Making my case

If it represented the people, Gay marriage would still be banned, and North Carolina would be allowed to discriminate against LGBT people, and the Civil Rights bill wouldn't have been passed anywhere surrounding 1964.

That's it. You've lost your mind.

First, if it represented the people, it would represent gay people too, and it would also ensure the civil rights of everyone in the US, legally, of course.

Second, North Carolina isn't discriminating against anyone. It is acting on the will of the people who put it there. Those people have no issues with transgender people, they have problems with perverts taking advantage of transgender friendly bathroom laws to abuse women and children. What North Carolina is doing, believe it or not, is fulfilling the proper role of government.

Its acting on the will of the people that it isn't their job to act on, its why North Carolina is going to lose its Federal Funding and why the politicians there are in trouble.
Yes it the governments job to tell people what they can and cant do with a Government document, which money is.
And why should the government let people blow it on slots and not be able to support the economy ?

Yes it the governments job to tell people what they can and cant do with a Government document, which money is

Nope. My money is my money, not the government's.

Its not your money unless it says Toddsterpatriot's Dollar.

The government makes FRNs legal tender and so has complete control over them? LOL!

Sorry, no Constitutional justification for your fantasy.

My money, so fuck off, thank you very much.

The Constitution gives the Government the right to Regulate currency and Commerce.
So you fuck off, since you want to use that language.

Is a wager really commerce, there's no goods and services exchanged, and it's definitely not interstate if you're sitting at a card table or slot machine.

Over the years the Supreme Court of the United States ( SCOTUS) has applied Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 (Commerce Clause) in ways that I doubt the authors of the Constitution could have possibly imagined. I wouldn't be the least surprised if they found making a wager is covered by the Commerce Clause.

Sadly the Supreme Court has redefined the plain language of the Constitution to include the Governments ability to regulate not only interstate commerce - which is the flow of goods between the states - but also anything that is in or even affects interstate commerce. The Court has even regulated that which is purely intrastate commerce under the insane theory that those who grow thing for use within their state affect interstate commerce because their customers could have purchased the product from an out-of-state source instead. The most laughable decision was the Court's use of Interstate Commerce Clause against two women who grew marijuana in California for their own personal use. Not only was there no interstate commerce, there was no commerce of any kind! However, the Court ruled that the woman could have purchased their marijuana out of state which somehow affected interstate commerce. The Supreme Court failed to note that such out-of-state purchases would have been illegal. See Gonzales v. Raich (previously Ashcroft v. Raich), 545 U.S. 1 (2005)

The word “Supreme” in the United States Supreme Court obviously refers to power and not to intelligence, common sense or morality.

The SCOTUS also used the Commerce Clause to advance civil rights for Blacks prior to the passage of the Civil Rights Act. In one case, the court ruled that a restaurant used food and other items that were acquired through interstate commerce and thus the courts could regulate the business, forcing them to serve Blacks. The SCOTUS had a noble motive, but their over zealous use of the Commerce Clause was – in my humble opinion – illogical and without legal basis. Note: Many people think equal rights were based upon the Equal Protection Clause of Amendment XIV, but this is not the case. Amendment XIV prohibits only state-sanctioned action (“no state shall...). On the other hand, the Commerce Clause clearly applies to individuals.

Conclusion: I have no idea how the SCOTUS would handle a prohibition on casino gambling; however, I would not be even mildly surprised if their overactive and agenda-driven imaginations found a way to assert jurisdiction and impose regulations. In the end, the Court may find that making a wager does not affect interstate commerce, but I wouldn't bet on it (pun intended).
btw, yes the Government should outlaw investing in the stock market.
It creates an environment where the incentive is to pay the stockholders who want more money, and not the labor that has themselves and /or their families to support.

You are a truly SPECIAL kind of stupid...
Outlawing gambling because you don't like it is a far cry from claiming the government has total power over all my money because an FRN is a "government document".

Even for a liberal that's an exceedingly stupid argument.

Its not about my like or dislike for it.
Its about the proven economic failure of a seesaw economy that cant be balanced between the business and the customers, and that is based on throwing money completely away.

If we outlawed all proven economic failure, Bernie Sanders would be serving a life sentence and government spending would be a fraction of what it is today.

Government spending is only a failure if taxes are not being collected to pay for it, which is exactly the way the GOP does things.
Bullshit. More lies. You are one brainwashed, stupid sunbich. Go away traitor.

No wonder Boston, Hartford and New York, and their suburbs are better places economically, than the south right ?

