Making America Great Again: President Trump Seriously Looking At Ending Birthright Citizenship

The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Got it. You have shit, just like I said.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise is dishonest or a dupe.

Your using your anti-American spin of our foreign policy to excuse the actions of illegals has been shown to be bullshit.

Why do you always side with the anti-American side?

I never side with those who lie to us.

I asked you a simple question, and you had to run and hide from answering.

What type of coward can't answer a simple and honest question?

Sorry you do not like my honest answer. I believe it is those who would lie this country into wars and those who support that is being un American.

Which regard to the issue of the "lie" you had a choice. YOu could believe that the leader of the United States lied, or you could believe that he, along with the intelligence agencies of the rest of the Free World, made an understandable mistake.

You choose to believe the worst of America.

That was your choice. ANd you seem to make that choice each and every time.

That is you being an anti-American. YOU.
No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Yes, I would deny that Hollywood is "Liberal".

James woods is liberal? Tom Selleck?

I could go on. I'm not interested in your vast generalizations. They are the arguments of the weak.

Dude. You just flushed your credibility down the toilet with the rest of the sewage.

I asked a simple question. Why not answer? I answer your questions and you bitch while not bothering answering them yourself.
It's the next step in making America great again. Birthright Citizenship refers to Citizen parents, not Illegals. The 14th Amendment was only created for slaves after the civil war. It was not created for foreigners. Let's hear from the man who wrote the Citizenship clause himself, Senator John Jacob Howard:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:

"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete.

President Trump Says He Is Still "Looking Seriously" at Ending Birthright Citizenship

You're so stupid.

You fell for this lie in the 2018 election.

You're buying this lie again.

trump can't do anything about the 14th Amendment.

trump is making a total fool of you and everyone like you.
The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Saddam violated the conditions he agreed to on several occasions. He was buying off members of the UN by giving them oil deals in his country. Even Clinton bombed Iraq because Saddam forbade UN inspectors from going into certain areas. HIs war planes went into restricted areas constantly.

I always chuckle when those like yourself resort to using someone like Clinton to make your point.

Why? It shows that the conflict between the US and Iraq was not a partisan issue but agreed upon across the political divide.

That is a valid response to those like yourself, who pretend otherwise.

Oh, I get it. THat was just something you said to dishonestly dodge his point.

Clinton lies. You deny that?

I do not deny that he lies a lot. Not everything he said was a lie. Why do you ask?
So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Yes, I would deny that Hollywood is "Liberal".

James woods is liberal? Tom Selleck?

I could go on. I'm not interested in your vast generalizations. They are the arguments of the weak.

Dude. You just flushed your credibility down the toilet with the rest of the sewage.

I asked a simple question. Why not answer? I answer your questions and you bitch while not bothering answering them yourself.

I did answer. I addressed your post and pointed out how you had just said something so obviously untrue, that you just revealed yourself to not be credible.
The nation as a whole and much of the world, disagreed.

AND, I posted photographic evidence to back up my side.

What do you have? Other than a gut level hate of America?

What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Got it. You have shit, just like I said.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise is dishonest or a dupe.

Your using your anti-American spin of our foreign policy to excuse the actions of illegals has been shown to be bullshit.

Why do you always side with the anti-American side?

I never side with those who lie to us.

I asked you a simple question, and you had to run and hide from answering.

What type of coward can't answer a simple and honest question?

Sorry you do not like my honest answer. I believe it is those who would lie this country into wars and those who support that, that is being un American.

How about lying of a healthcare plan that cost the country over a trillion dollars that didn't do nearly what it was supposed to do?
It can be used for a lot of better purposes. I'm all for ending the wars. Stopping the bail outs. Etc.

Bailouts were a once in a great while thing, and let's not forget DumBama's involvement in that. Taking care of all these immigrants is an ongoing thing and a never ending expense that's been going on every year for decades. Apples and oranges.

If I destroyed their home it's the least I can allow them to do. When we stop destroying the lands of others, then we can start demanding they all stay there.

Thank you from the Blame America First crowd. Now who's land did we destroy from south America?
Not deflecting anything. A liberal company hired foreign workers to replace their American workers. What's deflecting about that?

No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Yes, I would deny that Hollywood is "Liberal".

James woods is liberal? Tom Selleck?

I could go on. I'm not interested in your vast generalizations. They are the arguments of the weak.

You could go on, but not very far I'm afraid. If you don't think Hollywood is liberal, it tells me your limited knowledge of politics in general.
It's the next step in making America great again. Birthright Citizenship refers to Citizen parents, not Illegals. The 14th Amendment was only created for slaves after the civil war. It was not created for foreigners. Let's hear from the man who wrote the Citizenship clause himself, Senator John Jacob Howard:

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."

This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated:

"[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..."

The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete.

President Trump Says He Is Still "Looking Seriously" at Ending Birthright Citizenship

You're so stupid.

You fell for this lie in the 2018 election.

You're buying this lie again.

trump can't do anything about the 14th Amendment.

trump is making a total fool of you and everyone like you.
I haven't fallen for anything. The Constitution and Case law backs Trump on ending Birthright Citizenship.
What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Got it. You have shit, just like I said.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise is dishonest or a dupe.

Your using your anti-American spin of our foreign policy to excuse the actions of illegals has been shown to be bullshit.

Why do you always side with the anti-American side?

I never side with those who lie to us.

I asked you a simple question, and you had to run and hide from answering.

What type of coward can't answer a simple and honest question?

