Make the Gun Companies Pay Blood Money

I have an idea.
If a gun is used to injure or kill someone; the manufacturer of that specific gun should have to pay compensation to the tune of all costs incurred from the shooting and likely salary for life to the victim's family.
That seems fair.

No, actually, it's incredibly stupid.
Well.. I guess we did not have suicides for CENTURIES :rolleyes:

You sell people way too short... you and your liberal brethren think you are the only ones who can handle something mentally and everyone else is helpless...

And no.. the intruder is not always initiating the action.. many MANY times the intruder is caught off guard and unaware as well

Sorry Charlie, you are still an idiot totalitarian

Yes, we did have them for centuries.

Back in the days when ovens were still fired by coal gas, it was a common method to kill yourself to turn on the gas and stick your head in the oven.

Then ovens were redesigned to burn natural (petroleum) gas instead, and guess what, not only did that method of suicide vanish, but overall, suicides declined by 33%.

No, actually, it STILL happens.

I don't sell people short, I look at the actual numbers.

No, you LIE about actual numbers.

According to the FBI, there were only 200 cases where a firearm was used by a civilian to kill a criminal in self-defense.

And hundreds of thousands where a firearm was used in self-defense WITHOUT killing anyone.

According to the FBI, there were only 200 cases where a firearm was used by a civilian to kill a criminal in self-defense.

And hundreds of thousands where a firearm was used in self-defense WITHOUT killing anyone.

Only if you want to count all the times a domestic abuser threatened his family with a gun or threatened to kill them without actually doing it.

If you want to count non-events.
Just remember that JoeB131 agrees with the article that Hitler was pro-gun an endorsed the Nazi gun control measures against Jews.

The Nazis did make guns more easily available to average Germans. Sorry.

the notion that the people would "rise up" against a dictatorship was a fallacy. The dictator made guns more available, and Germans pretty much fought to the last man for him.

Even after Hitler was dead, Germany had surrendered, you had about a year of Germans continuing the fight, until Ike confiscated all the guns.

Today, Germany has little private gun ownership, little crime, little murder, and only has to lock up 78,000 people compared to our 2 million.

there is an estimated 25 million guns owned by the German populace......
In a comparison of the number of privately owned guns in 178 countries, Germany ranked at No. 4........The rate of private gun ownership in Germany is 30.31 firearms per 100 people.......
Unlawfully held guns cannot be counted, but in Germany there are estimated to be 17,000,000.......Germany has 80 million people.......try again Joe......

What?? Joe, the habitually lying totalitarian, lied AGAIN?? Say it ain't SO!!! :rolleyes:

No one banned coal fired ovens, natural gas ones took over naturally. Also there is no consitutional right to a coal fired oven.

Keep trying, dime store hack.

No, they didn't ban them.

They stopped running coal gas through the pipes and ran natural gas instead. IN short, they weren't given a choice.

You can't get leaded gas either... yet you can buy lead additive...

You don't have a choice in Tesla's delivery method in electricity either... It don't make D illegal.. AC took over naturally and by choice..

According to the FBI, there were only 200 cases where a firearm was used by a civilian to kill a criminal in self-defense.

And hundreds of thousands where a firearm was used in self-defense WITHOUT killing anyone.

Only if you want to count all the times a domestic abuser threatened his family with a gun or threatened to kill them without actually doing it.

If you want to count non-events.

Except they are not non-events...

there is an estimated 25 million guns owned by the German populace......
In a comparison of the number of privately owned guns in 178 countries, Germany ranked at No. 4........The rate of private gun ownership in Germany is 30.31 firearms per 100 people.......
Unlawfully held guns cannot be counted, but in Germany there are estimated to be 17,000,000.......Germany has 80 million people.......try again Joe......

What?? Joe, the habitually lying totalitarian, lied AGAIN?? Say it ain't SO!!! :rolleyes:

Actually, I like Harry, and didn't want to get into a pissing contest with him, but his numbers were way off.

Information Graphic: Gun Ownership in Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Recently published statistics show that Germany is home to a total of 5.4 million legal weapons, the fourth highest per capita number of legal firearms in the world. The information comes from the country's new National Firearms Register, a political reaction to major shooting sprees in recent years.


Germany initiates gun registry, to barely a peep - Washington Post

“The German minister of interior promised to guarantee a very high level of security of the data, so for us it’s not a problem,” said Frank Goepper, the general manager of Forum Waffenrecht, one of Germany’s main gun rights groups.

