Malaysia Airlines Is To Blame. Not the Russians

I'm sorry that you are just a little bit too stupid to know the difference between conjecture and verified intelligence. Your remarks are nearly as comical as the Russian denials.

Yea, in your mind, it is only verified if you dont like the outcome. Typical american liberal or neo con with his head in his ass who refuses to listen to anything that conflicts with their ignorant and biased world view. How about you provide some evidence to the contrary or shut the hell up?

Funny how these lies could prove so compelling to every other nation in the world outside Russia. I guess they just forgot to check with your sources.
And there, more typical American evidence, assuming EVERYONE in the world agrees with your opinion(conjecture not fact based as of yet) and foreign policy. Remember the "coalition of the willing" from Iraq? lol
No...Their parents are. Children are not the best deciders of what is or is not safe. Adults have to choose what is best for their kids. We all wish the world was a safer place...whether it be a known gang territory in Chicago or a civil war zone in Eastern Europe.

I believe Putin is a thug. I believe he provided the missles for the purpose of shooting down supply planes.

We also provide weapons to dangerous parts of the world. By (we) I mean the US companies that make a profit off of the death of other peoples conflicts.

The Malaysian company was attempting to save money on fuel. That is indefenseable.

The safety of any commercial flight is up to the pilot flying the aircraft. The pilots work for the airline and should have refused to fly over that territory. The company should have re routed as they do now and just charged more for the cost of the extra fuel involved.

It is really just that simple.

55 other planes used the same air corridor on that day. They included airlines like Lufthansa. Pilots can't fly willy nilly all over the place, they have to follow declared routes using standardized air corridors.

"Standardized" ? Nothing is more standardized than the common sense of avoiding a war zone.

I just checked. There are 62 war zones in the world at the present time, today, right now if we use your criteria for a war zone. Fortunately the only one with access to high altitude anti aircraft missiles seem to be the Russians who live on the border region with Russia and who seem to have been able to borrow one of those deadly missiles from Russia to use in their war to annex themselves to Russia.
Yea, in your mind, it is only verified if you dont like the outcome. Typical american liberal or neo con with his head in his ass who refuses to listen to anything that conflicts with their ignorant and biased world view. How about you provide some evidence to the contrary or shut the hell up?

Funny how these lies could prove so compelling to every other nation in the world outside Russia. I guess they just forgot to check with your sources.
And there, more typical American evidence, assuming EVERYONE in the world agrees with your opinion(conjecture not fact based as of yet) and foreign policy. Remember the "coalition of the willing" from Iraq? lol

So according to your latest conspiracy theory/excuse making binge, every other nation in the world who acknowledges the obvious must be a supplicant of America. Is that your hair brain theory of the moment?
Some of these people are apparently just a little slow in realizing that US intelligence gathering satellites are constantly monitoring Russia......we know exactly where the missile came from and who fired it. There's no mystery here.

As the Rock of WWE fame would say "IT DOESN'T MATTER" who fired it. In wars, missles get fired. That's what happens. And if you're dumb enough to step out in front of them, guess what happens ? You get hit.

There IS a mystery here, though. The mystery is why people are casting Russia and Putin as the bad guys here when it appears that they are the freedom fighters seeking to liberate the Ukranians from their not so representitive "leaders".
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Malaysia Airlines Is To Blame. Not the Russians


The Obama administration on July 16 tightened sanctions on Russian banks, energy and defense companies to punish the country over its interference in Ukraine. On the following day, the downing of a Malaysia Airlines jet caught in the military conflict, killing all 298 people on board, sent the Ukraine crisis into a new phase and raises the prospect of further sanctions.

Russia to Reduce Reliance on Microsoft, IBM After Sanctions - Bloomberg

The downing of the Malaysian airliner, which killed 298 people, led to renewed threats of deeper penalties by the U.S. and the European Union, who’ve already sanctioned Russian individuals and companies deemed complicit in fueling the pro-Russian insurgency in Ukraine. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said yesterday the available evidence suggests Russia provided the missile used by the rebels to down the airliner. U.K. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon was cited by The Mail on Sunday as accusing Putin of “sponsored terrorism.”

