Malaysia Airlines Is To Blame. Not the Russians

I believe Putin is a thug. I believe he provided the missles for the purpose of shooting down supply planes.
Ukraine near us. War on border isn't favorable to us. It is simple thought. You understand it? McCain arrived to Kiev. The USA gives the credits to Ukraine. Question - to whom it is favorable? Politicians in the USA try to make others hands worse than Russia.
Who can distinctly tell - why we need to force down the plane? Why?

The USA go to Iraq - there war.
The USA go to Afghanistan - there war.
The USA go to Libya - there war.
Who can tell why you there? How many people you killed far from your houses? What for? Why you chooses each time of the president which begins new war? And the new president says lies each time to you. About a reason for invasion into Iraq, for example. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
And for your money kill people. Each time to you say lies equally - calling someone another a terrosrist. Or bandit. And you trust... how many years? 10? 20?

We might have a different impression of Russians if they weren't all so drunk and stupid all the time.
Logic and reason are not his forte.

Shut up moron. His dumb post was already refuted days ago.

This is killer stuff.
You formed an opinion....Others do not agree. You attack them.

The funniest part is that when the old loon forms an 'opinion,' he thinks he has created an alternate reality. That's why he quotes himself so often. He thinks he represents an unimpeachable source by which to support his own claims.

Like a dog chasing its own tail.
... and children killed in drive-bys are at fault for playing outside in gang territory

No...Their parents are. Children are not the best deciders of what is or is not safe. Adults have to choose what is best for their kids. We all wish the world was a safer place...whether it be a known gang territory in Chicago or a civil war zone in Eastern Europe.

I believe Putin is a thug. I believe he provided the missles for the purpose of shooting down supply planes.

We also provide weapons to dangerous parts of the world. By (we) I mean the US companies that make a profit off of the death of other peoples conflicts.

The Malaysian company was attempting to save money on fuel. That is indefenseable.

The safety of any commercial flight is up to the pilot flying the aircraft. The pilots work for the airline and should have refused to fly over that territory. The company should have re routed as they do now and just charged more for the cost of the extra fuel involved.

It is really just that simple.

55 other planes used the same air corridor on that day. They included airlines like Lufthansa. Pilots can't fly willy nilly all over the place, they have to follow declared routes using standardized air corridors.

and they happened to be the lucky ones. No one is using that route today. It always seems to take a bunch of deaths to even make a traffic intersection safe.
I believe Putin is a thug. I believe he provided the missles for the purpose of shooting down supply planes.
Ukraine near us. War on border isn't favorable to us. It is simple thought. You understand it? McCain arrived to Kiev. The USA gives the credits to Ukraine. Question - to whom it is favorable? Politicians in the USA try to make others hands worse than Russia.
Who can distinctly tell - why we need to force down the plane? Why?

The USA go to Iraq - there war.
The USA go to Afghanistan - there war.
The USA go to Libya - there war.
Who can tell why you there? How many people you killed far from your houses? What for? Why you chooses each time of the president which begins new war? And the new president says lies each time to you. About a reason for invasion into Iraq, for example. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
And for your money kill people. Each time to you say lies equally - calling someone another a terrosrist. Or bandit. And you trust... how many years? 10? 20?

Obama did not invade Iraq. Crazy Christian fascist fuckwit Geoge Bush did. Bush was and is a punk. He was a college cheerleader for fucks sakes. A reformed drunk. Refused his UA's associated with his medical to keep his liscense current. Recieved preferential treatment because his daddy used to be the head of CIA. Anybody else would have washed out as a pilot in the National Guard. Funny how George Walker and Putin were heads of their respective spy networks.

As far as who lives near the action I would have to remind you of 9/11 and what sprung from that terrorist act.

The first Iraq war was bogus because Bush number one had given Saddam a green light to make Kuaitt stop stealing their(Iraqi) oil via long distance cross drilling under their respective border to tap into Iraqi reserves.

THEN all of a sudden WE and ENGLAND decided that Saddam was a thug and we needed to protect the Jew snakes and Saudi Arabia. Now that EVERYBODY has access to excellent anti aircraft missles as was demonstrated this weekend I would love to see Israel try and pull off another 6 day war. They really should...THAT would settle a lot of issues once and for all.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 but Bush and that POS Cheney and the house ****** went to work on our congress and the UN telling lies and constantly bringing up 9/11.

