Male Karen throws smoothie, hurls racial insults

That reminds me, the man had the character to admit he was wrong and he profusely apologized for his behavior.
It's unfortunate you lack that character.

Wasn‘t me defending the asshole

It was YOU pretending he was not a Fucking Racist
Don‘t you hate people who defend racist assholes?
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I am always amused that the same people who think that workers should have no rights are upset when they discover that most workers have no rights.
When did I ever say workers should have no rights?

I think there should be measures/controls to protect workers. First , the non-compete clauses, employees are forced to sign, need to go. Right before the pandemic I was laid off from my job… while my company gave me a nice severance… a competitor offered me a job for more money and a nice signing bonus. My company enforced their non-compete clause (during the VOE) and the offer was rescinded. I called the partner at my former firm and he said they made the decision because they thought I would be able to take too much business with me! They let me go and now prevent me from getting gainful employment (luckily I found another job not even a week later).

This and other measures should be put in place
So you would have gone to the restaurant and started calling people "ni66ers" and "loser immigrants", that really addressed the reason for his

sorta like the things that conservative women and black conservatives are called by the left...and i don't mean on discussion boards..i mean on a state and national and politicians?
You make a specific order and even share the reason...and they screw you anyway? Your son has to go to hospital on an emergency basis and you're supposed to what? thank them.
Did you hear their little gasps of horror when he called them 'loser immigrants'? LOLOL Like they've don't call gringos filthier names. kill your children, spit in your food, or worse, laugh in your face because your own gov't protects them and not you. Increase in rape of children and it is excusable because...'its their culture'.

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