Russian Billionaires in ?Horror? as Putin Risks Isolation - Bloomberg
Golly, I wonder why local Russian forces wouldn't allow international inspectors near the wreckage? Gee whiz, that sure is a tough one to puzzle out.

They had to find the parts of the 9M38M1 missile that have Russian writing on them. If it were a Ukraine missile it would have Ukrainian writing on it and they would be showing it off.
55 other planes used the same air corridor on that day. They included airlines like Lufthansa. Pilots can't fly willy nilly all over the place, they have to follow declared routes using standardized air corridors.

"Standardized" ? Nothing is more standardized than the common sense of avoiding a war zone.

I just checked. There are 62 war zones in the world at the present time, today, right now if we use your criteria for a war zone. Fortunately the only one with access to high altitude anti aircraft missiles seem to be the Russians who live on the border region with Russia and who seem to have been able to borrow one of those deadly missiles from Russia to use in their war to annex themselves to Russia.

Try again. The English language does permit communication when used properly.
Some of these people are apparently just a little slow in realizing that US intelligence gathering satellites are constantly monitoring Russia......we know exactly where the missile came from and who fired it. There's no mystery here.

As the Rock of WWE fame would say "IT DOESN'T MATTER" who fired it. In wars, missles get fired. That's what happens. And if you're dumb enough to step out in front of them, guess what happens ? You get hit.

There is a mystery here. The mystery is why people are casting Russia and Putin as the bad guys here when it appears that they are the freedom fighters seeking to liberate the Ukranians from their not so representitive "leaders".

I think I've solved the mystery for you, I have in my possession the key to your understanding.
The reason people want to blame and vilify Russia and Putin for this incident is simple,it's because they are responsible for their own actions.
There now, see how easy that was? Not complicated or mysterious at all.
Golly, I wonder why local Russian forces wouldn't allow international inspectors near the wreckage? Gee whiz, that sure is a tough one to puzzle out.

They had to find the parts of the 9M38M1 missile that have Russian writing on them. If it were a Ukraine missile it would have Ukrainian writing on it and they would be showing it off.

IT DOESN'T MATTER whose missle it was or who fired it (if any human even did). This is war. All is fair in love and war.
Some of these people are apparently just a little slow in realizing that US intelligence gathering satellites are constantly monitoring Russia......we know exactly where the missile came from and who fired it. There's no mystery here.

As the Rock of WWE fame would say "IT DOESN'T MATTER" who fired it. In wars, missles get fired. That's what happens. And if you're dumb enough to step out in front of them, guess what happens ? You get hit.

There is a mystery here. The mystery is why people are casting Russia and Putin as the bad guys here when it appears that they are the freedom fighters seeking to liberate the Ukranians from their not so representitive "leaders".

I think I've solved the mystery for you, I have in my possession the key to your understanding.
The reason people want to blame and vilify Russia and Putin for this incident is simple,it's because they are responsible for their own actions.
There now, see how easy that was? Not complicated or mysterious at all.

What I see is you talking STUPID, MINDLESS NONSENSE. Oh well, no law against it I guess. :rolleyes:
Golly, I wonder why local Russian forces wouldn't allow international inspectors near the wreckage? Gee whiz, that sure is a tough one to puzzle out.

They had to find the parts of the 9M38M1 missile that have Russian writing on them. If it were a Ukraine missile it would have Ukrainian writing on it and they would be showing it off.

IT DOESN'T MATTER whose missle it was or who fired it (if any human even did). This is war. All is fair in love and war.

That ranks right up there with the stupidest fucking things I've ever heard in my life. You obviously don't even begin to know what you're talking about.
They had to find the parts of the 9M38M1 missile that have Russian writing on them. If it were a Ukraine missile it would have Ukrainian writing on it and they would be showing it off.

IT DOESN'T MATTER whose missle it was or who fired it (if any human even did). This is war. All is fair in love and war.