If there was a country of origin it was Saudi Arabia as that is where much of the anti American sentiment was taught in the Madrasses. BTW that is where Ossama came from as well as something like 16 out of the 19 perpetrators. Yemen and SA should have been fumagated from the cockroaches including many royalty that backed the terrorists.

I don't give a flying crap about what happens to the pieces that used to be the great and former Soviet Union.

I am a pilot and know who is responsible for people aboard a commercial flight despite all of the hand wringing and boo-hoo-ing going on around here.
Just wait for the facts. It will prove what we all know now. The Russians supplied the missiles and instructed the idiots on how to use them. The glory seeking rebels wanted to crow about bringing another Ukrainian transport plane down, rushed to judgement, pushed the button and killed nearly 300 people, 80 of which were children.

They brag on Twitter until it is discovered that it was a full passenger jet. Suddenly it is anyone's fault but the Russian back rebels and their father, Putin. They will all be held accountable.

Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day, scum like yourself and our lying government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.

Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukrainefrom shooting down MH17.
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Just wait for the facts. It will prove what we all know now. The Russians supplied the missiles and instructed the idiots on how to use them. The glory seeking rebels wanted to crow about bringing another Ukrainian transport plane down, rushed to judgement, pushed the button and killed nearly 300 people, 80 of which were children.

They brag on Twitter until it is discovered that it was a full passenger jet. Suddenly it is anyone's fault but the Russian back rebels and their father, Putin. They will all be held accountable.

Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day, scum like yourself and our lying government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.

Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukrainefrom shooting down MH17.

Russian TV is always such a great source of unbiased information.
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Just wait for the facts. It will prove what we all know now. The Russians supplied the missiles and instructed the idiots on how to use them. The glory seeking rebels wanted to crow about bringing another Ukrainian transport plane down, rushed to judgement, pushed the button and killed nearly 300 people, 80 of which were children.

They brag on Twitter until it is discovered that it was a full passenger jet. Suddenly it is anyone's fault but the Russian back rebels and their father, Putin. They will all be held accountable.

Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day, scum like yourself and our lying government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.

Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukrainefrom shooting down MH17.

Russian TV is always such a great source of unbiased information.

So is FOX and Rupert Murdoch.
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The question of the day for investigators is what kind of radar system was being used and by who. The normal system used with the SA-11 Buk would have been able to calculate altitude, speed and size. That data would make the type aircraft identifiable to a trained technician.
I think the inescapable conclusion has to be, the Russians Fucked Up! Firing missiles into an air space with dozens of commercial aircraft without bothering to identify their target has be gross negligence at best.

Firing missiles into an air space where no commercial aircraft should ever be, without bothering to identify their target is WAR. Something you appear to be clueless about.
You still think this is more or less a tennis game, with lots of rules. In war, there is one rule. Kill your enemy before he kills you.
Yes, that maybe, but firing a missile at an unidentified aircraft in an air space know to have commercial airliners and killing 298 men, women, and children is at best irresponsible and will certainly bring down the condemnation of most of the world. Using the lame excuse that the aircraft should not have been there won't fly in the court of world opinion.

There certainly are rules of war and those that break them are considered guilty of war crimes although I doubt anyone will charged.
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Just wait for the facts. It will prove what we all know now. The Russians supplied the missiles and instructed the idiots on how to use them. The glory seeking rebels wanted to crow about bringing another Ukrainian transport plane down, rushed to judgement, pushed the button and killed nearly 300 people, 80 of which were children.

They brag on Twitter until it is discovered that it was a full passenger jet. Suddenly it is anyone's fault but the Russian back rebels and their father, Putin. They will all be held accountable.

Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day, scum like yourself and our lying government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.

Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukrainefrom shooting down MH17.

Russian TV is always such a great source of unbiased information.

This is Russian Defense Ministry. What proof do you have Russia Today is doctoring this information you faggot loving shithead. How about you provide some proof to the contrary? Oh that's right, the US has provided nothing but conjecture, just like you.
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Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day, scum like yourself and our lying government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.

Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukrainefrom shooting down MH17.

