Making Finland great again

"Woudla, shoulda coulda" "if only" yammer yammer :eusa_boohoo:
A nonsensical post. The fact is the UK is leaving the EU because the EU, prodded by Germany and France, infringed on the UK's sovereignty by ordering it to comply with dictates on the illegal immigrants, and according to the French president France would also leave if he allowed the people to have a referendum. If the EU is going to survive it will have to go back to being just a trade association and give up trying to become the United States of Europe.

Also great countries like Hungary are telling the EU to go fuck themselves and are refusing to take in masses of refugees from shithole countries.

President Trump is emboldening people to defend their cultures.

Donald Trump: Making The World Great Again. :beer:

Doornail Rump: "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS".

Plus if you order now we'll throw in an entire set of inane emotional-hook catch phrases absolutely free. Collect the whole set.
So you're saying that's how Trump doubled the rate of economic growth from 1.6% in Obama's last year to 3.2% in Trump's first year, and how he lowered unemployment from 4.6% in Obama's last year to 4.1% in Trump's first year and that how Trump persuaded APPLE and other corporations to return their overseas operations to the US, investing hundreds of billions of dollars in the US economy and paying tens of billions of dollars in repatriated profits and how he reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office?

gdp 3.2% for his 1st year? think you have that wrong
Donald Trump: Making The World Great Again. :beer:

Doornail Rump: "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS".

Plus if you order now we'll throw in an entire set of inane emotional-hook catch phrases absolutely free. Collect the whole set.
So you're saying that's how Trump doubled the rate of economic growth from 1.6% in Obama's last year to 3.2% in Trump's first year, and how he lowered unemployment from 4.6% in Obama's last year to 4.1% in Trump's first year and that how Trump persuaded APPLE and other corporations to return their overseas operations to the US, investing hundreds of billions of dollars in the US economy and paying tens of billions of dollars in repatriated profits and how he reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office?


Uhhhhh....nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. I'm saying a con artist came selling snake oil and the poster I quoted lined up, opened hiss wallet and shrieked "yes Master may I have another empty slogan?". Not rocket surgery.
That's the problem with nearly all criticism of Trump, it ignores the job he is doing as President.

Which is fine, since that's really irrelevant.
lol Irrelevant to what? Certainly not to your snarky criticism of Trump.
Doornail Rump: "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions --- you sell FEELINGS".

Plus if you order now we'll throw in an entire set of inane emotional-hook catch phrases absolutely free. Collect the whole set.
So you're saying that's how Trump doubled the rate of economic growth from 1.6% in Obama's last year to 3.2% in Trump's first year, and how he lowered unemployment from 4.6% in Obama's last year to 4.1% in Trump's first year and that how Trump persuaded APPLE and other corporations to return their overseas operations to the US, investing hundreds of billions of dollars in the US economy and paying tens of billions of dollars in repatriated profits and how he reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office?


Uhhhhh....nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. I'm saying a con artist came selling snake oil and the poster I quoted lined up, opened hiss wallet and shrieked "yes Master may I have another empty slogan?". Not rocket surgery.
That's the problem with nearly all criticism of Trump, it ignores the job he is doing as President.

Which is fine, since that's really irrelevant.
lol Irrelevant to what? Certainly not to your snarky criticism of Trump.

Yes, absolutely irrelevant to that.

What Rump does or doesn't do in office is pretty much a crapshoot. No one can predict that, since the man has no principles and no positions that he's not willing to rotate according to whatever serves Numero Uno in the moment. Actual policies, actual beliefs --- don't even exist beyond "dig ME". Literally anything can happen. That's why the criticism is entirely personal, and always has been. It's about character. Or one should say, lack thereof.
Yeah the commies couldn't control each country easy enough, so they got them all under one roof. the EU started out as a trading bloc, now it's enforcing immigration law, it's own currency and even is thinking about an thanks.

Are you a Finn?
Nope. are you?

Nope. But I'm not the one starting threads whining about the EU, am I.
He wasn't whining. In fact, he seemed quite happy in the OP.

You must have a very low IQ.

Read it again. Clearly he's whining that there's such a thing as the EU. Even though he doesn't live in it, which is why that was my next question. You must be a slow reader.
Its not just me that hates the EU, people in the EU hate it.....the immigration thing finally showed people that the govt can force things that you don't's time people woke up and they are becoming woke.
The EU exists to put all of Europe under the thumb of globalism so the entire area can be overrun with Muslims. It looks like the EU is succeeding.

:lmao: Cranial density is so entertaining.

Bzzzzzzt. The correct answer is the EU is a cooperative partnership that facilitates its various member nations acting more like a single economic entity than a disparate web of conflicting tariffs, monetary systems, languages and regulations. It's designed to economically compete with the United States, or as it describes itself a "united states of Europe".

