Making America Great Again: President Trump Seriously Looking At Ending Birthright Citizenship

Your evasion is noted. If you had a real point, that you thought really refuted what I said, you would have said it.

Instead you play games.

Because your intent is to express disagreement, implying for those who are willing to believe you, that there is a reason to your disagreement,

without actually stating it, because you know the more we look at it, the weaker your shit is.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise, is either dishonest or a dupe.

They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Saddam violated the conditions he agreed to on several occasions. He was buying off members of the UN by giving them oil deals in his country. Even Clinton bombed Iraq because Saddam forbade UN inspectors from going into certain areas. HIs war planes went into restricted areas constantly.

I always chuckle when those like yourself resort to using someone like Clinton to make your point.

I'm using Clinton to demonstrate that Saddam was not just a pain in the ass to GW. He's been a pain in the ass to other Presidents like GHW and Bill Clinton.
Disney is a publicly traded wall street firm.

So what does that have to do with the company being liberal?

Your deflecting.

Not deflecting anything. A liberal company hired foreign workers to replace their American workers. What's deflecting about that?

No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?
To prove that Disney is liberal all you have to do is look at the recent Star Wars movies since they took over the franchise.
It's the next step in making America great again. Birthright Citizenship refers to Citizen parents, not Illegals. The 14th Amendment was only created for slaves after the civil war. It was not created for foreigners. Let's hear from the man who wrote the Citizenship clause himself, Senator John Jacob Howard:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:

"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete.

President Trump Says He Is Still "Looking Seriously" at Ending Birthright Citizenship

I see many here claiming that the 14th amendment was a flawed or bad law. It was born in 1868 at a time when this fledgling country needed all the new citizens in could get and in that vein, did it's intended job.
We no long want or need the poor, criminal or uneducated as we have an over abundance of this type that is home grown. It is time to rewrite of repeal the 14th amendment. I hope that Trump is successful.

Back then hard labor was just about the only work around. Today automation and technology has replaced a lot of blue collar jobs, so those uneducated hard workers are no longer needed. The ones that are needed can apply for green cards if they like. But we don't need them coming here and dropping babies so they can be automatic Americans.
Is this magical thinking? when did this happen when did foreign people coming to live in America become less intelligent less hard working less honest? after your grand parents? great grand parents, great great grand parents came? Do we have people living in America or trying to come who have no commitment too the USA? yes of course we do. why don't we start there. why deport those who are easy to find because they have jobs, live in homes, the children go to school .Its a mess & we are making it worse.


We have two problems with immigration in this country: Illegal immigrants and legal immigrants. Over half of the legal immigrants are on the dole. That means they moved here, and now we are feeding them, providing shelter, and even medical care.

The illegals are coming here to have anchor babies, work under the table illegally, and benefit from the social services our government gives to their children. They come here with no money, no skills, and no desire to be Americans.

We need to close off the border period. Then we need to extract every illegal in the country and send them back to where they came. The border stays closed until every known illegal is out of the country.

How many people are on the dole in states like Arkansas and Alabama. A huge percentage of the white trash in these states, So let's get rid of them.

We do not need to close the border to please white supremacists like you. You try it and the Republican Party will be on the dust heap of history.

You don't throw Americans out of their own country. You throw invaders our of our country. How can anybody take you seriously when you equate Americans to illegals?

If we could throw out anybody, it should be liberals. What a great country this would be without them. If we could do that, my property value would triple overnight.

White supremacists have invaded our country and no one else. Now they have a sympathetic ear from Trump and other garbage like you. White supremacists like you need to be thrown out and the national IQ would double.
Interesting! Answer me this, little girl. Where are these supposed mythical White Supremacist invading America from?
Much like the almost three year Russian charade there are No Russians and No White Supremicists
in any formidable numbers. It’s a liberal boogeyman to point fingers at for their own failures in personal responsibility and conduct
It's the next step in making America great again. Birthright Citizenship refers to Citizen parents, not Illegals. The 14th Amendment was only created for slaves after the civil war. It was not created for foreigners. Let's hear from the man who wrote the Citizenship clause himself, Senator John Jacob Howard:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:

"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete.

