Malaysia Airlines Is To Blame. Not the Russians

How about letting INTERNATIONAL experts in to review evidence?

What international expert is stupid enough to want to go into a war zone?

US, Netherlands, UK, Australia, many nations want access. Some have come in, site already tampered with:

Nearly six days after a missile took down a Malaysia Airlines flight over Eastern Ukraine, international investigators now have full control of MH17′s crash site. While they expected locals and pro-Russian separatists to have tampered with the site (and looted the cargo), inspectors were puzzled to discover that the cockpit of the Boeing 777 had been sawed in half. Most of it is missing, as is much of the fuselage.

According to USAToday, the cockpit appears to have been disassembled with diesel-powered saws:

“The rear part of the aircraft, one of the biggest intact pieces, has definitely been hacked into,” said Michael Bociurkiw, spokesman for the group of international monitors from the Organize for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). “The separatists are removing evidence from the crash site,” he said. “All of which begs the question: What are they trying to hide?”
Sawed in half, everyone.

The separatists are producing evidence against them by destroying evidence.

OOPs, they have found a piece of fuselage with shrapnel evidence of a missile. That should dispel the nonsense about the Ukrainian SU-25.
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What international expert is stupid enough to want to go into a war zone?

US, Netherlands, UK, Australia, many nations want access. Some have come in, site already tampered with:

Nearly six days after a missile took down a Malaysia Airlines flight over Eastern Ukraine, international investigators now have full control of MH17′s crash site. While they expected locals and pro-Russian separatists to have tampered with the site (and looted the cargo), inspectors were puzzled to discover that the cockpit of the Boeing 777 had been sawed in half. Most of it is missing, as is much of the fuselage.

According to USAToday, the cockpit appears to have been disassembled with diesel-powered saws:

“The rear part of the aircraft, one of the biggest intact pieces, has definitely been hacked into,” said Michael Bociurkiw, spokesman for the group of international monitors from the Organize for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). “The separatists are removing evidence from the crash site,” he said. “All of which begs the question: What are they trying to hide?”
Sawed in half, everyone.

The separatists are producing evidence against them by destroying evidence.

OOPs, they have found a piece of fuselage with shrapnel evidence of a missile. That should dispel the nonsense about the Ukrainian SU-25.

Malaysians are pouring over every inch, and sharing info with the US, the Dutch demand ANSWERS, soon:

Dutch prepare to mourn as task of identifying bodies begins

Ah, Putin was oddly silent today....perhaps the Russian Federation has him in an "undisclosed location".
US, Netherlands, UK, Australia, many nations want access. Some have come in, site already tampered with:

Nearly six days after a missile took down a Malaysia Airlines flight over Eastern Ukraine, international investigators now have full control of MH17′s crash site. While they expected locals and pro-Russian separatists to have tampered with the site (and looted the cargo), inspectors were puzzled to discover that the cockpit of the Boeing 777 had been sawed in half. Most of it is missing, as is much of the fuselage.

According to USAToday, the cockpit appears to have been disassembled with diesel-powered saws:

“The rear part of the aircraft, one of the biggest intact pieces, has definitely been hacked into,” said Michael Bociurkiw, spokesman for the group of international monitors from the Organize for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). “The separatists are removing evidence from the crash site,” he said. “All of which begs the question: What are they trying to hide?”
Sawed in half, everyone.

The separatists are producing evidence against them by destroying evidence.

OOPs, they have found a piece of fuselage with shrapnel evidence of a missile. That should dispel the nonsense about the Ukrainian SU-25.

Malaysians are pouring over every inch, and sharing info with the US, the Dutch demand ANSWERS, soon:

Dutch prepare to mourn as task of identifying bodies begins

Ah, Putin was oddly silent today....perhaps the Russian Federation has him in an "undisclosed location".

:lol: Yes--he has gone into hiding he because he so intimidated.
OOPs, they have found a piece of fuselage with shrapnel evidence of a missile. That should dispel the nonsense about the Ukrainian SU-25.

Malaysians are pouring over every inch, and sharing info with the US, the Dutch demand ANSWERS, soon:

Dutch prepare to mourn as task of identifying bodies begins

Ah, Putin was oddly silent today....perhaps the Russian Federation has him in an "undisclosed location".

:lol: Yes--he has gone into hiding he because he so intimidated.

No, by sheer coincidence, he held a SECURITY COUNCIL meeting today, on 24 hours notice:

On Tuesday, July 22nd, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting of the Russian Security Council. The meeting will focus on ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, the press service of the Kremlin reports.

"On July 22, 2014, under the chairmanship by Russian President Putin, the meeting of the Security Council will be held to consider a range of issues related to ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation," the message from the press service of the Kremlin says.

Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev will deliver a report at the meeting, Interfax reports.