But economic competition --- that's a bad thing, right? And now all of a sudden you're on the side of "diversity" right?


It has little to do with "diversity" as it has to do with the autonomous right for any European country to determine their own economic future. Evidently the EU must have been a crappy idea, seeing as how many countries are withdrawing or want nothing to do with it.

Yep, it's a staggering number, those withdrawals. Almost up to one.
well it's not just Britain.....people think it's crap..I know you love the govt to tell you what to do, because you don't have to think or take risks, but some people like doing that.....

Entering into an economic co-op is not "telling you what to do". That's a bizarre stretch.
It isn't just an economic co-op, that's the problem, it is doing things It was created to do to the point they are thinking of an EU army.....think about that.

immigration.....bigtime overreach by the whitey hating left
So you're saying that's how Trump doubled the rate of economic growth from 1.6% in Obama's last year to 3.2% in Trump's first year, and how he lowered unemployment from 4.6% in Obama's last year to 4.1% in Trump's first year and that how Trump persuaded APPLE and other corporations to return their overseas operations to the US, investing hundreds of billions of dollars in the US economy and paying tens of billions of dollars in repatriated profits and how he reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year in office?


Uhhhhh....nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. I'm saying a con artist came selling snake oil and the poster I quoted lined up, opened hiss wallet and shrieked "yes Master may I have another empty slogan?". Not rocket surgery.
That's the problem with nearly all criticism of Trump, it ignores the job he is doing as President.

Which is fine, since that's really irrelevant.
lol Irrelevant to what? Certainly not to your snarky criticism of Trump.

Yes, absolutely irrelevant to that.

What Rump does or doesn't do in office is pretty much a crapshoot. No one can predict that, since the man has no principles and no positions that he's not willing to rotate according to whatever serves Numero Uno in the moment. Actual policies, actual beliefs --- don't even exist beyond "dig ME". Literally anything can happen. That's why the criticism is entirely personal, and always has been. It's about character. Or one should say, lack thereof.

What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?
Uhhhhh....nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. I'm saying a con artist came selling snake oil and the poster I quoted lined up, opened hiss wallet and shrieked "yes Master may I have another empty slogan?". Not rocket surgery.
That's the problem with nearly all criticism of Trump, it ignores the job he is doing as President.

Which is fine, since that's really irrelevant.
lol Irrelevant to what? Certainly not to your snarky criticism of Trump.

Yes, absolutely irrelevant to that.

What Rump does or doesn't do in office is pretty much a crapshoot. No one can predict that, since the man has no principles and no positions that he's not willing to rotate according to whatever serves Numero Uno in the moment. Actual policies, actual beliefs --- don't even exist beyond "dig ME". Literally anything can happen. That's why the criticism is entirely personal, and always has been. It's about character. Or one should say, lack thereof.

What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.
That's the problem with nearly all criticism of Trump, it ignores the job he is doing as President.

Which is fine, since that's really irrelevant.
lol Irrelevant to what? Certainly not to your snarky criticism of Trump.

Yes, absolutely irrelevant to that.

What Rump does or doesn't do in office is pretty much a crapshoot. No one can predict that, since the man has no principles and no positions that he's not willing to rotate according to whatever serves Numero Uno in the moment. Actual policies, actual beliefs --- don't even exist beyond "dig ME". Literally anything can happen. That's why the criticism is entirely personal, and always has been. It's about character. Or one should say, lack thereof.

What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.

Your "law" just points out a glaring fact that Dims can't get around: the guy they voted for is guilty of everything they accuse Trump of. We know you hate it when everyone ignores your petulant whining about Trump, but the voters simply have no reason to anything snowflakes have to say. They destroyed their crediblity defending Obama and Hillary.
I love it, worry about your own country and take pride in it......Nationalism > globalism.

Finland election brings NEW threat to EU: The Brexit-backing Farage fan vying for Finexit

Finland is already great as it doesn't want Kebabs and Sub Saharan African filth destroying the nation, so Sauli Niinistö will win re election I predict 55%-60% in the First Round the polls have now closed across Finland and they will count now I think the result in two hours less than now, Sauli Niinistö is from the NCP which is the National Coalition Party they are Centre-Right, he also has two children from his first marriage his first wife died, he is married again and next month February his wife is going to deliver their first child and his third.

What we know is that ANY nation where the leader has CHILDREN they protect their nation from the Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, it is only the nations where the leaders are without children they allow them in because as having NO children they do not care about the future of their nation as their DNA dies with them, the ONLY Scandinavian nation where the leader has no children is Sweden and Sweden is the ONLY Scandinavian nation that has decided to commit Cultural Suicide with full approval of the Traitor and Sterile and Infertile Prime Minister - it is a pattern we see elsewhere Britain, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Ireland all in the control of the Sterile and Infertile and DNA Dead leaders.
Which is fine, since that's really irrelevant.
lol Irrelevant to what? Certainly not to your snarky criticism of Trump.