President Trump Says He Is Still "Looking Seriously" at Ending Birthright Citizenship

I see many here claiming that the 14th amendment was a flawed or bad law. It was born in 1868 at a time when this fledgling country needed all the new citizens in could get and in that vein, did it's intended job.
We no long want or need the poor, criminal or uneducated as we have an over abundance of this type that is home grown. It is time to rewrite of repeal the 14th amendment. I hope that Trump is successful.

Back then hard labor was just about the only work around. Today automation and technology has replaced a lot of blue collar jobs, so those uneducated hard workers are no longer needed. The ones that are needed can apply for green cards if they like. But we don't need them coming here and dropping babies so they can be automatic Americans.

like Trumps kid ? He married an immigrant.
So what does that have to do with the company being liberal?

Your deflecting.

Not deflecting anything. A liberal company hired foreign workers to replace their American workers. What's deflecting about that?

No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?
To prove that Disney is liberal all you have to do is look at the recent Star Wars movies since they took over the franchise.

They've always been liberal.
It's the next step in making America great again. Birthright Citizenship refers to Citizen parents, not Illegals. The 14th Amendment was only created for slaves after the civil war. It was not created for foreigners. Let's hear from the man who wrote the Citizenship clause himself, Senator John Jacob Howard:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:

"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete.

President Trump Says He Is Still "Looking Seriously" at Ending Birthright Citizenship

I see many here claiming that the 14th amendment was a flawed or bad law. It was born in 1868 at a time when this fledgling country needed all the new citizens in could get and in that vein, did it's intended job.
We no long want or need the poor, criminal or uneducated as we have an over abundance of this type that is home grown. It is time to rewrite of repeal the 14th amendment. I hope that Trump is successful.

Back then hard labor was just about the only work around. Today automation and technology has replaced a lot of blue collar jobs, so those uneducated hard workers are no longer needed. The ones that are needed can apply for green cards if they like. But we don't need them coming here and dropping babies so they can be automatic Americans.

like Trumps kid ? He married an immigrant.

So what does that have to do with the price of rice in China? As long as at least one of the parents is a US citizen, that automatically makes their child a US citizen.
Your evasion is noted. If you had a real point, that you thought really refuted what I said, you would have said it.

Instead you play games.

Because your intent is to express disagreement, implying for those who are willing to believe you, that there is a reason to your disagreement,

without actually stating it, because you know the more we look at it, the weaker your shit is.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise, is either dishonest or a dupe.

They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Saddam violated the conditions he agreed to on several occasions. He was buying off members of the UN by giving them oil deals in his country. Even Clinton bombed Iraq because Saddam forbade UN inspectors from going into certain areas. HIs war planes went into restricted areas constantly.
He violated U.N. sanctions 17 times. That's why a multiple coalition force United and removed him.

16 years ago. What have we gained? What was the point? What are we going to do, stay there forever and if so, when are you going to start paying for it?
Bet he doesn't and I hope he does.

I hope he does as well. It's about time because it's been going on way to long, and hurting Americans in the process.

I've not been hurt.

You don't pay taxes, that's why. If you did, you'd realize these people are costing us a hundred billion dollars a year to take care of them.

I pay plenty in taxes.

If you are paying income taxes (not payroll taxes) then you are being hurt by them coming here, because it's your money that's supporting them.

I'm good with helping people. I've already said that.
Disney is a publicly traded wall street firm.

So what does that have to do with the company being liberal?

Your deflecting.

Not deflecting anything. A liberal company hired foreign workers to replace their American workers. What's deflecting about that?

No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.
They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Saddam violated the conditions he agreed to on several occasions. He was buying off members of the UN by giving them oil deals in his country. Even Clinton bombed Iraq because Saddam forbade UN inspectors from going into certain areas. HIs war planes went into restricted areas constantly.

I always chuckle when those like yourself resort to using someone like Clinton to make your point.

I'm using Clinton to demonstrate that Saddam was not just a pain in the ass to GW. He's been a pain in the ass to other Presidents like GHW and Bill Clinton.

So what. You don't blow billions and many lives over a pain in the ass.
So what does that have to do with the company being liberal?

Your deflecting.

Not deflecting anything. A liberal company hired foreign workers to replace their American workers. What's deflecting about that?

No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?
I hope he does as well. It's about time because it's been going on way to long, and hurting Americans in the process.

I've not been hurt.

You don't pay taxes, that's why. If you did, you'd realize these people are costing us a hundred billion dollars a year to take care of them.

I pay plenty in taxes.