“We are used to it,” Goepper said of German regulations, which are significantly stricter than in the United States. “We are able to go hunting with it. We are able to do our sports with it. So it works.”

Now, German law enforcement agencies know that there are 5.5 million legally registered guns in their country of 80 million people. Law enforcement officials say the gun database will help them quickly trace ownership if they find a legally registered gun connected to a crime. If they are preparing a raid on a house, they can scout the address in the database to be better prepared for what weapons might lie within. Before the database, they could only guess at overall numbers, and finding the weapons registered to a certain address had been laborious.
And hundreds of thousands where a firearm was used in self-defense WITHOUT killing anyone.

Only if you want to count all the times a domestic abuser threatened his family with a gun or threatened to kill them without actually doing it.

If you want to count non-events.

Except they are not non-events...


Except they aren't quantifiable... that's the problem.

It's why "DGU" range in estimates from 65,000 (Department of Justice) to 2 million (Kleck study) a year, depending on who is doing the measuring. That's a pretty wide gap that most statisticians would call worthless as a measure.

No one banned coal fired ovens, natural gas ones took over naturally. Also there is no consitutional right to a coal fired oven.

Keep trying, dime store hack.

No, they didn't ban them.

They stopped running coal gas through the pipes and ran natural gas instead. IN short, they weren't given a choice.

and it had nothing to do with the whole suicide thing, it had to do with economics because people stopped MAKING coal gas.

You really really are an idiot.

No one banned coal fired ovens, natural gas ones took over naturally. Also there is no consitutional right to a coal fired oven.

Keep trying, dime store hack.

No, they didn't ban them.

They stopped running coal gas through the pipes and ran natural gas instead. IN short, they weren't given a choice.

and it had nothing to do with the whole suicide thing, it had to do with economics because people stopped MAKING coal gas.

You really really are an idiot.

No, IF you make it harder for people to kill themselves.


Get rid of toxic coal gas, less people will kill themselves with it.

Take away the guns, less people will kill themselves.

It's really pretty fucking simple.
No, they didn't ban them.

They stopped running coal gas through the pipes and ran natural gas instead. IN short, they weren't given a choice.

and it had nothing to do with the whole suicide thing, it had to do with economics because people stopped MAKING coal gas.

You really really are an idiot.

No, IF you make it harder for people to kill themselves.


Get rid of toxic coal gas, less people will kill themselves with it.

Take away the guns, less people will kill themselves.

It's really pretty fucking simple.

Or they will just find another way to kill themselves.

personally I have no sympathy for those who take thier own lives. They can't hack it in the real world, fuck'em.

No reason to take away my right to bear arms.
personally I have no sympathy for those who take thier own lives. They can't hack it in the real world, fuck'em.

No reason to take away my right to bear arms.

Exactly why the conservative movement is dying.

The whole thing is an excuse for selfishness and heartlessness, and you wonder why people reject it.

"I don't care who gets needlessly hurt, so long as I get what I want."


Do you people hear yourselves sometimes?
personally I have no sympathy for those who take thier own lives. They can't hack it in the real world, fuck'em.

No reason to take away my right to bear arms.

Exactly why the conservative movement is dying.

The whole thing is an excuse for selfishness and heartlessness, and you wonder why people reject it.

"I don't care who gets needlessly hurt, so long as I get what I want."


Do you people hear yourselves sometimes?

Its not selfish, if anything the person committing suicide is the most selfish person of all, because of how they fuck over thier loved ones.

They are thier own person. Why does thier misery require me to go unarmed?

As opposed to the progressive selfishness as well, where you think your fucking way of doing things is the only way, and try to impose it on others.

Again, you are a fucking fascist.

But there is a simple and direct way to make them accountable for the harm their products cause. For every gun sold, those who manufacture or import it should pay a tax. The money should then be used to create a compensation fund for innocent victims of gun violence.

This proposal is based on a fundamentally conservative principle — that those who cause injury should be made to “internalize” the cost of their activity by paying for it. Now, gun manufacturers and sellers are mostly protected from lawsuits by federal law.

As it happens, a model for this approach already exists. Under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, those injured by vaccines are eligible for compensation from a fund financed by an excise tax on the sale of every dose of vaccine. In creating this no-fault system in the 1980s, Congress sought to provide care for those injured by vaccines while protecting manufacturers from undue litigation.


I am surprised that this hasn't already been done.


