Making America Great Again: President Trump Seriously Looking At Ending Birthright Citizenship

Prove that Omar and Tlaib are anti semitic. And bring that argument of "the criticized poor israel"

Those two don't care about the United States. All they got into Congress for was the Benjamin's.
You got no proof I see.

You don't think the use of the word Benjamin's associated with the Jewish people is anti-semitic?
She meant money...and she was right, that's not anti semitic. Why would presidential hopefuls run to AIPAC for support to bank money from Zionist donors that their main goal is to back a foreign nation?

She used the term Benjamin and Israel to implicate Jewish people are out for the money; a stereotype of the Jewish community. If she said black people were out for the watermelons, would you consider that to be a racial comment?
She meant AIPAC and has to make a clear difference between criticizing lobbies that back Israel and anti semitism.
Example I dont like the regime in Saudi Arabia that doesnt make me islamophobe.
Trump brought foreign nationals to work at in his golf courses and real estate projects. Spin that one...GO.

So what? They were on work visas. Well, according to CNN which is a really sketchy news service in the first place.
It is documented CNN or FOX doesnt mattwe... and if trump is sooo much about Americans first, why was he bringing people feom overseas and not hiring Americans?

Because that's what his competitors did.

You can't compete against a business who has half the labor costs as yours because you hire Americans and they don't. Same thing with manufacturing. Trump's products are made in China because his competitors products are made in China. You can't compete against a company that has their products made in China while yours cost twice as much because you hired Americans.
So he talks the talks only? Hypocrite?
Trump brought foreign nationals to work at in his golf courses and real estate projects. Spin that one...GO.

So what? They were on work visas. Well, according to CNN which is a really sketchy news service in the first place.
It is documented CNN or FOX doesnt mattwe... and if trump is sooo much about Americans first, why was he bringing people feom overseas and not hiring Americans?

Because that's what his competitors did.

You can't compete against a business who has half the labor costs as yours because you hire Americans and they don't. Same thing with manufacturing. Trump's products are made in China because his competitors products are made in China. You can't compete against a company that has their products made in China while yours cost twice as much because you hired Americans.
So he talks the talks only? Hypocrite?

No, what he has said in the past is that all businesses should be held to the same set of rules. If that would happen, he'd be happy to hire Americans to do the jobs because his competitors would be doing the same.
Those two don't care about the United States. All they got into Congress for was the Benjamin's.
You got no proof I see.

You don't think the use of the word Benjamin's associated with the Jewish people is anti-semitic?
She meant money...and she was right, that's not anti semitic. Why would presidential hopefuls run to AIPAC for support to bank money from Zionist donors that their main goal is to back a foreign nation?

She used the term Benjamin and Israel to implicate Jewish people are out for the money; a stereotype of the Jewish community. If she said black people were out for the watermelons, would you consider that to be a racial comment?
She meant AIPAC and has to make a clear difference between criticizing lobbies that back Israel and anti semitism.
Example I dont like the regime in Saudi Arabia that doesnt make me islamophobe.

It doesn't matter what money she was referring to. The fact is that Jewish people have been stereotyped to be money grubbers. It would be no different than if Trump referred to her as a terrorist.
She meant AIPAC and has to make a clear difference between criticizing lobbies that back Israel and anti semitism.
Example I dont like the regime in Saudi Arabia that doesnt make me islamophobe.

Ilan Omar is a fucking Muslim who wears a hijab a symbol of Muslim oppression of females and theocratic rule which is directly opposed to our Constitution. She refuses to remove that rag. Her comrades are traitors and should be prosecuted as such along with her. You are out of your mind if you think for one minute any one of these cult-religion bitches care about America.
Iraq was a threat to the world's oil supply. Remember this?

Lol oh so it was not weapons of mass destruction ? And that was the first desert storm...the US went on later to occupy the oil rich country with false claims...even your master orange recognizes that.

You can shove your weird master shit back up your ass were you pulled it from.

