Malian Muslims in Paris France & Jews

Why are so many Jews and supporters of Israel so hateful? What one word explains it?

  • Anger

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fear

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Hatred

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ignorance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Religion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They've become like the enemy they hate

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • O Come O Come Emanuel, and rescue captive Israel. Captive of hatred, fear, and anger

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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USMB is a classic example of assholes combined. So what gives.
Highlighting what needs to be highlighted. When good people do not speak up, they deserve contempt.

I understand many Muslims fearing criticizing those who make them look bad. They could get seriously hurt. Why do so many Jews and supporters of Israel not speak up when assholes shit here?

When was the lat time Jews took down an entire theatre in Washington DC, butchering Americans watching a show?

I'm not getting your point.

Some things are so foolish that only a intellectual can believe them.
-Dennis Prager
USMB is a classic example of assholes combined. So what gives.
Highlighting what needs to be highlighted. When good people do not speak up, they deserve contempt.

I understand many Muslims fearing criticizing those who make them look bad. They could get seriously hurt. Why do so many Jews and supporters of Israel not speak up when assholes shit here?

When was the lat time Jews took down an entire theatre in Washington DC, butchering Americans watching a show?

I'm not getting your point.
Calling for the deportation of all Muslims, calling for throwing firebombs at refugee camps with Muslims in them...

It's all posted here.

Enough. First Netanyahu shits on America, now supporters of Israel feel it's okay to shit on America.

Would you support Israel being collateral damage in a nuke strike against Islamic Radicalism if the payoff were world peace?

It's not really a question if we would have supported that or not. The world is already sacrificing Jews in order to calm the radical beast. Every day.

over 120 people died in France yesterday, but what concerns you, for some reason, is Muslims being offended by emotional response?

That is crazy.
Stop pretending like you care about French citizens

This is for you, Dante. Watch this video and give us your response. Thank you.

Hamas vs Israel | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Poor Dante. Lots of anti-Islamist feelings in the air today and he can't get much traction on his Israel hating threads.

What's a progressive c_nt to do?
Highlighting what needs to be highlighted. When good people do not speak up, they deserve contempt.

I understand many Muslims fearing criticizing those who make them look bad. They could get seriously hurt. Why do so many Jews and supporters of Israel not speak up when assholes shit here?

When was the lat time Jews took down an entire theatre in Washington DC, butchering Americans watching a show?

I'm not getting your point.
Calling for the deportation of all Muslims, calling for throwing firebombs at refugee camps with Muslims in them...

It's all posted here.

Enough. First Netanyahu shits on America, now supporters of Israel feel it's okay to shit on America.

Would you support Israel being collateral damage in a nuke strike against Islamic Radicalism if the payoff were world peace?

It's not really a question if we would have supported that or not. The world is already sacrificing Jews in order to calm the radical beast. Every day.

over 120 people died in France yesterday, but what concerns you, for some reason, is Muslims being offended by emotional response?

That is crazy.
Stop pretending like you care about French citizens

French citizens today, tomorrow it's Americans, Britians, etc.

Fellow human beings, that is.

Which somehow are pushed aside in favor of being politically correct towards the Muslims, for some reason.

In order to understand Dante, Lipush, you need to listen to this interview with Dennis Pager.]
Prager does what the Nazi's did. He creates caricatures that good Christian people like you feel safe attacking. You people never change

Nonsense. Once again, Dante', you have proven that your feelings have completely numbed your ability to reason, to think, to accept the truth which is diametrically opposed to the agenda of those you represent.
Anyone remember this: The Muslim who risked his life at a Paris kosher market to save seven Jews

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally thanked him. French politicians called for him to be awarded France’s highest honor. And now, just days after a deadly terrorist attack hit a Parisian kosher store, he was dubbed the “Malian Muslim,” the man who risked everything to save the lives of some Jews.

“I want to express my appreciation to the Mali citizen who helped save seven Jews,” Netanyahu said Sunday night during a visit to a synagogue as the audience erupted in cheers.​

The Muslim who risked his life at a Paris kosher market to save seven Jews

Why are so many Jews and supporters of Israel so hateful towards all Muslims after the Paris attack?

"Those who do not fight evil hate those who do"...which is why liberals hate Reagan and Netanyahu.
-Dennis Prager

I left the left when I realized the only thing the left hated were carbon emissions and people who hate evil.

- Dennis Prager
Poor Dante. Lots of anti-Islamist feelings in the air today and he can't get much traction on his Israel hating threads.

What's a progressive c_nt to do?

This is not an Israel hating-thread ... it's just Dante's latest Jew-hating thread.

Like most leftists, Dante's hate for Israel is a veneer for his Jew-hate.
Poor Dante. Lots of anti-Islamist feelings in the air today and he can't get much traction on his Israel hating threads.

What's a progressive c_nt to do?

This is not an Israel hating-thread ... it's just Dante's latest Jew-hating thread.

Like most leftists, Dante's hate for Israel is a veneer for his Jew-hate.

This evening we bury our own victims of terror. Yet some people prefer to ignore facts and still blame us for God-Knows-What.
USMB is a classic example of assholes combined. So what gives.
Highlighting what needs to be highlighted. When good people do not speak up, they deserve contempt.

I understand many Muslims fearing criticizing those who make them look bad. They could get seriously hurt. Why do so many Jews and supporters of Israel not speak up when assholes shit here?

Thank you. While you do deserve contempt for not speaking up for the lives of 127 French citizens who were murdered in cold blood yesterday in France by radical Muslims, Dante, I'll withhold judgment. I'm afraid that your feelings have once again blinded you as to whom and for what you should be speaking up for. First, No one in their right mind would condone fire bombing a Muslim refugee camp. Second, these Muslims refugees do not make up the bulk of France's Muslim population which prior to their arrival was at 5 - 6 Million Muslim people. So I do not see where anyone suggested to deport all Muslim people.

