Malaysia Airlines Is To Blame. Not the Russians

Funny how these lies could prove so compelling to every other nation in the world outside Russia. I guess they just forgot to check with your sources.
And there, more typical American evidence, assuming EVERYONE in the world agrees with your opinion(conjecture not fact based as of yet) and foreign policy. Remember the "coalition of the willing" from Iraq? lol

So according to your latest conspiracy theory/excuse making binge, every other nation in the world who acknowledges the obvious must be a supplicant of America. Is that your hair brain theory of the moment?

You are the only idiot here making hairbrained theories with no evidence. Please provide some actual evidence that the separatists even have the BUK systems necessary to shot down this aircraft?
Ukraine near us. War on border isn't favorable to us. It is simple thought. You understand it? McCain arrived to Kiev. The USA gives the credits to Ukraine. Question - to whom it is favorable? Politicians in the USA try to make others hands worse than Russia.
Who can distinctly tell - why we need to force down the plane? Why?

The USA go to Iraq - there war.
The USA go to Afghanistan - there war.
The USA go to Libya - there war.
Who can tell why you there? How many people you killed far from your houses? What for? Why you chooses each time of the president which begins new war? And the new president says lies each time to you. About a reason for invasion into Iraq, for example. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
And for your money kill people. Each time to you say lies equally - calling someone another a terrosrist. Or bandit. And you trust... how many years? 10? 20?

We might have a different impression of Russians if they weren't all so drunk and stupid all the time.

Maybe it just appears that way when YOU are "drunk and stupid" ? :lol:
Firing missiles into an air space where no commercial aircraft should ever be, without bothering to identify their target is WAR. Something you appear to be clueless about.
You still think this is more or less a tennis game, with lots of rules. In war, there is one rule. Kill your enemy before he kills you.

No, you are completely wrong.....again. Or should I say continuously? There are obviously many internationally recognized rules and conventions of war. The fact that you are evidently unaware of them renders your statements entirely meaningless.

"Evidently ?" HA HA HA. I've known about those rules and conventions since 1954 (and you ?) Now that that's settled, I have a question for you, junior. >>

If this were December 1941, a few days after the Pearl Harbor attack, and thousands of Japanese soldiers were landing on the shores of California, Oregon, and Washington, and you would have to break these "internationally recognized rules and conventions of war", you so piously spout about, to save the lives of millions of Pacific coast Americans (who otherwise would be slaughtered), would you break those rules ? Yes or no ?

You mean this question? Are you serious with this piece of shit? As if the one situation is in any way comparable with the other.
And if you continue with your phony claims of military expertise I'm going to make it my business to publicly embarrass you at every opportunity. I have no tolerance for people who stand on the laurels of better men.
And there, more typical American evidence, assuming EVERYONE in the world agrees with your opinion(conjecture not fact based as of yet) and foreign policy. Remember the "coalition of the willing" from Iraq? lol

So according to your latest conspiracy theory/excuse making binge, every other nation in the world who acknowledges the obvious must be a supplicant of America. Is that your hair brain theory of the moment?

You are the only idiot here making hairbrained theories with no evidence. Please provide some actual evidence that the separatists even have the BUK systems necessary to shot down this aircraft?

You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?
Just wait for the facts. It will prove what we all know now. The Russians supplied the missiles and instructed the idiots on how to use them. The glory seeking rebels wanted to crow about bringing another Ukrainian transport plane down, rushed to judgement, pushed the button and killed nearly 300 people, 80 of which were children.

They brag on Twitter until it is discovered that it was a full passenger jet. Suddenly it is anyone's fault but the Russian back rebels and their father, Putin. They will all be held accountable.

Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day, scum like yourself and our lying government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.

Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukrainefrom shooting down MH17.

Interesting point. Motive is often the fundamental indicator.
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So according to your latest conspiracy theory/excuse making binge, every other nation in the world who acknowledges the obvious must be a supplicant of America. Is that your hair brain theory of the moment?

You are the only idiot here making hairbrained theories with no evidence. Please provide some actual evidence that the separatists even have the BUK systems necessary to shot down this aircraft?

You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

YOU are the joke of this thread, and will continue to be, ever since I shot down your pious, high and mighty international rules proclamations, in Post # 270, and you've never answered the challenge.
Yeah, I remember about 30 countries that participated. Not sure what the fuck you're laughing at unless it's yourself.