My point stands. ONly a fucktard would deny that Iraq was a threat to the world's oil supply with a picture of the world's oil burning in front of him.
From an imperialistic way ? Of course....war Iraq invasion was an imperialistic unilateral move by the US....not even crazy little orange baby agreed with it although he flip flopped on that like always.

I posted photographic evidence to back up my claim, and all you did was restate your claim.

We explained to you that was during the Iraq invasion the international intervention was just...the American invasion of Iraq years later had no legitimacy. Capiche ?

What you did was post a bunch of shit, full more of partisan jabs and shit, than anything resembling a coherent point.

Are you incapable of doing more, or are you purposefully being a prick?
He was not blaming everything on communism. He was putting some of our actions in the context of the Cold War.

You seem to hate America. Are you a Marxist?
I hate the racist part of America and love most of america... sorry if you are not loved....change your actions.

That is a load of shit. It was not only part of America that fought the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and you slammed all of America for those actions.

The tyranny and the mass murder and genocide that took place in the soviet controlled portion of the world, shows that our fighting against them, was completely justified.

Only a blood thirsty monster could have supported the Soviet Bloc during the Cold War, especially now with hindsight.

For someone like that to pretend to give a fuck about "Racism" is an insult to the intelligence of everyone who reads this page.
Where you get your conclusions from?
I rooted for the US against the Soviet before I even lived in the US. ....

Because you slammed America for it's actions in the Cold War, without any context, nor hint of justification nor mitigation from that context.

The obvious conclusion is that you dont' consider the Cold War to BE justification or mitigation, and only a fucking Marxist or the worst sort of naive fool would think that way.

And you seem to be more of a fucking marxist.

But without the balls to admit it.
If I was a marxist I wouldnt root for the IS vs the Soviet union. But apparently you are just like trump, you lie the lie and beleive it.

Then explain your dishonest slamming of the United States for it's actions during the Cold War, you fucking leftard.

Cause you're looking and acting just like a fucking marxist.
I just posted a picture of them burning as much of the world's oil supply that they could, and you are denying they were a threat to the world's oil supply?


The pic is from Kuwait. That "war" which we still do not know the truth over was over with.

Are you saying the "war was over with" to imply that it was not the Iraqis that set the oil wells on fire?

I shouldn't have to teach history to you.

Your evasion is noted. If you had a real point, that you thought really refuted what I said, you would have said it.

Instead you play games.

Because your intent is to express disagreement, implying for those who are willing to believe you, that there is a reason to your disagreement,

without actually stating it, because you know the more we look at it, the weaker your shit is.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise, is either dishonest or a dupe.

They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?
Iraq was a threat to the world's oil supply. Remember this?

Lol oh so it was not weapons of mass destruction ? And that was the first desert storm...the US went on later to occupy the oil rich country with false claims...even your master orange recognizes that.

You can shove your weird master shit back up your ass were you pulled it from.

My point stands. ONly a fucktard would deny that Iraq was a threat to the world's oil supply with a picture of the world's oil burning in front of him.
From an imperialistic way ? Of course....war Iraq invasion was an imperialistic unilateral move by the US....not even crazy little orange baby agreed with it although he flip flopped on that like always.

I posted photographic evidence to back up my claim, and all you did was restate your claim.


Would pics of WWII prove Germany is a threat?

You are the one making vague claims without giving any markers as to what you are referring to, not me.

Using your simplistic rules, Germany, prior to WWII, was "not a threat" to the US, and thus we should have left them alone.

After all, invading Poland is not invading the US. Bombing London is not bombing US. ect.
Maybe you should study some American history. Birthright citizenship has been recognized for hundreds of years and by great men such as James Madison. We should discard it because white men are afraid of losing their political influence. If the Supreme Court turns this aside then no one including you is a American citizen.

Maybe you should study history because for the longest time, there was no such things as legal or illegal aliens. And if you studied history, you would realize that the amendment was not written so that anybody that could sneak into this country could have a child with a guaranteed citizenship.