If you are paying income taxes (not payroll taxes) then you are being hurt by them coming here, because it's your money that's supporting them.

I'm good with helping people. I've already said that.

And I'm not. Given the fact we are 21 trillion in debt, don't you think our tax dollars could be used for better purposes, such as helping our own people instead of intruders?

If somebody breaks into your home, are you okay with helping them out by giving them the cash in your house?
Your evasion is noted. If you had a real point, that you thought really refuted what I said, you would have said it.

Instead you play games.

Because your intent is to express disagreement, implying for those who are willing to believe you, that there is a reason to your disagreement,

without actually stating it, because you know the more we look at it, the weaker your shit is.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise, is either dishonest or a dupe.

They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Got it. You have shit, just like I said.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise is dishonest or a dupe.

Your using your anti-American spin of our foreign policy to excuse the actions of illegals has been shown to be bullshit.

Why do you always side with the anti-American side?

I never side with those who lie to us.

I asked you a simple question, and you had to run and hide from answering.

What type of coward can't answer a simple and honest question?
Your evasion is noted. If you had a real point, that you thought really refuted what I said, you would have said it.

Instead you play games.

Because your intent is to express disagreement, implying for those who are willing to believe you, that there is a reason to your disagreement,

without actually stating it, because you know the more we look at it, the weaker your shit is.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise, is either dishonest or a dupe.

They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Saddam violated the conditions he agreed to on several occasions. He was buying off members of the UN by giving them oil deals in his country. Even Clinton bombed Iraq because Saddam forbade UN inspectors from going into certain areas. HIs war planes went into restricted areas constantly.

I always chuckle when those like yourself resort to using someone like Clinton to make your point.

Why? It shows that the conflict between the US and Iraq was not a partisan issue but agreed upon across the political divide.

That is a valid response to those like yourself, who pretend otherwise.

Oh, I get it. THat was just something you said to dishonestly dodge his point.
Your deflecting.

Not deflecting anything. A liberal company hired foreign workers to replace their American workers. What's deflecting about that?

No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Yes, I would deny that Hollywood is "Liberal".

James woods is liberal? Tom Selleck?

I could go on. I'm not interested in your vast generalizations. They are the arguments of the weak.
I've not been hurt.

You don't pay taxes, that's why. If you did, you'd realize these people are costing us a hundred billion dollars a year to take care of them.

I pay plenty in taxes.

If you are paying income taxes (not payroll taxes) then you are being hurt by them coming here, because it's your money that's supporting them.

I'm good with helping people. I've already said that.

And I'm not. Given the fact we are 21 trillion in debt, don't you think our tax dollars could be used for better purposes, such as helping our own people instead of intruders?

It can be used for a lot of better purposes. I'm all for ending the wars. Stopping the bail outs. Etc.

If somebody breaks into your home, are you okay with helping them out by giving them the cash in your house?

If I destroyed their home it's the least I can allow them to do. When we stop destroying the lands of others, then we can start demanding they all stay there.
Not deflecting anything. A liberal company hired foreign workers to replace their American workers. What's deflecting about that?

No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Yes, I would deny that Hollywood is "Liberal".

James woods is liberal? Tom Selleck?

I could go on. I'm not interested in your vast generalizations. They are the arguments of the weak.

Dude. You just flushed your credibility down the toilet with the rest of the sewage.
They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Got it. You have shit, just like I said.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise is dishonest or a dupe.

Your using your anti-American spin of our foreign policy to excuse the actions of illegals has been shown to be bullshit.

Why do you always side with the anti-American side?

I never side with those who lie to us.

I asked you a simple question, and you had to run and hide from answering.

What type of coward can't answer a simple and honest question?

Sorry you do not like my honest answer. I believe it is those who would lie this country into wars and those who support that, that is being un American.
They were no threat to us.

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Saddam violated the conditions he agreed to on several occasions. He was buying off members of the UN by giving them oil deals in his country. Even Clinton bombed Iraq because Saddam forbade UN inspectors from going into certain areas. HIs war planes went into restricted areas constantly.

I always chuckle when those like yourself resort to using someone like Clinton to make your point.

Why? It shows that the conflict between the US and Iraq was not a partisan issue but agreed upon across the political divide.

That is a valid response to those like yourself, who pretend otherwise.

Oh, I get it. THat was just something you said to dishonestly dodge his point.

Clinton lies. You deny that?

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