Making America Great Again: New $20 Harriet Tubman Bill Could Be Cancelled By Trump

I hope this I true....that picture of Tubman is butt ass ugly. Why not change it from Andrew Jackson to Michael Jackson? We can have several bills with different pictures from his career! The Thriller era, bad era, dangerous, etc? :afro:
I certainly hope it does. There are far more deserving candidates than both Jackson and Tubman. Take Douglass, for instance. He actually, ya know, mattered. Tubman only got it because of the magic words "black woman".

Edit: Just thought of another! If they wanted a woman so badly, Stanton would be perfectly viable.
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Maybe we could put a different picture on it every year until we cover all the suppressed minorities throughout time. All those victims of the evil white men since the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock. Would that make you libs happy?
Andrew Jackson is one of the greatest US presidents. He got us whites a lot of Indian land. He killed the jew bank. He killed a lot of guys in duels. He survived an attempted assassination by a Rothschild agent and beat him up.

Tubman looks like a retarded homeless bum. I don't want a bummish negro woman on our money. That would make it look like the US is a 3rd world country.
We don't have the money to be wasting on stupid crap like this, HELLO we re $20 trillion dollars in debt for fucks sake and this stupid shit is how we got there.
The key word in the title is "Could". Well, Trump "could" do lots of things, but don't you think the word should come from the Trump administration before people squeal about it.

In the article, Trump suggested that Tubman should be put on the 2 dollar bill. Does it really matter if it's the 2 or the 20 if the lady is stilled honored on currency?

Trump wants to increase the percentage of black vote for republicans. He isn't going to nix Tubman altogether from being on some denomination of currency.
I don't think we should change it. If we've got to have money with a black dude on it, we should actually choose one with historical significance. Like, i don't know, Martin Luther King, Jr.

What was Tubman famous for? something about a railroad?

I'd rather have Aunt Jemima on a 20 dollar bill.

I feel kinda sour about taking off Jackson and replacing him. At least he was a President.

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