Malaysia Airlines Is To Blame. Not the Russians

You are the only idiot here making hairbrained theories with no evidence. Please provide some actual evidence that the separatists even have the BUK systems necessary to shot down this aircraft?

You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

You are the only joke here, you and your butt buddy unkotare have provided no evidence the separatists even had the weapons to do it. Much less they committed this act.

All you have are snarky little one liners, typical of arrogant shitlibs that feed off one line memes from american media on all political issues.

Go watch the daily show or something and pretend to feel smart.

You're just using some aggressive hostile methods to cover your BS story. ITAR-TASS, the official Russian news agency reported that a BUK anti aircraft weapon had come under the control of separatist in eastern Ukraine on 29 June. That is a Russian source. The official Russian source. Don't believe them? OK, on July 16 AP reported they had an eyes on siting of an aircraft system that appeared to be a Russian made BUK in Snishne under the control of Russian separatist.
How do you suppose that proof and evidence will hold up. News reports from both Russian and western sources that rebels had at least one BUK before the MH 17 mass murder.
I wonder if it could be more obvious , to people who have actually served, that you don't know anything about anything military. In fact, it's very obvious that you are a complete fraud.

I'm going to take a wild guess that you have never served ? And not having served how would you know what there is to know ? Here's a quiz for you. What are 4 bridges that the US Army Corps of Engineers build and have built since World War II ?

HA HA. You're making this worse and worse for yourself by the minute.

There is one other possibility I hadn't considered. You may have served and suffered a traumatic head injury.....that would explain a lot. It might even explain why you think Corps of Engineer history trivia is relevant here.

It is relevant to you ludicrously saying that did not serve in the military. This isn't trivia. It is knowledge of what the military is composed of. You said that I didn't know anything about anything military. Fact is, after 5 years of service, I know plenty about it (although it was a long time ago (1960s) and some thing have changed).

So you can't deny that international rules should be broken sometimes, you don't know what the 4 bridges are of the Army Corps of Engineers, and here's another one > which rifle has a locking mechanism for it's bolt ? The M1 or the M14 ? Here's another > what's the quickest and best way to clean a rifle bore to prepare for inspection ?
Here's another > what is SOS ? Here's another > name the item that goes on top of a helmet liner, with initials SP ?

And it appears that you don't even know that the Corps of Engineers is part of the army (both US and National Guard units)

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You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

You are the only joke here, you and your butt buddy unkotare have provided no evidence the separatists even had the weapons to do it. Much less they committed this act.

All you have are snarky little one liners, typical of arrogant shitlibs that feed off one line memes from american media on all political issues.

Go watch the daily show or something and pretend to feel smart.

You're just using some aggressive hostile methods to cover your BS story. ITAR-TASS, the official Russian news agency reported that a BUK anti aircraft weapon had come under the control of separatist in eastern Ukraine on 29 June. That is a Russian source. The official Russian source. Don't believe them? OK, on July 16 AP reported they had an eyes on siting of an aircraft system that appeared to be a Russian made BUK in Snishne under the control of Russian separatist.
How do you suppose that proof and evidence will hold up. News reports from both Russian and western sources that rebels had at least one BUK before the MH 17 mass murder.

None of this matters.
Open the crash scene to international investigators, then we will know more.
You still here? Haven't you realized yet that you're just the butt of a joke now?

You are the only joke here, you and your butt buddy unkotare have provided no evidence the separatists even had the weapons to do it. Much less they committed this act.

All you have are snarky little one liners, typical of arrogant shitlibs that feed off one line memes from american media on all political issues.

Go watch the daily show or something and pretend to feel smart.

You're just using some aggressive hostile methods to cover your BS story. ITAR-TASS, the official Russian news agency reported that a BUK anti aircraft weapon had come under the control of separatist in eastern Ukraine on 29 June. That is a Russian source. The official Russian source. Don't believe them? OK, on July 16 AP reported they had an eyes on siting of an aircraft system that appeared to be a Russian made BUK in Snishne under the control of Russian separatist.
How do you suppose that proof and evidence will hold up. News reports from both Russian and western sources that rebels had at least one BUK before the MH 17 mass murder.

Damn right I am aggressive and hostile. I am tired of typical american sheep like you agitating for sanctions and intervention. And I will continue to be. If you don't like it, you can get of the forum and cry to your mother about it.