Russian TV is always such a great source of unbiased information.
This is Russian Defense Ministry. What proof do you have Russia Today is doctoring this information you faggot loving shithead. How about you provide some proof to the contrary? Oh that's right, the US has provided nothing but conjecture, just like you.

I'm sorry that you are just a little bit too stupid to know the difference between conjecture and verified intelligence. Your remarks are nearly as comical as the Russian denials.
Russia provides strong evidence of Ukranian responsibility for the attack. To this day, scum like yourself and our lying government has provided no evidence of Russian involvement in the attack. They just demonize and agitate for violence, war and sanctions.

Russia has nothing to gain from attacking civilians, where as the criminal conspiracy of jewish gangsters and neo nazis in Kiev has everything to gain in the way of more support from the west and potential NATO intervention in East Ukrainefrom shooting down MH17.

Russian TV is always such a great source of unbiased information.

So is FOX and Rupert Murdoch.

Good one, very funny indeed.
Some of these people are apparently just a little slow in realizing that US intelligence gathering satellites are constantly monitoring Russia......we know exactly where the missile came from and who fired it. There's no mystery here.
Russian TV is always such a great source of unbiased information.
This is Russian Defense Ministry. What proof do you have Russia Today is doctoring this information you faggot loving shithead. How about you provide some proof to the contrary? Oh that's right, the US has provided nothing but conjecture, just like you.

I'm sorry that you are just a little bit too stupid to know the difference between conjecture and verified intelligence. Your remarks are nearly as comical as the Russian denials.

Yea, in your mind, it is only verified if you dont like the outcome. Typical american liberal or neo con with his head in his ass who refuses to listen to anything that conflicts with their ignorant and biased world view. How about you provide some evidence to the contrary or shut the hell up?
This is Russian Defense Ministry. What proof do you have Russia Today is doctoring this information you faggot loving shithead. How about you provide some proof to the contrary? Oh that's right, the US has provided nothing but conjecture, just like you.

I'm sorry that you are just a little bit too stupid to know the difference between conjecture and verified intelligence. Your remarks are nearly as comical as the Russian denials.

Yea, in your mind, it is only verified if you dont like the outcome. Typical american liberal or neo con with his head in his ass who refuses to listen to anything that conflicts with their ignorant and biased world view. How about you provide some evidence to the contrary or shut the hell up?

Funny how these lies could prove so compelling to every other nation in the world outside Russia. I guess they just forgot to check with your sources.
Shut up moron. His dumb post was already refuted days ago.

This is killer stuff.
You formed an opinion....Others do not agree. You attack them.

The funniest part is that when the old loon forms an 'opinion,' he thinks he has created an alternate reality. That's why he quotes himself so often. He thinks he represents an unimpeachable source by which to support his own claims. Like a dog chasing its own tail.

If only your posts has an ounce of credibility rather the LIES that they are, one might actually be able to take you seriously. And watch out with the ageism. :D
We might have a different impression of Russians if they weren't all so drunk and stupid all the time.

There is no need to denigrate all Russian people in order to discuss the current political situation. Don't get over-excited.

There is no need to denigrate older people in order to discuss the current political situation. Don't get over-excited. :D
... and children killed in drive-bys are at fault for playing outside in gang territory

No...Their parents are. Children are not the best deciders of what is or is not safe. Adults have to choose what is best for their kids. We all wish the world was a safer place...whether it be a known gang territory in Chicago or a civil war zone in Eastern Europe.

I believe Putin is a thug. I believe he provided the missles for the purpose of shooting down supply planes.

We also provide weapons to dangerous parts of the world. By (we) I mean the US companies that make a profit off of the death of other peoples conflicts.

The Malaysian company was attempting to save money on fuel. That is indefenseable.

The safety of any commercial flight is up to the pilot flying the aircraft. The pilots work for the airline and should have refused to fly over that territory. The company should have re routed as they do now and just charged more for the cost of the extra fuel involved.

It is really just that simple.

55 other planes used the same air corridor on that day. They included airlines like Lufthansa. Pilots can't fly willy nilly all over the place, they have to follow declared routes using standardized air corridors.

"Standardized" ? Nothing is more standardized than the common sense of avoiding a war zone.
Best thing to do with this thread is bookmark it. In a few weeks we can return and have fun with the deniers.

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