Make no mistake, Republicans raised the debt ceiling. Biden and Schumer are refusing to raise the debt ceiling.

well they’ve refused to negotiate…for months now…leading to this crisis.

Our system is based on compromise…that’s how a democratic republic works…the demafasict hate it, because they are tyrants

Thanks for admitting Republicans put the proverbial gun to Democrats' heads just to get them to compromise on other things besides the debt ceiling.

they did their job and passed a increase. The demafasict continue to hold a gun to the head of america but being unwilling to act

They passed it along with other things Democrats don't want. Again I ask, why should Democrats have to pass Republicans' policies? Let Republicans win a majority of the government to get that.
Thanks for admitting Republicans put the proverbial gun to Democrats' heads just to get them to compromise on other things besides the debt ceiling.

the bill is about the debt ceiling. if you mean they put the gun to their head by passing an increase…then yeah…they need to act now.
the bill is about the debt ceiling. if you mean they put the gun to their head by passing an increase…then yeah…they need to act now.

False. It SHOULD be about the debt ceiling but Republicans made it about more than that by stuffing other shit in it they know Democrats don't want. So it's either pass Republican policies or Republicans will let the country default.
They passed it along with other things Democrats don't want. Again I ask, why should Democrats have to pass Republicans' policies? Let Republicans win a majority of the government to get that.
they have a majority in the house. the people put them there. If the demafasict a want to ignore that, fine…if they refuse to even negotiate as they have thus far…that’s on them…an unprecedented act in our history but we haven’t had the tyrants in the demafasict fully in charge of rhe dem party before

Moving along from what, Dumbfuck? They didn't raise the debt ceiling as you moronically claimed. The debt ceiling hasn't changed. It's the sane as it was a month ago.

Ok, I’ve given you enough rope to hang yourself, now let me jerk it tight around your neck.

First, when starting a thread rules require a link to provide context and more information for posters to get more information to debate the topic of a thread.
I provided one that you are either too stupid to click on and read, or too stupid to comprehend.

Coin toss.

Here is the link I provided in my OP clearly laying out what the House did, what the Senate refuses to do, and what Veggie Joe said he would do if the bill made it to him.

But you are too fucking stupid To EVER attempt to discuss a topic. What you do is try to find some semantic bullshit you can latch into in an attempt to derail a thread by dragging the discussion down your usual rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery. You should have learned by know I’m way too smart to play your silly games, Simp.

So your MO has once again been exposed, as well as your complete lack of intellect and inability to discuss a topic on a level remotely close to adult.

One other thing I have established here is that you are too fucking stupid to answer Simple yes or no questions.

Now, feel free to fuck the fuck off, you raving Dumbass.

I won’t play your stupid games.
False. It SHOULD be about the debt ceiling but Republicans made it about more than that by stuffing other shit in it they know Democrats don't want. So it's either pass Republican policies or Republicans will let the country default.
it is about the debt ceiling. No different then ones before it .
Democrats always want to spend more by screwing the American worker, while subsidizing those who won't work greatest screw job in History, meanwhile they are worthless, and do anything to get reelected, because they love that gravy train. kiss my arse
Selling a line of BS there...
A vast majority for the people that recieve aid also work.

Nope, you have that backwards. It's Republicans holding the country hostage by not passing a clean debt ceiling increase bill.
Republicans aren’t holding up raising the debt ceiling, Simp.
they have a majority in the house. the people put them there. If the demafasict a want to ignore that, fine…if they refuse to even negotiate as they have thus far…that’s on them…an unprecedented act in our history but we haven’t had the tyrants in the demafasict fully in charge of rhe dem party before

Which is a minority in our government where Democrats control the Senate and Executive branch. Republicans are using the debt ceiling as a tool to get their policies passed even though they're a minority in our government.

Good luck to them. They'll get skewered if the country defaults because they're refusing to pass a clean debt ceiling increase bill.
Republicans aren’t holding up raising the debt ceiling, Simp.

Of course they are. You'd know that if you weren't so retarded. In reality, they passed a bill full of Republican policies along with raising the debt ceiling. So either Democrats pass Republicans' policies or the country defaults. That's the gun they're holding to Democrats' heads.
Of course they are. You'd know that if you weren't so retarded. In reality, they passed a bill full of Republican policies along with raising the debt ceiling. So either Democrats pass Republicans' policies or the country defaults. That's the gun they're holding to Democrats' heads.

Republicans did their part to save the country from default and economic collapse, Simp.
Which is a minority in our government where Democrats control the Senate and Executive branch. Republicans are using the debt ceiling as a tool to get their policies passed even though they're a minority in our government.

Good luck to them. They'll get skewered if the country defaults because they're refusing to pass a clean debt ceiling increase bill.
haha maybe take a civics class. For anything to become law it takes two chambers of congress. The people spoke and put the gop in charge of the Hoise as a direct rebuke of 2 years of demafasict rule.

Our founders designed our govt in a way to force compromise. This was designed to be a check on tyrannical rule. The demafasict obviously hate that and are holding the american people hostage with the debt ceiling refusing to act. The GOP House has done its job. The demafasict won’t put the bill even up for a vote
haha maybe take a civics class. For anything to become law it takes two chambers of congress. The people spoke and put the gop in charge of the Hoise as a direct rebuke of 2 years of demafasict rule.

Our founders designed our govt in a way to force compromise. This was designed to be a check on tyrannical rule. The demafasict obviously hate that and are holding the american people hostage with the debt ceiling refusing to act. The GOP House has done its job. The demafasict won’t put the bill even up for a vote
make no mistake we have to do something to pay for the millions of bidens illegals needing food shelter and a car to get to the polls and vote for poor old Joe
haha maybe take a civics class. For anything to become law it takes two chambers of congress. The people spoke and put the gop in charge of the Hoise as a direct rebuke of 2 years of demafasict rule.

Our founders designed our govt in a way to force compromise. This was designed to be a check on tyrannical rule. The demafasict obviously hate that and are holding the american people hostage with the debt ceiling refusing to act. The GOP House has done its job. The demafasict won’t put the bill even up for a vote


Now even you are calling the OP a liar as he claimed Republicans already raised the debt limit.

Now even you are calling the OP a liar as he claimed Republicans already raised the debt limit.
Your semantic dumbassery isn’t working, Simp.

Ok, I’ve given you enough rope to hang yourself, now let me jerk it tight around your neck.

First, when starting a thread rules require a link to provide context and more information for posters to get more information to debate the topic of a thread.
I provided one that you are either too stupid to click on and read, or too stupid to comprehend.

Coin toss.

Here is the link I provided in my OP clearly laying out what the House did, what the Senate refuses to do, and what Veggie Joe said he would do if the bill made it to him.

But you are too fucking stupid To EVER attempt to discuss a topic. What you do is try to find some semantic bullshit you can latch into in an attempt to derail a thread by dragging the discussion down your usual rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery. You should have learned by know I’m way too smart to play your silly games, Simp.

So your MO has once again been exposed, as well as your complete lack of intellect and inability to discuss a topic on a level remotely close to adult.

One other thing I have established here is that you are too fucking stupid to answer Simple yes or no questions.

Now, feel free to fuck the fuck off, you raving Dumbass.

I won’t play your stupid games.

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