That ranks right up there with the stupidest fucking things I've ever heard in my life. You obviously don't even begin to know what you're talking about.

I DO know having been in the military, and YOU KNOW that I know, which is why you punked out from answering my challenge in Post # 270, and you won't answer it, because you know it proved you WRONG.
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No, you are completely wrong.....again. Or should I say continuously? There are obviously many internationally recognized rules and conventions of war. The fact that you are evidently unaware of them renders your statements entirely meaningless.

"Evidently ?" HA HA HA. I've known about those rules and conventions since 1954 (and you ?) Now that that's settled, I have a question for you, junior. >>

If this were December 1941, a few days after the Pearl Harbor attack, and thousands of Japanese soldiers were landing on the shores of California, Oregon, and Washington, and you would have to break these "internationally recognized rules and conventions of war", you so piously spout about, to save the lives of millions of Pacific coast Americans (who otherwise would be slaughtered), would you break those rules ? Yes or no ?

Ya, now that you mention it, it becomes obvious that a civil war in eastern Ukraine waged by two small counties or districts is just like a Japanese invasion of California, Oregon and Washington by thousands Japanese soldiers after the Pearl Harbor attack.
Same thing, only different.

Nice dodge (attempt). The question pertains to the quality of the issue (not the quantity). Now try answering the question.
... and children killed in drive-bys are at fault for playing outside in gang territory

No...Their parents are. Children are not the best deciders of what is or is not safe. Adults have to choose what is best for their kids. We all wish the world was a safer place...whether it be a known gang territory in Chicago or a civil war zone in Eastern Europe.

I believe Putin is a thug. I believe he provided the missles for the purpose of shooting down supply planes.

We also provide weapons to dangerous parts of the world. By (we) I mean the US companies that make a profit off of the death of other peoples conflicts.

The Malaysian company was attempting to save money on fuel. That is indefenseable.

The safety of any commercial flight is up to the pilot flying the aircraft. The pilots work for the airline and should have refused to fly over that territory. The company should have re routed as they do now and just charged more for the cost of the extra fuel involved.

It is really just that simple.

Good post. I agree with you in general, only exception being calling Putin a "thug". Shooting down planes that are supplying your enemy is normal activity in war.
Remember the "coalition of the willing" from Iraq? lol

Yeah, I remember about 30 countries that participated. Not sure what the fuck you're laughing at unless it's yourself.

I am laughing at your weak faggot ass that is under the delusion the majority of the world supports american opinion on Ukraine and American foreign policy in general. They didn't in Iraq and they don't now. So get a life and fuck off you dumb invalid weakling. Learn something about the world around you and stop taking government and western media propaganda as truth with literally no evidence.
I believe Putin is a thug. I believe he provided the missles for the purpose of shooting down supply planes.
Ukraine near us. War on border isn't favorable to us. It is simple thought. You understand it? McCain arrived to Kiev. The USA gives the credits to Ukraine. Question - to whom it is favorable? Politicians in the USA try to make others hands worse than Russia.
Who can distinctly tell - why we need to force down the plane? Why?

The USA go to Iraq - there war.
The USA go to Afghanistan - there war.
The USA go to Libya - there war.
Who can tell why you there? How many people you killed far from your houses? What for? Why you chooses each time of the president which begins new war? And the new president says lies each time to you. About a reason for invasion into Iraq, for example. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
And for your money kill people. Each time to you say lies equally - calling someone another a terrosrist. Or bandit. And you trust... how many years? 10? 20?

Not only is all that you said true, but also, how hypocritical is it for US politicians to blame Putin for wanting to annex Ukraine ? The US annexed Alaska. The US annexed Hawaii. The US annexed Puerto Rico. And the US Virgin Islands. And none of these places had been part of the USA before (as Ukraine was part of Russia for centuries) And in none of these cases were the native people in agreement with the annexation (as the Ukranians are in favor of Russian reunification)
There even was an official US apology given to the native people of Hawaii (by Bill Clinton in 1995)

Putin seems to be doing the right thing on behalf of the people of Ukraine.
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