Sorry you do not like my honest answer. I believe it is those who would lie this country into wars and those who support that is being un American.

Which regard to the issue of the "lie" you had a choice. YOu could believe that the leader of the United States lied, or you could believe that he, along with the intelligence agencies of the rest of the Free World, made an understandable mistake.

A 16 year and counting mistake? If you make a mistake, what do you do?

You choose to believe the worst of America.

That was your choice. ANd you seem to make that choice each and every time.

That is you being an anti-American. YOU.

We make more than our fair share of "mistakes". Being a "good American" does not mean you support the United States no matter what it does.
What do I have? The fact that we had to be lied into a war with them. You posted a pic of something that had long been done and over with. There are even questions of whether or not Iraq thought we were good with it because of us backing them in our other useless wars.

Got it. You have shit, just like I said.

My point stands. Iraq was a threat and anyone that says otherwise is dishonest or a dupe.

Your using your anti-American spin of our foreign policy to excuse the actions of illegals has been shown to be bullshit.

Why do you always side with the anti-American side?

I never side with those who lie to us.

I asked you a simple question, and you had to run and hide from answering.

What type of coward can't answer a simple and honest question?

Sorry you do not like my honest answer. I believe it is those who would lie this country into wars and those who support that, that is being un American.

How about lying of a healthcare plan that cost the country over a trillion dollars that didn't do nearly what it was supposed to do?

Have you bothered to see what I've said about that? I'm thinking you have.
It can be used for a lot of better purposes. I'm all for ending the wars. Stopping the bail outs. Etc.

Bailouts were a once in a great while thing, and let's not forget DumBama's involvement in that. Taking care of all these immigrants is an ongoing thing and a never ending expense that's been going on every year for decades. Apples and oranges.

If I destroyed their home it's the least I can allow them to do. When we stop destroying the lands of others, then we can start demanding they all stay there.

Thank you from the Blame America First crowd. Now who's land did we destroy from south America?

How US policy in Honduras set the stage for today's migration
Breaking News Update!

There's no turning back. Trump is taking this all the way to the Supreme Court if he has too. It's imperative that Birthright Citizenship is ended. Birthright Citizenship is wrong!

Stephen Miller: Trump Exploring Legal Options to End Anchor Baby Policy

Last week, Trump told the media is he “very seriously” looking at signing an executive order that will end birthright citizenship in the U.S., calling the policy “frankly ridiculous.”

Trump is never serious......"looking at", "if he has to". LOL
No matter what it is, if it doesn't fit your narrative it's "liberal".

So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Yes, I would deny that Hollywood is "Liberal".

James woods is liberal? Tom Selleck?

I could go on. I'm not interested in your vast generalizations. They are the arguments of the weak.

You could go on, but not very far I'm afraid. If you don't think Hollywood is liberal, it tells me your limited knowledge of politics in general.

Disney and the rest have done what they did to increase "shareholder value". That is not a liberal value. That is a Conservative welfare system.
So what are you saying, that Disney is not a liberal company?

No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Yes, I would deny that Hollywood is "Liberal".

James woods is liberal? Tom Selleck?

I could go on. I'm not interested in your vast generalizations. They are the arguments of the weak.

You could go on, but not very far I'm afraid. If you don't think Hollywood is liberal, it tells me your limited knowledge of politics in general.

Disney and the rest have done what they did to increase "shareholder value". That is not a liberal value. That is a Conservative welfare system.

Sure they did. However the Washington Examiner totally disagrees with you.

Disney’s push to force leftist politics onto kids
It can be used for a lot of better purposes. I'm all for ending the wars. Stopping the bail outs. Etc.

Bailouts were a once in a great while thing, and let's not forget DumBama's involvement in that. Taking care of all these immigrants is an ongoing thing and a never ending expense that's been going on every year for decades. Apples and oranges.

If I destroyed their home it's the least I can allow them to do. When we stop destroying the lands of others, then we can start demanding they all stay there.

Thank you from the Blame America First crowd. Now who's land did we destroy from south America?

How US policy in Honduras set the stage for today's migration

About the most leftist piece of garbage I've ever seen.
No, I'm saying what I said. Anything that doesn't fit your narrative is "liberal" to you.

It's either liberal or it's not. Hollywood is liberal. Would you also deny that? Most of the MSM is liberal. Do you agree or disagree with that?

Yes, I would deny that Hollywood is "Liberal".

James woods is liberal? Tom Selleck?

I could go on. I'm not interested in your vast generalizations. They are the arguments of the weak.

You could go on, but not very far I'm afraid. If you don't think Hollywood is liberal, it tells me your limited knowledge of politics in general.

Disney and the rest have done what they did to increase "shareholder value". That is not a liberal value. That is a Conservative welfare system.

Sure they did. However the Washington Examiner totally disagrees with you.

Disney’s push to force leftist politics onto kids

Says nothing about Shareholder value.
It can be used for a lot of better purposes. I'm all for ending the wars. Stopping the bail outs. Etc.

Bailouts were a once in a great while thing, and let's not forget DumBama's involvement in that. Taking care of all these immigrants is an ongoing thing and a never ending expense that's been going on every year for decades. Apples and oranges.

If I destroyed their home it's the least I can allow them to do. When we stop destroying the lands of others, then we can start demanding they all stay there.

Thank you from the Blame America First crowd. Now who's land did we destroy from south America?

How US policy in Honduras set the stage for today's migration

About the most leftist piece of garbage I've ever seen.

As I said, anything that doesn't fit your argument. If you want to argue that history is leftist, have at it.

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