As for your claim that they stole a BUK system from Ukraine. The General Prosecutor of Ukraine would disagree with you.

ITAR-TASS: World - Militias do not have Ukrainian Buk missile system ? Ukraine general prosecutor

LOL at AP's unidentified source. "appeared to be" what a joke. Do they have photos or are we just supposed to take this unknown source's word when he isn't even sure what he saw?
US: No evidence of direct Russian link to plane

US: No evidence of direct Russian link to plane

Yes, as I posted in one thread; protests in Canada, one site, says Russians are leaving flowers and notes at the Dutch Embassy in Russia:

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 vigil in Ottawa turns to protest - Ottawa - CBC News

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17: Dutch Embassy In Moscow Becomes Site Of Memorial As Russians Ask For Forgiveness

I do not know how reliable the "Inquisitr" is.
US: No evidence of direct Russian link to plane

US: No evidence of direct Russian link to plane

Yes, as I posted in one thread; protests in Canada, one site, says Russians are leaving flowers and notes at the Dutch Embassy in Russia:

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 vigil in Ottawa turns to protest - Ottawa - CBC News

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17: Dutch Embassy In Moscow Becomes Site Of Memorial As Russians Ask For Forgiveness

I do not know how reliable the "Inquisitr" is.

Sad---I wonder if they know that the US initiated the coup that started all this.
You are the only joke here, you and your butt buddy unkotare have provided no evidence the separatists even had the weapons to do it. Much less they committed this act.

All you have are snarky little one liners, typical of arrogant shitlibs that feed off one line memes from american media on all political issues.

Go watch the daily show or something and pretend to feel smart.

You're just using some aggressive hostile methods to cover your BS story. ITAR-TASS, the official Russian news agency reported that a BUK anti aircraft weapon had come under the control of separatist in eastern Ukraine on 29 June. That is a Russian source. The official Russian source. Don't believe them? OK, on July 16 AP reported they had an eyes on siting of an aircraft system that appeared to be a Russian made BUK in Snishne under the control of Russian separatist.
How do you suppose that proof and evidence will hold up. News reports from both Russian and western sources that rebels had at least one BUK before the MH 17 mass murder.

Damn right I am aggressive and hostile. I am tired of typical american sheep like you agitating for sanctions and intervention. And I will continue to be. If you don't like it, you can get of the forum and cry to your mother about it.

As for your claim that they stole a BUK system from Ukraine. The General Prosecutor of Ukraine would disagree with you.

ITAR-TASS: World - Militias do not have Ukrainian Buk missile system ? Ukraine general prosecutor

LOL at AP's unidentified source. "appeared to be" what a joke. Do they have photos or are we just supposed to take this unknown source's word when he isn't even sure what he saw?

I didn't claim the rebels stole the BUK from Ukraine, nor did ITAR-TASS. It might have been a Russian BUK that they got their hands on. It was a plausible deniability plant so when an incident occurred the Russian government would have an out. ITAR-TASS just left the story hanging, like they wouldn't know if a Russian anti aircraft battery got stolen and had no way of finding out.
Your link, dated 18 July is nothing more than a Ukraine official claiming none of their BUK systems are missing, hence no way you are going to find one of their missile batteries in possession of the rebels.
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You are the only joke here, you and your butt buddy unkotare have provided no evidence the separatists even had the weapons to do it. Much less they committed this act.

All you have are snarky little one liners, typical of arrogant shitlibs that feed off one line memes from american media on all political issues.

Go watch the daily show or something and pretend to feel smart.

You're just using some aggressive hostile methods to cover your BS story. ITAR-TASS, the official Russian news agency reported that a BUK anti aircraft weapon had come under the control of separatist in eastern Ukraine on 29 June. That is a Russian source. The official Russian source. Don't believe them? OK, on July 16 AP reported they had an eyes on siting of an aircraft system that appeared to be a Russian made BUK in Snishne under the control of Russian separatist.
How do you suppose that proof and evidence will hold up. News reports from both Russian and western sources that rebels had at least one BUK before the MH 17 mass murder.

Damn right I am aggressive and hostile. I am tired of typical american sheep like you agitating for sanctions and intervention. And I will continue to be. If you don't like it, you can get of the forum and cry to your mother about it.

As for your claim that they stole a BUK system from Ukraine. The General Prosecutor of Ukraine would disagree with you.

