Making the world go round


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2016
North Carolina
My sixth grandson entered the world yesterday and he is a hoss. Ten, ten on the Apgar, that is how we roll. While he might be number six, he is the first born to one of my sons. The name rolls on. I had three daughters, bam, bam, bam. Then three sons, bam, bam, bam. That is the way to do it. Bust your ass the first few years then set it on cruise control. My grandmaw taught me that.

But that is the point of this thread. You make babies. That is what you are here for. Seems to be a lost art. Population growth would be negative if it weren't for immigrants. The doctor told my son and his wife, "Please have ten kids, you make beautiful babies". And knowing them, they probably will.

My oldest says it best. She gets it all the time, with five siblings. "Dad told me he wanted to make the world a better place, he had six kids because he needs all the help he can get". And I do. We all do. Make babies.
My sixth grandson entered the world yesterday and he is a hoss. Ten, ten on the Apgar, that is how we roll. While he might be number six, he is the first born to one of my sons. The name rolls on. I had three daughters, bam, bam, bam. Then three sons, bam, bam, bam. That is the way to do it. Bust your ass the first few years then set it on cruise control. My grandmaw taught me that.

But that is the point of this thread. You make babies. That is what you are here for. Seems to be a lost art. Population growth would be negative if it weren't for immigrants. The doctor told my son and his wife, "Please have ten kids, you make beautiful babies". And knowing them, they probably will.

My oldest says it best. She gets it all the time, with five siblings. "Dad told me he wanted to make the world a better place, he had six kids because he needs all the help he can get". And I do. We all do. Make babies.
Thanks to revelations through I have produced several more kids than I had previously been aware of. Do I get a cookie? :biggrin:
Maybe I wasn't clear. You make babies, but you raise them. I had three daughters with my first wife. Well actually, only two, the third was a product of her affair. But I stepped up, took custody of all of them. Was a single parent with three girls under seven. Walk that path. And in the custody hearing, the father of the third daughter stood with me, asked the court to give me custody. I handled it.
My sixth grandson entered the world yesterday and he is a hoss. Ten, ten on the Apgar, that is how we roll. While he might be number six, he is the first born to one of my sons. The name rolls on. I had three daughters, bam, bam, bam. Then three sons, bam, bam, bam. That is the way to do it. Bust your ass the first few years then set it on cruise control. My grandmaw taught me that.

But that is the point of this thread. You make babies. That is what you are here for. Seems to be a lost art. Population growth would be negative if it weren't for immigrants. The doctor told my son and his wife, "Please have ten kids, you make beautiful babies". And knowing them, they probably will.

My oldest says it best. She gets it all the time, with five siblings. "Dad told me he wanted to make the world a better place, he had six kids because he needs all the help he can get". And I do. We all do. Make babies.

You have trained them well so that they know their worth is tied to being baby factories.

You really should be so proud.
Some want something else besides making babies. There's zero wrong with that. It's a growing trend.
My sixth grandson entered the world yesterday and he is a hoss. Ten, ten on the Apgar, that is how we roll. While he might be number six, he is the first born to one of my sons. The name rolls on. I had three daughters, bam, bam, bam. Then three sons, bam, bam, bam. That is the way to do it. Bust your ass the first few years then set it on cruise control. My grandmaw taught me that.

But that is the point of this thread. You make babies. That is what you are here for. Seems to be a lost art. Population growth would be negative if it weren't for immigrants. The doctor told my son and his wife, "Please have ten kids, you make beautiful babies". And knowing them, they probably will.

My oldest says it best. She gets it all the time, with five siblings. "Dad told me he wanted to make the world a better place, he had six kids because he needs all the help he can get". And I do. We all do. Make babies.
Congratulations on the birth of your sixth grandson! It sounds like your family is full of love and strong bonds, and it's wonderful to hear that everyone is doing well.

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