Yes, absolutely irrelevant to that.

What Rump does or doesn't do in office is pretty much a crapshoot. No one can predict that, since the man has no principles and no positions that he's not willing to rotate according to whatever serves Numero Uno in the moment. Actual policies, actual beliefs --- don't even exist beyond "dig ME". Literally anything can happen. That's why the criticism is entirely personal, and always has been. It's about character. Or one should say, lack thereof.

What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.

Your "law" just points out a glaring fact that Dims can't get around: the guy they voted for is guilty of everything they accuse Trump of. We know you hate it when everyone ignores your petulant whining about Trump, but the voters simply have no reason to anything snowflakes have to say. They destroyed their crediblity defending Obama and Hillary.

And yet ANOTHER nickel for Pogo's Law.

Wassamatta fingerboi? Too hot for ya? :gay:
I love it, worry about your own country and take pride in it......Nationalism > globalism.

Finland election brings NEW threat to EU: The Brexit-backing Farage fan vying for Finexit

Finland is already great as it doesn't want Kebabs and Sub Saharan African filth destroying the nation, so Sauli Niinistö will win re election I predict 55%-60% in the First Round the polls have now closed across Finland and they will count now I think the result in two hours less than now, Sauli Niinistö is from the NCP which is the National Coalition Party they are Centre-Right, he also has two children from his first marriage his first wife died, he is married again and next month February his wife is going to deliver their first child and his third.

What we know is that ANY nation where the leader has CHILDREN they protect their nation from the Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans, it is only the nations where the leaders are without children they allow them in because as having NO children they do not care about the future of their nation as their DNA dies with them, the ONLY Scandinavian nation where the leader has no children is Sweden and Sweden is the ONLY Scandinavian nation that has decided to commit Cultural Suicide with full approval of the Traitor and Sterile and Infertile Prime Minister - it is a pattern we see elsewhere Britain, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Ireland all in the control of the Sterile and Infertile and DNA Dead leaders.

^^^^ Even greater win for Sauli Niinistö than my predicted 55%-60% the first Exit Poll is saying 64.4% he has been re elected with, so no need for a Second Round thank God, second place Pekka Haavisto on 11.2% he's from the Green League the Environmentalist Maniacs and it is ALWAYS of great satisfaction to Conservatives and Right-Wingers when the Environmentalists get DESTROYED like this, excellant news from our brothers and sisters in Finland, we DESTROYED and BURIED our Environmentalist Maniacs and now Finland has destroyed and buried theirs.

People can follow the results etc from the below:

Nordic News (@Nordic_News) | Twitter

Have now Edited my own post to allow include another the below link where people can follow the results etc.

Yle News (@ylenews) | Twitter

The Exit Poll pretty near to the final poll before the election:


Yle poll suggests Niinistö support at 63%, Haavisto 14%
Last edited:
lol Irrelevant to what? Certainly not to your snarky criticism of Trump.

Yes, absolutely irrelevant to that.

What Rump does or doesn't do in office is pretty much a crapshoot. No one can predict that, since the man has no principles and no positions that he's not willing to rotate according to whatever serves Numero Uno in the moment. Actual policies, actual beliefs --- don't even exist beyond "dig ME". Literally anything can happen. That's why the criticism is entirely personal, and always has been. It's about character. Or one should say, lack thereof.

What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.

Your "law" just points out a glaring fact that Dims can't get around: the guy they voted for is guilty of everything they accuse Trump of. We know you hate it when everyone ignores your petulant whining about Trump, but the voters simply have no reason to anything snowflakes have to say. They destroyed their crediblity defending Obama and Hillary.

And yet ANOTHER nickel for Pogo's Law.

Wassamatta fingerboi? Too hot for ya? :gay:

Pogo's "law" is bullshit, of course.
Yes, absolutely irrelevant to that.

What Rump does or doesn't do in office is pretty much a crapshoot. No one can predict that, since the man has no principles and no positions that he's not willing to rotate according to whatever serves Numero Uno in the moment. Actual policies, actual beliefs --- don't even exist beyond "dig ME". Literally anything can happen. That's why the criticism is entirely personal, and always has been. It's about character. Or one should say, lack thereof.

What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.

Your "law" just points out a glaring fact that Dims can't get around: the guy they voted for is guilty of everything they accuse Trump of. We know you hate it when everyone ignores your petulant whining about Trump, but the voters simply have no reason to anything snowflakes have to say. They destroyed their crediblity defending Obama and Hillary.

And yet ANOTHER nickel for Pogo's Law.