The amendment was written for decedents of slaves, and that's all it was written for.

And yet when the Supreme Court last ruled on it, slaves had nothing to do with that ruling.

Which is why the amendment needs to be revisited again by the courts, and President Trump is seemingly going to push it to that point.

I hope he does because it would be an election booster.

While it's clear the media are no fans of ending birthright citizenship, as screeching headlines from leftist journalists suddenly taken with the Constitution suggest, how do the American people feel about it?

While recently polling on the issue is sparse, C-SPAN's Washington Journal, which is not exactly a right-wing outlet, put out a Twitter poll on Wednesday.

"Should U.S. End Birthright Citizenship?" asked the straightforward poll. Over 9,000 Twitter users responded.

The final results showed resounding agreement with the president that birthright citizenship should end. A total of 6,683 participants, or 72%, answered "yes"; and 2,6000 participants, or 28%, responded "no."

C-SPAN Poll: How Americans Feel About Birthright Citizenship Might Shock You

Bet he doesn't and I hope he does.

I hope he does as well. It's about time because it's been going on way to long, and hurting Americans in the process.

I've not been hurt.
American heritage? Is a blend of many cultures...unless if you talking about native American heritage.

Oh, the "We are a nation of immigrants" bullshit again.

No, we are a nation of Americans and nothing less. Just because democrats have succeeded in invading the country with 85 million immigrants and cultures from all over does not change that fact.

And no, you don't love that nation, but hate it. The fact that it's the opposite of socialist pisses you off the most.

Democrats didn't bring replacement workers in to replace American workers at Disney.

They didn't? To my knowledge, Disney is a pretty liberal company.

Disney is a publicly traded wall street firm.

So what does that have to do with the company being liberal?

Your deflecting.
The pic is from Kuwait. That "war" which we still do not know the truth over was over with.

Are you saying the "war was over with" to imply that it was not the Iraqis that set the oil wells on fire?

I shouldn't have to teach history to you.

Your evasion is noted. If you had a real point, that you thought really refuted what I said, you would have said it.

Instead you play games.

Because your intent is to express disagreement, implying for those who are willing to believe you, that there is a reason to your disagreement,

without actually stating it, because you know the more we look at it, the weaker your shit is.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise, is either dishonest or a dupe.

They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.
Are you saying the "war was over with" to imply that it was not the Iraqis that set the oil wells on fire?

I shouldn't have to teach history to you.

Your evasion is noted. If you had a real point, that you thought really refuted what I said, you would have said it.

Instead you play games.

Because your intent is to express disagreement, implying for those who are willing to believe you, that there is a reason to your disagreement,

without actually stating it, because you know the more we look at it, the weaker your shit is.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise, is either dishonest or a dupe.

They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Got it. You have shit, just like I said.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise is dishonest or a dupe.

Your using your anti-American spin of our foreign policy to excuse the actions of illegals has been shown to be bullshit.

Why do you always side with the anti-American side?
Are you saying the "war was over with" to imply that it was not the Iraqis that set the oil wells on fire?

I shouldn't have to teach history to you.

Your evasion is noted. If you had a real point, that you thought really refuted what I said, you would have said it.

Instead you play games.

Because your intent is to express disagreement, implying for those who are willing to believe you, that there is a reason to your disagreement,

without actually stating it, because you know the more we look at it, the weaker your shit is.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise, is either dishonest or a dupe.

They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Saddam violated the conditions he agreed to on several occasions. He was buying off members of the UN by giving them oil deals in his country. Even Clinton bombed Iraq because Saddam forbade UN inspectors from going into certain areas. HIs war planes went into restricted areas constantly.
Oh, the "We are a nation of immigrants" bullshit again.

No, we are a nation of Americans and nothing less. Just because democrats have succeeded in invading the country with 85 million immigrants and cultures from all over does not change that fact.

And no, you don't love that nation, but hate it. The fact that it's the opposite of socialist pisses you off the most.

