Making the American Economy Great Again

Nov 12, 2016
Basically, I see a lot of potential in our current economy, but I believe that most people haven't realized it yet. The American economy is currently transitioning from a blue collar manufacturing economy to a white collar service economy. This transition has been taking place slowly but just now becoming readily apparent. The manufacturing jobs from yesteryears are moving out of the country, and they aren't coming back, but this is the natural progression of a manufacturing economy as the goal is to always make more products cheaply. The manufacturing economy is becoming more of a global economy, and we need to find our place in it.

I see America contributing to this global economy via three different mechanisms, which will grow the economy here at home.

Business management - Large American corporations conducting international business both home and abroad. Business and foreign language skills will be essential.
Communications - America basically owns the internet, and the whole world is connected which allows a global economy to function in the first place. Alphabet, Apple, IBM are some of the most well corporations in the U.S. but can't fill most of their jobs because of a lack of qualified American workers.
Finance - Banks and Wall Street are important for business, and the financial sectors are booming with no signs of slowing down.

Furthermore but still along the same lines of a service economy, Americans are living longer than ever, and the healthcare industry continues to grow. The jobs are well paying and secure and are accommodating to myriad of educational levels.

One problem this transition presents is that in the old manufacturing American economy, someone could leave high school and immediately go into the workforce with a good work ethic and be successful enough to live the Dream. I think it's time that America have a change of mindset because those jobs again aren't coming back. This mindset needs to ripple through the entire educational system from grade school to college with a focus on preparing our youth for these kinds of jobs.


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Transitioning? The transition was completed years ago. Most jobs at the present time are in the service sector while less than 6% are in manufacturing. Carrier, New Venture Gear, GM, and Bristol Myers are either gone or a shell of what they used to be.

What do you mean it's just becoming apparent? It was apparent 10 years ago.

Service jobs are well paying and are secure, and by that meaning there's job security for those people? Nope, wrong again.

Banks and Wall Street are important for business? No they're not. In fact, everyone would have a better lifestyle without Wall Street or big banks. You ever notice how credit unions and family owned businesses treat their employees and customers better? All banks do today is create jobs for people living in India, not America. Banks sacrifice the happiness of their customers for their shareholder's best interests. Credit unions are only owned by the people who use it so there's free checking, lower fees, and better customer service located in the U.S, and the money made at a credit union is returned to members in a yearly dividend and kept locally to make that community a better place.

Your post is seriously outdated and completely ignorant.
The manufacturing jobs from yesteryears are moving out of the country, and they aren't coming back,
Wrong!! ship 30 million illegals home, cut or eliminate the highest corporate tax in the world, renegotiate trade deals and you have millions and millions of jobs back with huge upward pressure on wages.

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