Wassamatta fingerboi? Too hot for ya? :gay:

Pogo's "law" is bullshit, of course.
you're killing me bri,,you calling bs on anybody
Yes, absolutely irrelevant to that.

What Rump does or doesn't do in office is pretty much a crapshoot. No one can predict that, since the man has no principles and no positions that he's not willing to rotate according to whatever serves Numero Uno in the moment. Actual policies, actual beliefs --- don't even exist beyond "dig ME". Literally anything can happen. That's why the criticism is entirely personal, and always has been. It's about character. Or one should say, lack thereof.

What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.

Your "law" just points out a glaring fact that Dims can't get around: the guy they voted for is guilty of everything they accuse Trump of. We know you hate it when everyone ignores your petulant whining about Trump, but the voters simply have no reason to anything snowflakes have to say. They destroyed their crediblity defending Obama and Hillary.

And yet ANOTHER nickel for Pogo's Law.

Wassamatta fingerboi? Too hot for ya? :gay:

Pogo's "law" is bullshit, of course.

It's not a "law" in the sense that anybody has to do it. In fact, nobody has to do it.

No child, this is a rhetorical observation à la "Godwin's Law" --- where again, nobody is required to bring up Hitler.

But every time the topic or the point is Rump ---- and you whiny snowflakes that can't handle it desperately shunt off to an "O'bama" or a "Clinton" or a "Studebaker" or anything you can think of that isn't Rump ----- Pogo's Law earns a nickel.

Y'all make me rich that way. And just like Rump I don't have to lift a finger. All I had to do is license my name.
What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.

Your "law" just points out a glaring fact that Dims can't get around: the guy they voted for is guilty of everything they accuse Trump of. We know you hate it when everyone ignores your petulant whining about Trump, but the voters simply have no reason to anything snowflakes have to say. They destroyed their crediblity defending Obama and Hillary.

And yet ANOTHER nickel for Pogo's Law.

Wassamatta fingerboi? Too hot for ya? :gay:

Pogo's "law" is bullshit, of course.
you're killing me bri,,you calling bs on anybody
I'm killing you? You're one of the biggest bullshitters in this forum. Virtually everything you say is a lie.
What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.

Your "law" just points out a glaring fact that Dims can't get around: the guy they voted for is guilty of everything they accuse Trump of. We know you hate it when everyone ignores your petulant whining about Trump, but the voters simply have no reason to anything snowflakes have to say. They destroyed their crediblity defending Obama and Hillary.

And yet ANOTHER nickel for Pogo's Law.

Wassamatta fingerboi? Too hot for ya? :gay:

Pogo's "law" is bullshit, of course.

It's not a "law" in the sense that anybody has to do it. In fact, nobody has to do it.

No child, this is a rhetorical observation à la "Godwin's Law" --- where again, nobody is required to bring up Hitler.

But every time the topic or the point is Rump ---- and you whiny snowflakes that can't handle it desperately shunt off to an "O'bama" or a "Clinton" or a "Studebaker" or anything you can think of that isn't Rump ----- Pogo's Law earns a nickel.

Y'all make me rich that way. And just like Rump I don't have to lift a finger. All I had to do is license my name.

^^^^ Why is everyone :meow: the OP topic is Finland and the Finland Presidential election it's not about The Donald/Obama/Clinton :confused-84:
What principles did Obama have, other than presenting his backside to every dictator on the planet, that is?

Where does my post mention anything about any "Obama"?

Pogo's Law strikes again.

Your "law" just points out a glaring fact that Dims can't get around: the guy they voted for is guilty of everything they accuse Trump of. We know you hate it when everyone ignores your petulant whining about Trump, but the voters simply have no reason to anything snowflakes have to say. They destroyed their crediblity defending Obama and Hillary.

And yet ANOTHER nickel for Pogo's Law.

Wassamatta fingerboi? Too hot for ya? :gay:

Pogo's "law" is bullshit, of course.

It's not a "law" in the sense that anybody has to do it. In fact, nobody has to do it.

No child, this is a rhetorical observation à la "Godwin's Law" --- where again, nobody is required to bring up Hitler.

But every time the topic or the point is Rump ---- and you whiny snowflakes that can't handle it desperately shunt off to an "O'bama" or a "Clinton" or a "Studebaker" or anything you can think of that isn't Rump ----- Pogo's Law earns a nickel.

Y'all make me rich that way. And just like Rump I don't have to lift a finger. All I had to do is license my name.
Yeah, I know it's not an actual law. It's bullshit, and so is Godwin's law.

You invented this so-called law so you could avoid the humiliation of admitting your profound hypocrisy. You don't want anyone to bring up Obama or Clinton because then you have to explain why you attack Trump for doing exactly what the douchebags you voted for did.

Who do you think you're fooling?

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