Democrats didn't bring replacement workers in to replace American workers at Disney.

They didn't? To my knowledge, Disney is a pretty liberal company.

Disney is a publicly traded wall street firm.

So what does that have to do with the company being liberal?

Your deflecting.

Not deflecting anything. A liberal company hired foreign workers to replace their American workers. What's deflecting about that?
Maybe you should study history because for the longest time, there was no such things as legal or illegal aliens. And if you studied history, you would realize that the amendment was not written so that anybody that could sneak into this country could have a child with a guaranteed citizenship.

The amendment was written for decedents of slaves, and that's all it was written for.

And yet when the Supreme Court last ruled on it, slaves had nothing to do with that ruling.

Which is why the amendment needs to be revisited again by the courts, and President Trump is seemingly going to push it to that point.

I hope he does because it would be an election booster.

While it's clear the media are no fans of ending birthright citizenship, as screeching headlines from leftist journalists suddenly taken with the Constitution suggest, how do the American people feel about it?

While recently polling on the issue is sparse, C-SPAN's Washington Journal, which is not exactly a right-wing outlet, put out a Twitter poll on Wednesday.

"Should U.S. End Birthright Citizenship?" asked the straightforward poll. Over 9,000 Twitter users responded.

The final results showed resounding agreement with the president that birthright citizenship should end. A total of 6,683 participants, or 72%, answered "yes"; and 2,6000 participants, or 28%, responded "no."

C-SPAN Poll: How Americans Feel About Birthright Citizenship Might Shock You

Bet he doesn't and I hope he does.

I hope he does as well. It's about time because it's been going on way to long, and hurting Americans in the process.

I've not been hurt.

You don't pay taxes, that's why. If you did, you'd realize these people are costing us a hundred billion dollars a year to take care of them.
It's the next step in making America great again. Birthright Citizenship refers to Citizen parents, not Illegals. The 14th Amendment was only created for slaves after the civil war. It was not created for foreigners. Let's hear from the man who wrote the Citizenship clause himself, Senator John Jacob Howard:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:

"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete.

President Trump Says He Is Still "Looking Seriously" at Ending Birthright Citizenship
I can see granting US citizenship only to children who have one parent living here LEGALLY. That is easy enough to prove. However, using a term as fuzzy as "foreigners" is never going to cut it. By law, immigrants who WANT to become citizens must live in the US FIVE YEARS before applying for naturalization. They are foreigners who plan to become citizens and of course want their children to be, as well, since they will be raised here.

I agree that Chinese women who travel here on a tourist visa to have a baby and then fly back to China with a US citizen child is BULLSHIT. So is granting citizenship to the children of two illegals living in the US. The illegal shit has got to stop. I agree with that.

Trump has to be careful how that is done, though, in order to be fair. And I don't believe Trump can change that himself; it is written in law and needs to be changed by Congress, doesn't it?

The problem is less Congress than it was previous rulings on citizenship. That's what we need to do first; have it so the Supreme Court rules that anchor babies are not constitutionally protected.

Maybe you should study some American history. Birthright citizenship has been recognized for hundreds of years and by great men such as James Madison. We should discard it because white men are afraid of losing their political influence. If the Supreme Court turns this aside then no one including you is a American citizen.

Maybe you should study history because for the longest time, there was no such things as legal or illegal aliens. And if you studied history, you would realize that the amendment was not written so that anybody that could sneak into this country could have a child with a guaranteed citizenship.

The amendment was written for decedents of slaves, and that's all it was written for.

You are a typical Trump supporter. Stupid. Birthright citizenship has been a part of this country decades before the 14th Amendment.

"It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. Birth however derives its force sometimes from place and sometimes from parentage, but in general place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States; it will therefore be unnecessary to investigate any other."
- James Madison 1798
Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2: James Madison, House of Representatives

"The Constitution leaves no room for doubt upon this subject. The words ‘natural born citizen of the United states’ appear in it, and the other provision appears in it that, “Congress shall have power to pass a uniform system of naturalization.” To naturalize a person is to admit him to citizenship. Who are natural born citizens but those born within the Republic? Those born within the Republic, whether black or white, are citizens by birth–natural born citizens."
-John Bingham

This passage from the debate itself.
Mr. COWAN. I will ask whether it will not have the effect of naturalizing the children of Chinese and Gypsies born in this country?

