Male bashing? Nahhhhh

mom4 said:
Here's an interesting question (at least, interesting to ME ;) )...
BESIDES sex, why does a man want a woman as a companion or wife?
Let's see:

Intimacy plays a big role
A familiar face at the end of each day
Show-offability is a nice bonus :D

I think the big factor is you can't get the comfort you get from intimacy with a woman with anyone else. Maybe not every guy needs that intimacy, or maybe some need it more or less than others, hence the disparity in value between guys. Me, personally, the intimacy keeps me sane. It's my coping mechanism. Better than drugs; better than alcohol; better than driving my car through S-turns in the mountains :D.
Abbey Normal said:
What's so cool is that intimacy, passion and committment often lead to... hot sex. :clap1:
I think you just made about 5 guys on this board have to go change their pants. ;)
Class 3
Is It Possible To Urinate Using The Technique Of Lifting The Seat and
Avoiding The Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub? ---
Group Practice.

Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.

****Not after sex it isn't****.
Abbey Normal said:
What's so cool is that intimacy, passion and committment often lead to... hot sex. :clap1:
:clap: Very true, Abbey!

Do I sound like your echo? Seems like I type the above phrase annoyingly often!
mom4 said:
Maybe I've been reading too much C.S. Lewis, and I'm trying to overanalyze things. But RWA's comment got me to wonderin' if most men really feel this way about women.

It seems cliche that women are always wanting something "deeper" in a relationship, and men are always trying to escape. No doubt guys need other guys just to hang out with, tell strange jokes with, talk explicitly about sex and engines, just as women need other women to hang out with, tell strange jokes with, and talk explicitly about feelings and fashion.

As a woman, I can see that male and female personalities complement each other. I need my husband to protect me, to provide for the family so I can be free to nurture the children. I also want him to treat me gently, considerately, to put me first. In return I expect to give him my help, my care, and my ego-boosting admiration, and to put him first.

I can see how the male and the female "mesh" to complement one another and to fill each other's needs. But it seems to me that most (?) guys think this idea is a load. Now, women have their gripes about men, but I know where they are coming from, when they are serious about it, and that they really do see a deeper value in men. But, not being a man, I don't know if they really want something more than a maid, nanny, and sex slave, or if that idea is just one perpetuated by hopeful women, and men only put up with it in order to get what thay want.

Yeah, I've probably been reading too much Lewis.

I think protecting you and providing for a woman CAN be a pretty big load. I bet there are plenty men who would gladly swap roles with you.
Hey mom4. I do believe that feminism has caused many women to feel superior to men, not just different. Men and women naturally have different concerns, and THEY COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER. WOmen are more concerned about things around the house, neatness, seat down after, hospital corners, etc, and feel justified berating men for being men and NOT really caring about those things. We care about other things, security, food, etc. Complementary means complementary, not, the same. But I know you know that. C.s. lewis rocks!
FOr whom it may concern, I'm not saying the sign of a true man is peeing on the wall and tub.
rtwngAvngr said:
Hey mom4. I do believe that feminism has caused many women to feel superior to men, not just different. Men and women naturally have different concerns, and THEY COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER. WOmen are more concerned about things around the house, neatness, seat down after, hospital corners, etc, and feel justified berating men for being men and NOT really caring about those things. We care about other things, security, food, etc. Complementary means complementary, not, the same. But I know you know that. C.s. lewis rocks!
Yeah, the darn feminazis ruined it for everyone. Men should try to be more considerate about things (cleaning dried pee dribbles off the walls really IS disgusting!), but I'll be the first to agree that many modern women like to beat guys down rather than build them up. And then they blame it on the men for being so incompetant.
mom4 said:
Yeah, the darn feminazis ruined it for everyone. Men should try to be more considerate about things (cleaning dried pee dribbles off the walls really IS disgusting!), but I'll be the first to agree that many modern women like to beat guys down rather than build them up. And then they blame it on the men for being so incompetant.

...and every night millions of people laugh about it on sitcoms and other modern social/type TV shows. :(
dmp said:
...and every night millions of people laugh about it on sitcoms and other modern social/type TV shows. :(
Some of it is funny. But it has been taken too far in real life. You can laugh at it, but there is also an element of sadness because you know it doesn't just stop with the sitcom for some families.
mom4 said:
Some of it is funny. But it has been taken too far in real life. You can laugh at it, but there is also an element of sadness because you know it doesn't just stop with the sitcom for some families.

It translates to ads too - slowly but surely the White Straight Male Father in American media has been transformed from a pillar of strength to a bumbling idiot who is just lucky his wife stays with him.

dilloduck said:
I think protecting you and providing for a woman CAN be a pretty big load. I bet there are plenty men who would gladly swap roles with you.
It is a big load. What I was referring to was that many men think it is a load of crap (as well as a burden).

But that's why it is a woman's job to help. I wasn't trying to say it was ONLY the man's job to provide and ONLY the woman's job to nurture. Both should be involved in both roles when necessary. But the guys got all that extra testosterone, making them (as a general rule) more competitive in the workforce, and women (generally speaking) have a more instinctive understanding of relationships and emotions, making them better at guiding children.

Yeah, plenty men might be willing to swap roles. I made darn sure I didn't marry one of them.
dmp said:
It translates to ads too - slowly but surely the White Straight Male Father in American media has been transformed from a pillar of strength to a bumbling idiot who is just lucky his wife stays with him.

Don't buy into the myth, D! You're a man; be proud! ;)
mom4 said:
Maybe I've been reading too much C.S. Lewis, and I'm trying to overanalyze things. But RWA's comment got me to wonderin' if most men really feel this way about women.

It seems cliche that women are always wanting something "deeper" in a relationship, and men are always trying to escape. No doubt guys need other guys just to hang out with, tell strange jokes with, talk explicitly about sex and engines, just as women need other women to hang out with, tell strange jokes with, and talk explicitly about feelings and fashion.

As a woman, I can see that male and female personalities complement each other. I need my husband to protect me, to provide for the family so I can be free to nurture the children. I also want him to treat me gently, considerately, to put me first. In return I expect to give him my help, my care, and my ego-boosting admiration, and to put him first.

I can see how the male and the female "mesh" to complement one another and to fill each other's needs. But it seems to me that most (?) guys think this idea is a load. Now, women have their gripes about men, but I know where they are coming from, when they are serious about it, and that they really do see a deeper value in men. But, not being a man, I don't know if they really want something more than a maid, nanny, and sex slave, or if that idea is just one perpetuated by hopeful women, and men only put up with it in order to get what thay want.

Yeah, I've probably been reading too much Lewis.

I agree with much of what you said here, and I too have always wondered why it is that many (but not all) men seem disgusted by women, almost as if they feel they need to have one but once they get one they aren't sure what to do with her. But as I have gotten to know men in general I think much of that impression comes from men talking in very stereotypical terms because they think it's expected that they say certain things or restate the "status quo" when they are out in public. What I have experienced mostly in private is that these same men are very easy to talk to, have many of the same fears and wants as women only they express those in a different way than women do. I see men and women mostly getting along pretty well as friends and as lovers/husbands. Because my opinion is that when the outside world detritious is ignored and it comes right down to it men and women are designed to get along and seem to manage quite nicely. JMO

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