I am laughing ....
Try to put your inferiority complex on hold long enough to answer.

You mean Morocco's mine detecting monkeys? Or Iceland's 2 soldiers? Coalition of the willing my ass. The bulk of the force was USA, UK, and Australia, and they sure as hell don't make up the majority of the world, nor did they reflect the will of a large segment of the populations in their countrey(especially the UK and Australia)

30 countries, how about you find a world map. Get back to me when you count the number of countries on it you stupid fucker.
You couldn't even get 30 countries to put sanctions on Russia, much less get 30 countries in a war against the separatists in the East or against the Russian Federation.
You are the only idiot here making hairbrained theories with no evidence. Please provide some actual evidence that the separatists even have the BUK systems necessary to shot down this aircraft?

You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

YOU are the joke of this thread, and will continue to be, ever since I shot down your pious, high and mighty international rules proclamations, in Post # 270, and you've never answered the challenge.

I wonder if it could be more obvious , to people who have actually served, that you don't know anything about anything military. In fact, it's very obvious that you are a complete fraud.
So according to your latest conspiracy theory/excuse making binge, every other nation in the world who acknowledges the obvious must be a supplicant of America. Is that your hair brain theory of the moment?

You are the only idiot here making hairbrained theories with no evidence. Please provide some actual evidence that the separatists even have the BUK systems necessary to shot down this aircraft?

You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

You are the only joke here, you and your butt buddy unkotare have provided no evidence the separatists even had the weapons to do it. Much less they committed this act.

All you have are snarky little one liners, typical of arrogant shitlibs that feed off one line memes from american media on all political issues.

Go watch the daily show or something and pretend to feel smart.
No, you are completely wrong.....again. Or should I say continuously? There are obviously many internationally recognized rules and conventions of war. The fact that you are evidently unaware of them renders your statements entirely meaningless.

"Evidently ?" HA HA HA. I've known about those rules and conventions since 1954 (and you ?) Now that that's settled, I have a question for you, junior. >>

If this were December 1941, a few days after the Pearl Harbor attack, and thousands of Japanese soldiers were landing on the shores of California, Oregon, and Washington, and you would have to break these "internationally recognized rules and conventions of war", you so piously spout about, to save the lives of millions of Pacific coast Americans (who otherwise would be slaughtered), would you break those rules ? Yes or no ?

You mean this question? Are you serious with this piece of shit? As if the one situation is in any way comparable with the other.
And if you continue with your phony claims of military expertise I'm going to make it my business to publicly embarrass you at every opportunity. I have no tolerance for people who stand on the laurels of better men.

In other words, your answer is YES, you WOULD break the international rules to prevent the slaughter of millions of Americans. So your big bad rules of war only apply when you want them to, but you're willing to ignore them when you see fit.

I just proved about 10 of your posts to be the stupid nonsense that they are. As for my claims of military expertise, you have absolutely no Knowledge about that, and are 100% incapable of calling them "phony", all of which adds to the foolishness that you so clearly display in this thread. The only thing you are publicly embarrassing here is YOURSELF, and you're doing a hell of a job of it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS- I could send a copy of my military DD214 to the administrators of this forum, and they could then publicly state that I am an Army veteran, with 5 years of service and honorable discharge. After which, you could then apologize for your idiotic yammering in this thread.
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You are the only idiot here making hairbrained theories with no evidence. Please provide some actual evidence that the separatists even have the BUK systems necessary to shot down this aircraft?

You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

You are the only joke here, you and your butt buddy unkotare have provided no evidence the separatists even had the weapons to do it. Much less they committed this act.

All you have are snarky little one liners, typical of arrogant shitlibs that feed off one line memes from american media on all political issues.

Go watch the daily show or something and pretend to feel smart.

Holy shit! Looks like I lost another bet......just when I thought you couldn't sound even more stupid than you did already.
You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

YOU are the joke of this thread, and will continue to be, ever since I shot down your pious, high and mighty international rules proclamations, in Post # 270, and you've never answered the challenge.

I wonder if it could be more obvious , to people who have actually served, that you don't know anything about anything military. In fact, it's very obvious that you are a complete fraud.

I'm going to take a wild guess that you have never served ? And not having served how would you know what there is to know ? Here's a quiz for you. What are 4 bridges that the US Army Corps of Engineers build and have built since World War II ?

