Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

It's busy ocean and Vietnam is heavily populated so it's hard to understand how a plane can burst into flames or dive into the ocean or jungle without someone seeing the fireball. It had to be sudden and so catastrophic that the cockpit crew didn't have a chance to say a word on the radio and the GPS was disabled. Imagine the airline's surprise when they notified the families and found that two of the passengers were safe at home. Initial reports are that an Iranian purchased tickets for the two people flying with stolen passports.

Imagine the surprise if Iran puts a dirty bomb on that plane and sends it into a city a few months from now.

Pure speculation of course

not very likely
It's busy ocean and Vietnam is heavily populated so it's hard to understand how a plane can burst into flames or dive into the ocean or jungle without someone seeing the fireball. It had to be sudden and so catastrophic that the cockpit crew didn't have a chance to say a word on the radio and the GPS was disabled. Imagine the airline's surprise when they notified the families and found that two of the passengers were safe at home. Initial reports are that an Iranian purchased tickets for the two people flying with stolen passports.

Imagine the surprise if Iran puts a dirty bomb on that plane and sends it into a city a few months from now.

Pure speculation of course

not very likely

True but not out of the realm of possibility. Were I in Israel I'd be a bit more concerned.

[ame=]UFO Captures Plane Approaching Davis Monthan Air Force Base 4:15 PM August 8 2009 Could Be CGI - YouTube[/ame]
I bet that nutjob whoblewtong in North Korea sent one of his midgets down and they flew that beast to a place unknown

Lost. There is a secret number.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
The plane was set on a 2% glide slope and the crew didn't notice, nor could they see over the dashboard.
I bet that nutjob whoblewtong in North Korea sent one of his midgets down and they flew that beast to a place unknown


that nutjob whoblewtong in North Korea

won his election today

100 percent turnout

100 percent of the vote
CaféAuLait;8752363 said:
What I find interesting is a terrorist group, "Chinese Martyrs’ brigade" DID claim responsibility several hours after the flight disappeared and this has been under-reported.[/url]

Interestingly enough they are connected with the same group of knife wielding terrorists that just killed 33 and left 100 injured in China.

Who knows if it is true if they were responsible, but terrorism has been on the lips of every news outlet I watch and I don't watch Fox.

The news outlets love terrorism because it makes a good story out of nothing.
meanwhile, the Israel propaganda machine is making a lot out of the Iranian connection.
Of course, the man is only known as Mr. Ali but he's clearly a terrorist because Israeli newspapers infer it to be so.
Iranian man bought tickets for Malaysia Air passengers using stolen passports - World Israel News | Haaretz

However, the men seem to be less Chinese and more black footballer in appearance.
Flight MH370: passengers on stolen passports 'not Asian looking' | World news |
They had his Kenyan birth certificate

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

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