly see that even if you want to persuade people who aren't "bed wetting liberals" that disagree with you (e.g. moderates and people who are right wing but don't think that the left winning is an immediate descent into Nazism) that being less strident might accomplish that goal

If you don't know what I mean, you're probably the victim of a public education, and you've already wasted my money so you don't deserve more of my time.

That's an interesting hypothesis. I went to a private elementary school, a private high school, a private college, and did my graduate work at a private university. Does this make you reevaluate anything? I'm curious. Suppose someone offered to make a bet with you, something like "Conditional on a Democrat winning the next Presidential election and the Democrats winning a majority in the US Senate, there will be no death camps in the US in the next decade" would you be willing to take that bet on the side of expecting death camps? If not, why should I or anyone else believe that you genuinely believe that the left is as bad as you say it is and not just conclude that this is hateful rhetoric that you deep inside know isn't accurate?[/QUOTE]
Does Pete have PTSD from WWII still?

I think maybe his mom was frightened by a hippie while Pete was in the womb.

This thread however is really just painfully typical of the New Right Hysteria.
It embarrasses me that at their age they are acting like 4 year olds...

The RWnuts around here think they've made this another rightwing forum, so they spend most of their time trying to say shit that will win them rightwing attaboys and pats on the bottom.
As a general rule, I would agree...

Sadly, for your rapidly decaying construct, the Ideological Left, well short of a century ago, murdered 150 million innocent people, in the name of acquiring power.

Placing them; which is to say YOU... in the position of being the most lethal force on earth, short of disease itself.

Now, the only way that a 'people' come to such a loft perch, in terms of infamy, is that the reasoning they employ is a stark deviation from the viable version of reasoning, on which civilization itself, rests.

Anywhere else on earth, the Ideological left as it is presently constituted in the US would be set to remove all viable governance, and run roughshod over the people of the United States. The problem that they have is that in the US, there exist Americans.

Sadly, for the Left... we the Americans are heavily armed, self sufficient, don't give a flying FUCK about their power and we will go to work eviscerating the cult, the INSTANT they attempt to do so.

Thus... the consistent reticence they are experiencing to avoid doing so.

And ya can't blame them, given the unenviable fate that such would bring upon them.

The funny thing is, several years ago verbally arguing a bed wetter into a corner would result in being called a nazi. The bed wetter then declared victory and ran away. When people started pointing out the folly of that specious barb because conservatives share nothing in common with the national socialist workers party aside from perhaps a sense of patriotism, and that moonbats themselves are pushing for many of the same policies that the nazi party enacted, they now invoke "godwin's law" declare victory and run away.

This pseudo intellectual bed wetter you're responding to at least didn't run away, but instead chooses to chastise me for hypothetically insulting holocaust survivors somehow. Totally ignoring the entire point of the thread, which is that the left's constant encroachment on the 2nd Amendment, the abuses of power with the IRS and recently the John Doe raids in WI, the total lack of accountability for the innumerable scandals committed by democrook political whores, the cult of personality surrounding the moonbat messiah, combine towards the same despotic end I referred to.

It's abundantly clear to me they're either too stupid too acknowledge it, or they're looking forward to liquidating people.
You are a sociopathic idiot.
I don't want you stopped though.
I prefer you out in the open.
Thank you for that.


I'm the "sociopathic idiot"

  1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
YOU and your ilk can ignore babies sucked out of the womb, but I'M THE SOCIOPATH.
I'll agree with that.

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