Mr. TRUMBULL. Undoubetdly.


Mr. TRUMBULL. I should like to inquire of my friend from Pennsylvania, if the children of Chinese now born in this country are not citizens?

Mr. COWAN. I think not.

Mr. TRUMBULL. I understand that under the naturalization laws the children who are born here of parents who have not been naturalized are citizens. That is the law, as I understand it, at the present time. Is not the child born in this country of German parents a citizen? I am afraid we have got very few citizens in some of the counties of good old Pennsylvania if the children born of German parents are not citizens.

James Ho makes the obvious statement.

"I would submit that the plain meaning of “subject to jurisdiction” is rather straightforward. It simply means that one must have a duty to obey U.S. law. When a person is “subject to the jurisdiction” of a court of law, that person is required to obey the orders of that court. When a company is “subject to the jurisdiction” of a government agency, that company is required to obey the regulations promulgated by that agency. The meaning of the phrase is simple: One is “subject to the jurisdiction” of another whenever one is obliged to obey the laws of another. Simply put, the test is obedience, not allegiance.

It is also worth observing that, if the drafters had intended to require allegiance, rather than obedience, they could have said so. How easy it would have been for them to state explicitly that only children born to citizens are guaranteed birthright citizenship—with a simple proviso to address the descendants of slaves. But instead, they chose the language of jurisdiction, not citizenship. And that decision deserves respect.

Of course, the phrase “subject to jurisdiction” must mean something. Otherwise, it would serve no purpose. Under the interpretation I put forth, it does serve a purpose. The “jurisdiction” requirement excludes only those individuals who are not required to obey U.S. law. This concept—like much of early U.S. law—derives from English common law. Under the common law, neither foreign diplomats nor enemy soldiers are legally required to obey our law. They enjoy diplomatic immunity or combatant immunity from our laws. As a result, their U.S.-born offspring are not entitled to birthright citizenship.

This understanding is also confirmed by the congressional debates surrounding the Fourteenth Amendment. Members of the 39th Congress debated the wisdom of guaranteeing birthright citizenship—but no one disputed the amendment’s meaning. In fact, opponents of the amendment conceded—indeed, they warned—that the language of the Citizenship Clause would guarantee citizenship to the children of those who “owe [the United States] no allegiance.” And supporters of the amendment agreed that only members of Indian tribes, ambassadors, foreign ministers and others who are not “subject to [our laws]” would fall outside the guarantee of birthright citizenship."
I can see granting US citizenship only to children who have one parent living here LEGALLY. That is easy enough to prove. However, using a term as fuzzy as "foreigners" is never going to cut it. By law, immigrants who WANT to become citizens must live in the US FIVE YEARS before applying for naturalization. They are foreigners who plan to become citizens and of course want their children to be, as well, since they will be raised here.

I agree that Chinese women who travel here on a tourist visa to have a baby and then fly back to China with a US citizen child is BULLSHIT. So is granting citizenship to the children of two illegals living in the US. The illegal shit has got to stop. I agree with that.

Trump has to be careful how that is done, though, in order to be fair. And I don't believe Trump can change that himself; it is written in law and needs to be changed by Congress, doesn't it?

The problem is less Congress than it was previous rulings on citizenship. That's what we need to do first; have it so the Supreme Court rules that anchor babies are not constitutionally protected.

Maybe you should study some American history. Birthright citizenship has been recognized for hundreds of years and by great men such as James Madison. We should discard it because white men are afraid of losing their political influence. If the Supreme Court turns this aside then no one including you is a American citizen.