ITAR-TASS: World - Militias do not have Ukrainian Buk missile system ? Ukraine general prosecutor

LOL at AP's unidentified source. "appeared to be" what a joke. Do they have photos or are we just supposed to take this unknown source's word when he isn't even sure what he saw?

And there are plenty of us Americans who are OPPOSED to sanctions and intervention (67% of Americans in poll released yesterday)
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You're just using some aggressive hostile methods to cover your BS story. ITAR-TASS, the official Russian news agency reported that a BUK anti aircraft weapon had come under the control of separatist in eastern Ukraine on 29 June. That is a Russian source. The official Russian source. Don't believe them? OK, on July 16 AP reported they had an eyes on siting of an aircraft system that appeared to be a Russian made BUK in Snishne under the control of Russian separatist.
How do you suppose that proof and evidence will hold up. News reports from both Russian and western sources that rebels had at least one BUK before the MH 17 mass murder.

Damn right I am aggressive and hostile. I am tired of typical american sheep like you agitating for sanctions and intervention. And I will continue to be. If you don't like it, you can get of the forum and cry to your mother about it.

As for your claim that they stole a BUK system from Ukraine. The General Prosecutor of Ukraine would disagree with you.

ITAR-TASS: World - Militias do not have Ukrainian Buk missile system ? Ukraine general prosecutor

LOL at AP's unidentified source. "appeared to be" what a joke. Do they have photos or are we just supposed to take this unknown source's word when he isn't even sure what he saw?

I didn't claim the rebels stole the BUK from Ukraine, nor did ITAR-TASS. It might have been a Russian BUK that they got their hands on. It was a plausible deniability plant so when an incident occurred the Russian government would have an out. ITAR-TASS just left the story hanging, like they wouldn't know if a Russian anti aircraft battery got stolen and had no way of finding out.
Your link, dated 18 July is nothing more than a Ukraine official claiming none of their BUK systems are missing, hence no way you are going to find one of their missile batteries in possession of the rebels.
What difference does it make? Don't fly commercial planes into war zones.
How about letting INTERNATIONAL experts in to review evidence?

What international expert is stupid enough to want to go into a war zone?

US, Netherlands, UK, Australia, many nations want access. Some have come in, site already tampered with:

Nearly six days after a missile took down a Malaysia Airlines flight over Eastern Ukraine, international investigators now have full control of MH17′s crash site. While they expected locals and pro-Russian separatists to have tampered with the site (and looted the cargo), inspectors were puzzled to discover that the cockpit of the Boeing 777 had been sawed in half. Most of it is missing, as is much of the fuselage.

According to USAToday, the cockpit appears to have been disassembled with diesel-powered saws:

“The rear part of the aircraft, one of the biggest intact pieces, has definitely been hacked into,” said Michael Bociurkiw, spokesman for the group of international monitors from the Organize for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). “The separatists are removing evidence from the crash site,” he said. “All of which begs the question: What are they trying to hide?”
Sawed in half, everyone.

The separatists are producing evidence against them by destroying evidence.
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How about letting INTERNATIONAL experts in to review evidence?

What international expert is stupid enough to want to go into a war zone?

It's not about stupid or smart. It's about seeking justice, collecting data that may prevent future crashes, insuring the freedom for people to travel and being brave enough and dedicated enough to those thing to risk ones life. They are not normally required to go into war zones, but they will not back away from doing their jobs. If they won't do it, who will?
How about letting INTERNATIONAL experts in to review evidence?

What international expert is stupid enough to want to go into a war zone?

It's not about stupid or smart. It's about seeking justice, collecting data that may prevent future crashes, insuring the freedom for people to travel and being brave enough and dedicated enough to those thing to risk ones life. They are not normally required to go into war zones, but they will not back away from doing their jobs. If they won't do it, who will?
Not anyone with any sense.
How about letting INTERNATIONAL experts in to review evidence?

What international expert is stupid enough to want to go into a war zone?

It's not about stupid or smart. It's about seeking justice, collecting data that may prevent future crashes, insuring the freedom for people to travel and being brave enough and dedicated enough to those thing to risk ones life. They are not normally required to go into war zones, but they will not back away from doing their jobs. If they won't do it, who will?

Yes, and the missiles have been quiet since this fatal judgement....................

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