Make out sessions with NK good. Dealing wh Iran, bad ?

I like how Trump reaches out to NK. I do wish he’d get somthing back . The question is why the 180 when it comes to Iran ?

because we have allies in the area who see the deal as dangerous to them and would certainly tip the balance of power in Irans favor [and they feel like we turned our backs on them with this deal] in fact they were probably insisting behind closed doors that we need to get hot on this, where as in NK we have allies and trading partners in the area who want a toned down [and if possible nuke free NK] NK-U.S. relationship because NK can reach them militarily, plus china will be more willing to play ball if NK is invited into the for me...meh

Could you imagine Trump shaking hands with the ayatollah ?
I can't imagine anyone short of a liberal doing that but I won't go so far as to say he will never do that since I haven't seen evidence of anything he will not do.
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I think Trump is trying to build a relationship with Jung-un with the hope that, eventually, he'll be willing to give up his nukes in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees. It may never happen but it's worth the try.

In 2008 Obama said he was willing to meet with North Korean leadership without any ''preconditions'' to such a meeting. Nobody on the left, particularly not you, complained.

I've always been pretty critical of Trump. I think the man is a horse's ass. That said, I agree completely. Un probably is playing him. Nothing positive will probably come of this, but it's worth a shot, and I'll actually praise Trump for the effort. Un knows he will be Supreme Leader for life, whereas Trump has 2-6 more years left. All he has to do is stall negotiations until Trump is out of office.
Trump totally ruins a 6 nation deal wh Iran thy stopped their nuke plan. That’s ok with conservatives.

Then how can you be so happy about Trumps constant ass kissing with Kim Jun?

The Iran ''deal'' was a bad deal, that's why Obama didn't ask Congress to ratify it.

Donnie Dealmaker said he would negotiate a better deal

All he did was provide a chance for Iran to restart their nuclear program. They are now busily enriching uranium again
Trump totally ruins a 6 nation deal wh Iran thy stopped their nuke plan. That’s ok with conservatives.

Then how can you be so happy about Trumps constant ass kissing with Kim Jun?

The Iran ''deal'' was a bad deal, that's why Obama didn't ask Congress to ratify it.

Donnie Dealmaker said he would negotiate a better deal

All he did was provide a chance for Iran to restart their nuclear program. They are now busily enriching uranium again

There was very little oversight with the deal, so they could have been enriching it all along.
I think Trump is trying to build a relationship with Jung-un with the hope that, eventually, he'll be willing to give up his nukes in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees. It may never happen but it's worth the try.

In 2008 Obama said he was willing to meet with North Korean leadership without any ''preconditions'' to such a meeting. Nobody on the left, particularly not you, complained.

I've always been pretty critical of Trump. I think the man is a horse's ass. That said, I agree completely. Un probably is playing him. Nothing positive will probably come of this, but it's worth a shot, and I'll actually praise Trump for the effort. Un knows he will be Supreme Leader for life, whereas Trump has 2-6 more years left. All he has to do is stall negotiations until Trump is out of office.

This is true, but unless Trump sees verifiable improvement, then the sanctions stay in place.
Trump totally ruins a 6 nation deal wh Iran thy stopped their nuke plan. That’s ok with conservatives.

Then how can you be so happy about Trumps constant ass kissing with Kim Jun?

Nothing was ruined you dunce they would of made them anyways.

Trump totally ruins a 6 nation deal wh Iran thy stopped their nuke plan. That’s ok with conservatives.

Then how can you be so happy about Trumps constant ass kissing with Kim Jun?

The Iran ''deal'' was a bad deal, that's why Obama didn't ask Congress to ratify it.

Vs the deal wh have with NK? Like NK is so much better behaved than Iran?

What ''deal'' do we have with NK?

He must mean the typical "liberal deal"....send money and they behave.
I've always been pretty critical of Trump. I think the man is a horse's ass. That said, I agree completely. Un probably is playing him. Nothing positive will probably come of this, but it's worth a shot, and I'll actually praise Trump for the effort. Un knows he will be Supreme Leader for life, whereas Trump has 2-6 more years left. All he has to do is stall negotiations until Trump is out of office.

I voted for Trump and I agree with many, but not all, of his policies. Trump also says and tweets a LOT of dumb things and I wish he'd at least hire a proofreader before he hits the ''send'' button.

Anyway, I don't see a downside to Trump talking to Jung-un as the payoff, if successful, would be tremendous.
Donnie Dealmaker said he would negotiate a better deal

All he did was provide a chance for Iran to restart their nuclear program. They are now busily enriching uranium again

Obama's deal enriched the Iranian regime and simply kicked the can down the road a few years wherein they would be free to enrich as much uranium as they like. Effectively, Obama bribed Iran to simply postpone their nuclear ambitions.
I've always been pretty critical of Trump. I think the man is a horse's ass. That said, I agree completely. Un probably is playing him. Nothing positive will probably come of this, but it's worth a shot, and I'll actually praise Trump for the effort. Un knows he will be Supreme Leader for life, whereas Trump has 2-6 more years left. All he has to do is stall negotiations until Trump is out of office.

I voted for Trump and I agree with many, but not all, of his policies. Trump also says and tweets a LOT of dumb things and I wish he'd at least hire a proofreader before he hits the ''send'' button.

Anyway, I don't see a downside to Trump talking to Jung-un as the payoff, if successful, would be tremendous.

And if not, nothing gained and nothing lost. At least it didn't cost us a couple pallets of money that they can use against us.
I've never even cared about their nuclear weapons. They're never going to actually use them. Instead petition them to open their country up to the outside world. Petition them to feed their people. Petition them to act like an actual fucking country. If they got rid of all of their nukes tomorrow they would still be a terrible regime. I think our leaders are aiming for the wrong objective. People are dying everyday in North Korea, and it has nothing to do with nukes.
I've never even cared about their nuclear weapons. They're never going to actually use them. Instead petition them to open their country up to the outside world. Petition them to feed their people. Petition them to act like an actual fucking country. If they got rid of all of their nukes tomorrow they would still be a terrible regime. I think our leaders are aiming for the wrong objective. People are dying everyday in North Korea, and it has nothing to do with nukes.

With nukes, it's almost impossible for them to ever become one Korea. If they did, I think it would help eliminate all those problems you listed, and it would lift sanctions which would also help in that endeavor.

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