Maybe you should study history because for the longest time, there was no such things as legal or illegal aliens. And if you studied history, you would realize that the amendment was not written so that anybody that could sneak into this country could have a child with a guaranteed citizenship.

The amendment was written for decedents of slaves, and that's all it was written for.

And yet when the Supreme Court last ruled on it, slaves had nothing to do with that ruling.

Which is why the amendment needs to be revisited again by the courts, and President Trump is seemingly going to push it to that point.

I hope he does because it would be an election booster.

While it's clear the media are no fans of ending birthright citizenship, as screeching headlines from leftist journalists suddenly taken with the Constitution suggest, how do the American people feel about it?

While recently polling on the issue is sparse, C-SPAN's Washington Journal, which is not exactly a right-wing outlet, put out a Twitter poll on Wednesday.

"Should U.S. End Birthright Citizenship?" asked the straightforward poll. Over 9,000 Twitter users responded.

The final results showed resounding agreement with the president that birthright citizenship should end. A total of 6,683 participants, or 72%, answered "yes"; and 2,6000 participants, or 28%, responded "no."

C-SPAN Poll: How Americans Feel About Birthright Citizenship Might Shock You

There is nothing scientific about a twitter poll.
It's the next step in making America great again. Birthright Citizenship refers to Citizen parents, not Illegals. The 14th Amendment was only created for slaves after the civil war. It was not created for foreigners. Let's hear from the man who wrote the Citizenship clause himself, Senator John Jacob Howard:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:

"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete.

President Trump Says He Is Still "Looking Seriously" at Ending Birthright Citizenship
I can see granting US citizenship only to children who have one parent living here LEGALLY. That is easy enough to prove. However, using a term as fuzzy as "foreigners" is never going to cut it. By law, immigrants who WANT to become citizens must live in the US FIVE YEARS before applying for naturalization. They are foreigners who plan to become citizens and of course want their children to be, as well, since they will be raised here.

I agree that Chinese women who travel here on a tourist visa to have a baby and then fly back to China with a US citizen child is BULLSHIT. So is granting citizenship to the children of two illegals living in the US. The illegal shit has got to stop. I agree with that.

Trump has to be careful how that is done, though, in order to be fair. And I don't believe Trump can change that himself; it is written in law and needs to be changed by Congress, doesn't it?

The problem is less Congress than it was previous rulings on citizenship. That's what we need to do first; have it so the Supreme Court rules that anchor babies are not constitutionally protected.

Maybe you should study some American history. Birthright citizenship has been recognized for hundreds of years and by great men such as James Madison. We should discard it because white men are afraid of losing their political influence. If the Supreme Court turns this aside then no one including you is a American citizen.

Maybe you should study history because for the longest time, there was no such things as legal or illegal aliens. And if you studied history, you would realize that the amendment was not written so that anybody that could sneak into this country could have a child with a guaranteed citizenship.

The amendment was written for decedents of slaves, and that's all it was written for.

You are a typical Trump supporter. Stupid. ...."

You're stupid.
Real Americans aren't Nazis who shoot up synagogues.

Real Americans aren't commies who go to a baseball practice and try to kill all the Republican congress people either.
What is wrong with communism? America would be more educated, and civilized as a communist country. Communism helped turn Russia from a peasantry antisemite country of drunken illiterates into a superpower. America is filled with antisemitic Nazis. Russia doesn't kill Jews at their synagogues today, Nazi Americans still do.

Oh please. Your wonderful Democrat party harbors two of the most anti-semite congress women in congressional history. Worse than that, the rest of the party supports their anti-semite comments and even elevated these rookies to the top of their list. Even Israel says they want nothing to do with them.

If Communism is so great, why do they keep their people from leaving their countries? Better yet, if you are an American, why not move to one of those countries and try it out for a couple of years if you think it's so great?
Prove that Omar and Tlaib are anti semitic. And bring that argument of "the criticized poor israel"

Those two don't care about the United States. All they got into Congress for was the Benjamin's.

So you say. Did you use a Ouija board or can you read minds?

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