You mean Hartford, a half hour drive from TWO giant casinos?
Its not about my like or dislike for it.
Its about the proven economic failure of a seesaw economy that cant be balanced between the business and the customers, and that is based on throwing money completely away.

If we outlawed all proven economic failure, Bernie Sanders would be serving a life sentence and government spending would be a fraction of what it is today.

Government spending is only a failure if taxes are not being collected to pay for it, which is exactly the way the GOP does things.
Bullshit. More lies. You are one brainwashed, stupid sunbich. Go away traitor.

No wonder Boston, Hartford and New York, and their suburbs are better places economically, than the south right ?

You mean Hartford, a half hour drive from TWO giant casinos?
2 hour drive isn't a walk down the street
Just found something else out.
There are more casinos in the South and Midwest, than there are in Atlantic City and Las Vegas and Reno combined.
Which also contributes to their poverty.
I disapprove of gambling myself, but it's not the government's place, or yours, to tell people what to do with their money. If they wanna blow it all on slots, let them.

Yes it the governments job to tell people what they can and cant do with a Government document, which money is.
And why should the government let people blow it on slots and not be able to support the economy ?

Go fuck yourself you elitist piece of shit snob.

I earn the money I can spend the money on what ever I fucking please .

I disapprove of gambling myself, but it's not the government's place, or yours, to tell people what to do with their money. If they wanna blow it all on slots, let them.

Yes it the governments job to tell people what they can and cant do with a Government document, which money is.
And why should the government let people blow it on slots and not be able to support the economy ?

Go fuck yourself you elitist piece of shit snob.

I earn the money I can spend the money on what ever I fucking please .


Actually you earn the money how and where, and under what conditions the government allows, and you spend it the same way.
I love Contards and their Prepubescent mentality.
I disapprove of gambling myself, but it's not the government's place, or yours, to tell people what to do with their money. If they wanna blow it all on slots, let them.

Yes it the governments job to tell people what they can and cant do with a Government document, which money is.
And why should the government let people blow it on slots and not be able to support the economy ?

Go fuck yourself you elitist piece of shit snob.

I earn the money I can spend the money on what ever I fucking please .


Actually you earn the money how and where, and under what conditions the government allows, and you spend it the same way.
I love Contards and their Prepubescent mentality.

Under what the government allows?

Suck my left nut mental midget

I am so sure the government allowed people and companies to hide trillions off shore also? No you faggot liberals were to fucking stupid to think ahead like normal.

I disapprove of gambling myself, but it's not the government's place, or yours, to tell people what to do with their money. If they wanna blow it all on slots, let them.

Yes it the governments job to tell people what they can and cant do with a Government document, which money is.
And why should the government let people blow it on slots and not be able to support the economy ?

Go fuck yourself you elitist piece of shit snob.

I earn the money I can spend the money on what ever I fucking please .


Actually you earn the money how and where, and under what conditions the government allows, and you spend it the same way.
I love Contards and their Prepubescent mentality.

Under what the government allows?

Suck my left nut mental midget

I am so sure the government allowed people and companies to hide trillions off shore also? No you faggot liberals were to fucking stupid to think ahead like normal.


Of Course it did, and you know who it was ?
Republican George Bush.
If we outlawed all proven economic failure, Bernie Sanders would be serving a life sentence and government spending would be a fraction of what it is today.

Government spending is only a failure if taxes are not being collected to pay for it, which is exactly the way the GOP does things.
Bullshit. More lies. You are one brainwashed, stupid sunbich. Go away traitor.

No wonder Boston, Hartford and New York, and their suburbs are better places economically, than the south right ?

You mean Hartford, a half hour drive from TWO giant casinos?
2 hour drive isn't a walk down the street

Did you read my post before replying? If not, why not? If so...are you stupid?
The government already restricts economic legal abilties

Oh? And when have they stopped you from buying groceries?

They don't allow grocery stores to take the groceries out of my cart, take my money, scrape it down into a black hole, put the Groceries back on the shelf, and say you lose, you don't need to eat this month, come back again, we'll do it again.

They also don't allow Grocers to sell outdated, improperly stored, uninformatively labeled junk, nor do they allow grocers to maintain standards that are lower than the Government's standards.

I also need to eat... I don't need to throw away my money.

And the Gambler's kids need to eat too, IF not himself, and the bills need to be paid far more than what he needs a 1 in a 999 Novemdecillion chance of beating the casino.

Sorry your dad gambled away all your money growing up.
The government still has no right to control all the money.
"Government document"? Laughable.

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