HA HA. You're making this worse and worse for yourself by the minute.
You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

You are the only joke here, you and your butt buddy unkotare have provided no evidence the separatists even had the weapons to do it. Much less they committed this act.

All you have are snarky little one liners, typical of arrogant shitlibs that feed off one line memes from american media on all political issues.

Go watch the daily show or something and pretend to feel smart.

Holy shit! Looks like I lost another bet......just when I thought you couldn't sound even more stupid than you did already.

And just when you couldn't look any gayer, you upped the ante.
You mean this question? Are you serious with this piece of shit? As if the one situation is in any way comparable with the other.
And if you continue with your phony claims of military expertise I'm going to make it my business to publicly embarrass you at every opportunity. I have no tolerance for people who stand on the laurels of better men.

In other words, your answer is YES, you WOULD break the international rules to prevent the slaughter of millions of Americans. So your big bad rules of war only apply when you want them to, but you're willing to ignore them when you see fit.

I just proved about 10 of your posts to be the stupid nonsense that they are. As for my claims of military expertise, you have absolutely no Knowledge about that, and are 100% incapable of calling them "phony", all of which adds to the foolishness that you so clearly display in this thread. The only thing you are publicly embarrassing here is YOURSELF, and you're doing a hell of a job of it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I warned you, you didn't want to listen. Now you've pissed me off. I'm going to fuck you up every time I see you on this forum. I consider fakes like you to be among the worst kind of cowards.

HA HA HA HA. You're not going to do anything of the kind, because your are incapable of doing that, and if you want to go one on one with me, I'll make mincemeat of you in this forum. And guess what. I've already done that with Post # 270, which you punked out from and tried (ineptly) to dodge. And now you have a new challenge. what are the 4 bridges of the US Army Corps of Engineers and Army National Guard units in Corps of Engineers battalions ? I'll wait while you clean up all that egg all over your face. :badgrin: waiting.......waiting.......waiting.....waiting :D
Everybody seems to be quickly blaming the Russians and the Russian-supported Ukranian separatists, for the downing of the Malaysian passenger jet MH17. I disagree. The Russians, the separatists, and the Ukranians are involved in a war, which is really nobody's business but theirs. How would Americans like it if people in Russia said we in America should not rule over the island of Puerto Rico ?... and if Puerto Ricans rebelled, we should not send troops. And that the Russians might send arms to the Puerto rican separatists. We'd probably tell them to mind their own business.

I could understand if Putin was sending troops into Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland, in something reminiscient of Hitler's blitzkrieg upon Europe. But this is just a matter between 2 countries, which really ought to be nobody's business but theirs.

So what you have is a war combat zone. Well anyone in his right mind knows that is place to stay away from. Everyone but the people in Malaysia Airlines that is, and the dummies at the International Civil Aviation Organization, who the company has stupidly listened to. Malaysia Airlines said: “The usual flight route was earlier declared safe by the International Civil Aviation Organsiation."

Well, if you see somebody climb to the top of the tallest bridge in your town, and jump off, do you do that too ? It should have been common sense to avoid a combat zone, and Malaysia Airlines and the ICAO both are the ones to blame fro being just plain STUPID. Other airlines rerouted their flights months ago when this zone became one of combat (Quantas, China Airlines, Korean Air, Asiana).

Professor Geoff Dell, a Central Queensland University accident investigation and safety specialist, said Malaysia Airlines should not have been flying over Ukraine.

“From as soon as the conflict started they shouldn’t have been going anywhere near it,’’ Prof Dell said. “They should’ve shifted to alternate routes, like all the other airlines seemed to have done.’’

So if anyone wants to blame anyone they should blame the officials at Malaysia Airlines and the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Your right, sensible commercial airplanes would divert around a war zone.
YOU are the joke of this thread, and will continue to be, ever since I shot down your pious, high and mighty international rules proclamations, in Post # 270, and you've never answered the challenge.

I wonder if it could be more obvious , to people who have actually served, that you don't know anything about anything military. In fact, it's very obvious that you are a complete fraud.

I'm going to take a wild guess that you have never served ? And not having served how would you know what there is to know ? Here's a quiz for you. What are 4 bridges that the US Army Corps of Engineers build and have built since World War II ?

HA HA. You're making this worse and worse for yourself by the minute.

There is one other possibility I hadn't considered. You may have served and suffered a traumatic head injury.....that would explain a lot. It might even explain why you think Corps of Engineer history trivia is relevant here.

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