To phrase it lightly, a CYA meeting.
Malaysians are pouring over every inch, and sharing info with the US, the Dutch demand ANSWERS, soon:

Dutch prepare to mourn as task of identifying bodies begins

Ah, Putin was oddly silent today....perhaps the Russian Federation has him in an "undisclosed location".

:lol: Yes--he has gone into hiding he because he so intimidated.

No, by sheer coincidence, he held a SECURITY COUNCIL meeting today, on 24 hours notice:

On Tuesday, July 22nd, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting of the Russian Security Council. The meeting will focus on ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, the press service of the Kremlin reports.

"On July 22, 2014, under the chairmanship by Russian President Putin, the meeting of the Security Council will be held to consider a range of issues related to ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation," the message from the press service of the Kremlin says.

Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev will deliver a report at the meeting, Interfax reports.

To phrase it lightly, a CYA meeting.

I assume your CYA sources are anonymous ?
:lol: Yes--he has gone into hiding he because he so intimidated.

No, by sheer coincidence, he held a SECURITY COUNCIL meeting today, on 24 hours notice:

On Tuesday, July 22nd, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting of the Russian Security Council. The meeting will focus on ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, the press service of the Kremlin reports.

"On July 22, 2014, under the chairmanship by Russian President Putin, the meeting of the Security Council will be held to consider a range of issues related to ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation," the message from the press service of the Kremlin says.

Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev will deliver a report at the meeting, Interfax reports.

To phrase it lightly, a CYA meeting.

I assume your CYA sources are anonymous ?

Putin announced the meeting on 24 hours notice, think about it, and the pressure grows stronger:

Cockpit of MH17 found sawed in half at crash site
MH17 cockpit found 'sawn in half at spot cordoned off by pro-Russian separatists' | Mail Online
... and children killed in drive-bys are at fault for playing outside in gang territory

No...Their parents are. Children are not the best deciders of what is or is not safe. Adults have to choose what is best for their kids. We all wish the world was a safer place...whether it be a known gang territory in Chicago or a civil war zone in Eastern Europe.

I believe Putin is a thug. I believe he provided the missles for the purpose of shooting down supply planes.

We also provide weapons to dangerous parts of the world. By (we) I mean the US companies that make a profit off of the death of other peoples conflicts.

The Malaysian company was attempting to save money on fuel. That is indefenseable.

The safety of any commercial flight is up to the pilot flying the aircraft. The pilots work for the airline and should have refused to fly over that territory. The company should have re routed as they do now and just charged more for the cost of the extra fuel involved.

It is really just that simple.

Good post. I agree with you in general, only exception being calling Putin a "thug". Shooting down planes that are supplying your enemy is normal activity in war.

You might find this odd but I have little trouble with shooting down planes that supply one's enemy assuming a few constraints. The problem with supplying ill trained "rebels" with sophisticated missles that can reach an altitude of 70 plus thousand feet is self evident. What if the US supplied nuclear weapon technology to a backward 3rd world country like India or tacitly to Pakistan? Oh ya...we do... nevermind... :lol:

Putin is a thug but certainly no more so than Dick Cheney. Bush II isn't a thug.. he is a stooge/puppet that got played like Pinnochio.

But back to current news...

Putin is certainly responsible for allowing these missles to be put in the hands of idiots that without missing a beat miss used them. It might be noted that the launcher was returned to Russia. It appears that it is unwise to give the keys to a Ferrari to 5 year olds throwing a fit.
The bulk of the force was USA, UK, and Australia.

Why are you so afraid of a simple question? Did about 30 countries participate or not?

No one denied 30 countries "participated" except in your deluded and incredibly fucked up mind. The issue is, they clearly did so to widely varying degrees and many left before the US exited. They left because they realized it was a quagmire that had no support among the populations of their countries. To give you an idea, since you have none, 16 of those countries left in 2005 or earlier including countries like Italy(the third largest troop contingent initially), Netherlands, and Spain who intially provided thousands of troops but due to popular opposition to the war were forced to withdraw.–_Iraq

To give you an idea, here is a picture of the composition of the "coalition of the willing" in 2006.

Yea, thats international support a global consensus if I ever saw one, :rollseyes:

Now answer my question you snarky little bitch. Did you bother to count how many countries are in the world? And why don't you address the overwhelming majority of countries worldwide who didn't join, or the lack of popular support among the countries who initially did but didn't stick it out?

Also, you know you couldn't even get 30 countries today to apply sanctions to Russia, much less militarily intervene in Ukraine on behalf of US Government interests.

Why are you scared shitless to respond to my questions, so much so you cut out my posts? Your trolling is very indicative of your fear and cowardice.
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The bulk of the force was USA, UK, and Australia.

Why are you so afraid of a simple question? Did about 30 countries participate or not?