You could force the gun owners to insure themselves and their guns.

That will be, I suspect, the way it's done.
Only if you want to count all the times a domestic abuser threatened his family with a gun or threatened to kill them without actually doing it.

If you want to count non-events.

Except they are not non-events...


Except they aren't quantifiable... that's the problem.

It's why "DGU" range in estimates from 65,000 (Department of Justice) to 2 million (Kleck study) a year, depending on who is doing the measuring. That's a pretty wide gap that most statisticians would call worthless as a measure.

I can't quantify the lack of synapses firing in your defective brain.. but it does not take away from the fact that you lie, selectively choose numbers, and preach totalitarian policy

The fact is that crimes are thwarted on a regular basis by legally owned firearms


And lest we forget that there are contradictory numbers to YOUR claim of privately owned firearms in Germany.. so I guess your claim is unquantifiable
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and it had nothing to do with the whole suicide thing, it had to do with economics because people stopped MAKING coal gas.

You really really are an idiot.

No, IF you make it harder for people to kill themselves.


Get rid of toxic coal gas, less people will kill themselves with it.

Take away the guns, less people will kill themselves.

It's really pretty fucking simple.

Or they will just find another way to kill themselves.

personally I have no sympathy for those who take thier own lives. They can't hack it in the real world, fuck'em.

No reason to take away my right to bear arms.

This is exactly it.. when someone wants to take their own life, or even the life of another, they will find a way to try.. whether it be firearm, blade, poison, gravity, vehicle, or whatever

The reason for the vaccine fund is that no manufacturer was going to make vaccines anymore without some protection from lawsuits that were based on know adverse reactions caused by introducing live/attenuated/dead versions of pathonegenic materials.

If the vaccines were found to be made incorrectly, or the effect was from some manufacturing error, the fund doesnt cover that. The fund covers the vaccine working as intended, but because the state mandates vaccination via school requirements, it covers any losses.

The object of your proposal, is to again make guns too expensive for people to own. The purpose of the vaccine fund was never to end vaccines, but to keep them under manufacture.

Well it isn't my proposal. I wouldn't be that generous.

I would outright ban firearms, and only allow NON-Lethal weapons for home protection, which will get the job done and not kill household members.

But the problem with the gun manufacturers is that they are reckless in their marketting.

Most of us would say Nancy Lanza buying 12 guns because she expects the collapse of civilziation to be nuts.

The gun manufacturers see her as a prime market, and that's the problem.
This post says it all about left wing whack jobs. This twit doesn't like guns, so he wants to take them away from everyone.
I don't like cigarettes, but I sure don't want them to be illegal.

The contrast between the two of us is evident and very telling on who likes a big government and who doesn't
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there is an estimated 25 million guns owned by the German populace......
In a comparison of the number of privately owned guns in 178 countries, Germany ranked at No. 4........The rate of private gun ownership in Germany is 30.31 firearms per 100 people.......
Unlawfully held guns cannot be counted, but in Germany there are estimated to be 17,000,000.......Germany has 80 million people.......try again Joe......

What?? Joe, the habitually lying totalitarian, lied AGAIN?? Say it ain't SO!!! :rolleyes:

Actually, I like Harry, and didn't want to get into a pissing contest with him, but his numbers were way off.

Information Graphic: Gun Ownership in Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Recently published statistics show that Germany is home to a total of 5.4 million legal weapons, the fourth highest per capita number of legal firearms in the world. The information comes from the country's new National Firearms Register, a political reaction to major shooting sprees in recent years.


Germany initiates gun registry, to barely a peep - Washington Post

“The German minister of interior promised to guarantee a very high level of security of the data, so for us it’s not a problem,” said Frank Goepper, the general manager of Forum Waffenrecht, one of Germany’s main gun rights groups.

“We are used to it,” Goepper said of German regulations, which are significantly stricter than in the United States. “We are able to go hunting with it. We are able to do our sports with it. So it works.”

Now, German law enforcement agencies know that there are 5.5 million legally registered guns in their country of 80 million people. Law enforcement officials say the gun database will help them quickly trace ownership if they find a legally registered gun connected to a crime. If they are preparing a raid on a house, they can scout the address in the database to be better prepared for what weapons might lie within. Before the database, they could only guess at overall numbers, and finding the weapons registered to a certain address had been laborious.
here is my source Joe.....i guess it depends on who you want to believe.....

Guns in Germany: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

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