Making America Great Again: New $20 Harriet Tubman Bill Could Be Cancelled By Trump

Jackson owned hundreds of slaves and began the process of democratizing our republic. He was loathsome, a liberal's wet dream.

Tubman was noble in her own right, I suppose, smuggling slaves to freedom, but other ordinary Americans have done so much more.
Jackson owned hundreds of slaves and began the process of democratizing our republic. He was loathsome, a liberal's wet dream.

Tubman was noble in her own right, I suppose, smuggling slaves to freedom, but other ordinary Americans have done so much more.

George Washington owned hundreds of slaves, too. I mean fuck, if we took everyone off our money who ever did something morally fucked up we might as well just not have their face on our money at all.
I don't think we should change it. If we've got to have money with a black dude on it, we should actually choose one with historical significance. Like, i don't know, Martin Luther King, Jr.

What was Tubman famous for? something about a railroad?

I'd rather have Aunt Jemima on a 20 dollar bill.

I feel kinda sour about taking off Jackson and replacing him. At least he was a President.

Because of course- we only put Presidents on bills........

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No, because he had actual significance. Enough to warrant being put on a bill.

Martin Luther King, Jr was far more influential than Harriet Tubman.

And that being of course entirely subjective.

If only this was an issue that had been discussed for years before adoption.....oh wait it was.....
Deplorables everywhere. Further proof racism is alive and well .
Libs/Progressives see racism in everyone else, yet they don't see how their policies often perpetuate racism. ironic in a thread started by USMB's proudest anti-black, anti-jew, anti-gay bigot- where he is upset because a black person will be on a bill.
Deplorables everywhere. Further proof racism is alive and well .
Libs/Progressives see racism in everyone else, yet they don't see how their policies often perpetuate racism. ironic in a thread started by USMB's proudest anti-black, anti-jew, anti-gay bigot- where he is upset because a black person will be on a bill.
There are racists on both the right and the left. People on the left like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson do more to stir up racism than they do to come up with solutions. Well, they profit from racism, so what should we expect.
This is the best news since we nuked Japan or landed on the moon. The woman deserves no recognition of being placed on our currency already with an American hero/former president on it.

Trump presidency raises concerns about $20 bill | Fusion
The only thing I have against the new bills is that there s nothing wrong with the old ones, and it is a waste of money.

They have to redesign the bills now periodically anyway, so whatever it is, it isn't necessarily a waste of money.
This is the best news since we nuked Japan or landed on the moon. The woman deserves no recognition of being placed on our currency already with an American hero/former president on it.

Trump presidency raises concerns about $20 bill | Fusion
True. Trump will need to do things like this to maintain his white nationalist movement if he wants a chance in 2020.
i think even more democrats will vote for Trump in 2020.....
I don't think we should change it. If we've got to have money with a black dude on it, we should actually choose one with historical significance. Like, i don't know, Martin Luther King, Jr.

What was Tubman famous for? something about a railroad?

I'd rather have Aunt Jemima on a 20 dollar bill.

I feel kinda sour about taking off Jackson and replacing him. At least he was a President.
Jackson was a democrat....fuck him....Tubman was a republican....good deal to me...
Andrew Jackson is one of the greatest US presidents. He got us whites a lot of Indian land. He killed the jew bank. He killed a lot of guys in duels. He survived an attempted assassination by a Rothschild agent and beat him up.

Tubman looks like a retarded homeless bum. I don't want a bummish negro woman on our money. That would make it look like the US is a 3rd world country.

andrew jackson was a horrible president and a worse person

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