No one denied 30 countries "participated"

Then why do you keep whining like a little bitch? No one said all participating nations played the same role to the same degree either. You seem like a bitter, impotent little nobody trying to cast pebbles at your betters but unable to reach as far as the upper big toe. What little nowhere land are you from that you have such a neurosis?
No one denied 30 countries "participated"

Then why do you keep whining like a little bitch? No one said all participating nations played the same role to the same degree either. You seem like a bitter, impotent little nobody trying to cast pebbles at your betters but unable to reach as far as the upper big toe. What little nowhere land are you from that you have such a neurosis?

Fuck you you cock sucking piece of shit. The World Doesn't support your impotent and crumbling American imperialism in Iraq, and they won't in Ukraine or Russia.

You didn't answer my questions, precious. Still afraid of a simple question? How can we have a discussion if you won't participate?
Did you bother to count how many countries are in the world?

Unlike an ignorant little punk like you, I didn't need to count. Some people actually know things, kid. If you could get over your emotional issues you might learn something yourself someday and not have to Google everything. Stay in school, boy.

Typical deflection by a weak ass faggot, you can't even answer my questions

But I did answer your question. Why so upset, precious? Do you have any other questions? Anything related to the topic of the thread?
The World Doesn't support your impotent and crumbling American imperialism in Iraq, and they won't in Ukraine or Russia.

You have admitted that 30 countries participated in the overthrow of saddam hussein's regime. That's more than two dozen. Quite a few, indeed.


Maybe you don't understand what "imperialism" means. What is your first language, precious?
The World Doesn't support your impotent and crumbling American imperialism in Iraq, and they won't in Ukraine or Russia.

You have admitted that 30 countries participated in the overthrow of saddam hussein's regime. That's more than two dozen. Quite a few, indeed.


Maybe you don't understand what "imperialism" means. What is your first language, precious?
30 of 196 countries world wide, 16 of whom left 2005 or before. 28 of whom left in 2009 or before. Yea, talk about broad support lol. You dumb fucking faggot.

You have admitted they were to varying degrees of support(like Iceland providing two troops for example), and that the Us provided the overwhelming majority of the fighting force, and that more than half of this grand coalition left in 2005 or before because they had no popular support with their citizens.

Why are you bringing up arguments you already lost you cock sucking faggot?

You wanna get whooped again and try to create a false narrative of international support for Iraq?
The World Doesn't support your impotent and crumbling American imperialism in Iraq, and they won't in Ukraine or Russia.

You have admitted that 30 countries participated in the overthrow of saddam hussein's regime. That's more than two dozen. Quite a few, indeed.


Maybe you don't understand what "imperialism" means. What is your first language, precious?
30 of 196 countries world wide, 16 of whom left 2005 or before. 28 of whom left in 2009 or before. Yea, talk about broad support lol. You dumb fucking faggot.

You have admitted they were to varying degrees of support(like Iceland providing two troops for example), and that the Us provided the overwhelming majority of the fighting force, and that more than half of this grand coalition left in 2005 or before because they had no popular support with their citizens.

Why are you bringing up arguments you already lost you cock sucking faggot?

You wanna get whooped again and try to create a false narrative of international support for Iraq?

You seem to be insisting that someone argue with your straw man, precious. Perhaps a course in logic would help you organize your thoughts a little better. You have admitted to everything I said, and then melted down in humorously exaggerated fashion over points not in contention. Pay more attention to reality and control the inferiority complex that is compelling you to lash out at America like an impotent little clown.
There's too much trolling going on here. If it doesn't address the OP don't post it!
You have admitted that 30 countries participated in the overthrow of saddam hussein's regime. That's more than two dozen. Quite a few, indeed.


Maybe you don't understand what "imperialism" means. What is your first language, precious?
30 of 196 countries world wide, 16 of whom left 2005 or before. 28 of whom left in 2009 or before. Yea, talk about broad support lol. You dumb fucking faggot.

You have admitted they were to varying degrees of support(like Iceland providing two troops for example), and that the Us provided the overwhelming majority of the fighting force, and that more than half of this grand coalition left in 2005 or before because they had no popular support with their citizens.

Why are you bringing up arguments you already lost you cock sucking faggot?

You wanna get whooped again and try to create a false narrative of international support for Iraq?

You have admitted to everything I said,

You said a whole lot of nothing, like always.
The perpetrators of this craven attack, and NONE of the victims, are responsible. Personal inferiority complexes any little nobodies may have regarding the US have NOTHING to do with it (of course :rolleyes:). The real question is whether the decision to pull the trigger can or ever will be traced directly back to Moscow. Not that obama would do anything regardless, but it would put Western Europe on the hot seat to show some backbone for once or admit to being something they might not prefer to admit.

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