It is fair to ask, Why has Saudi Arabia only accepted 500 plus refugees to Syria - to date - with other Arab nations accepting even less? These people are their Muslim brethren and as such they should step up to the plate and take them in so that they may be among their own people and culture. The experiment of absorbing Syrian refugees into Europe has not worked. It is time the Islamic nations do what is right for their own people.
Anyone remember this: The Muslim who risked his life at a Paris kosher market to save seven Jews

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally thanked him. French politicians called for him to be awarded France’s highest honor. And now, just days after a deadly terrorist attack hit a Parisian kosher store, he was dubbed the “Malian Muslim,” the man who risked everything to save the lives of some Jews.

“I want to express my appreciation to the Mali citizen who helped save seven Jews,” Netanyahu said Sunday night during a visit to a synagogue as the audience erupted in cheers.​

The Muslim who risked his life at a Paris kosher market to save seven Jews

Why are so many Jews and supporters of Israel so hateful towards all Muslims after the Paris attack?

Where were the Muslims today to save the day in Paris?

stop being such a hateful little Jew dick. You give all Jews a bad name

it's embarrassing. I know Jews who at least went over there and volunteered to fight rather than sit safely in the USA and flap their gums

French citizens today, tomorrow it's Americans, Britians, etc.

Fellow human beings, that is.

Which somehow are pushed aside in favor of being politically correct towards the Muslims, for some reason.
Oh please. Either go fight in Israel or stfu.

Some of us have become sick and tired of the passion play

You assholes supported Netanyahu. Now go live with your choices.
USMB is a classic example of assholes combined. So what gives.
Highlighting what needs to be highlighted. When good people do not speak up, they deserve contempt.

I understand many Muslims fearing criticizing those who make them look bad. They could get seriously hurt. Why do so many Jews and supporters of Israel not speak up when assholes shit here?

When was the lat time Jews took down an entire theatre in Washington DC, butchering Americans watching a show?

I'm not getting your point.

Some things are so foolish that only a intellectual can believe them.
-Dennis Prager
Prager is a hateful little pr!ck. I attended a screening of a film a brother of a friend of mine did on Prager. I already was familiar with Dennis so they invited me. Big mistake. Dante likes speaking truth to power/mobs
Poor Dante. Lots of anti-Islamist feelings in the air today and he can't get much traction on his Israel hating threads.

What's a progressive c_nt to do?

This is not an Israel hating-thread ... it's just Dante's latest Jew-hating thread.

Like most leftists, Dante's hate for Israel is a veneer for his Jew-hate.
Dante does NOT hate Israel. He is just sick and tired of the dishonesty about Israel.

In a battle of Israel and her neighbors, Dante would still side with Israel. But not with one more dollar of American live for Israel.

Netanyahu opened up a can of worms. Let Israel stand or fall on their own while we in America watch
USMB is a classic example of assholes combined. So what gives.
Highlighting what needs to be highlighted. When good people do not speak up, they deserve contempt.

I understand many Muslims fearing criticizing those who make them look bad. They could get seriously hurt. Why do so many Jews and supporters of Israel not speak up when assholes shit here?

When was the lat time Jews took down an entire theatre in Washington DC, butchering Americans watching a show?

I'm not getting your point.

Some things are so foolish that only a intellectual can believe them.
-Dennis Prager
Prager is a hateful little pr!ck. I attended a screening of a film a brother of a friend of mine did on Prager. I already was familiar with Dennis so they invited me. Big mistake. Dante likes speaking truth to power/mobs

I assisted in an event Dennis Prager spoke at called Step Up for Israel years ago. I've met him and I even have a photograph of myself with him! He is a delightful man and I am sorry to hear you don't feel the same. Putting out someone else's candle will not help yours to burn any brighter, Dante'. There are many things you have written in the past that I have enjoyed reading. Do not be so bitter. You'll grow old before your time. Smile. Be happy you are alive and have a roof over your head, a warm bed to sleep in, food in your cupboard. There are many who would give anything to have what you have. Be thankful, Dante, and stop sulking.
Anyone remember this: The Muslim who risked his life at a Paris kosher market to save seven Jews

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally thanked him. French politicians called for him to be awarded France’s highest honor. And now, just days after a deadly terrorist attack hit a Parisian kosher store, he was dubbed the “Malian Muslim,” the man who risked everything to save the lives of some Jews.

“I want to express my appreciation to the Mali citizen who helped save seven Jews,” Netanyahu said Sunday night during a visit to a synagogue as the audience erupted in cheers.​

The Muslim who risked his life at a Paris kosher market to save seven Jews

Why are so many Jews and supporters of Israel so hateful towards all Muslims after the Paris attack?
I've posted things critical of Israel in the past, even started a thread questioning the value of our alliance. But this thread is just stupid and childish.
Poor Dante. Lots of anti-Islamist feelings in the air today and he can't get much traction on his Israel hating threads.

What's a progressive c_nt to do?

This is not an Israel hating-thread ... it's just Dante's latest Jew-hating thread.

Like most leftists, Dante's hate for Israel is a veneer for his Jew-hate.
Dante does NOT hate Israel. He is just sick and tired of the dishonesty about Israel.

In a battle of Israel and her neighbors, Dante would still side with Israel. But not with one more dollar of American live for Israel.

Netanyahu opened up a can of worms. Let Israel stand or fall on their own while we in America watch
Oh you're sick and tired of dishonesty. If you want to cure that you should suggest that every member of every government, every business, religion, fraternal order, formal organization and legal institution should simply commit suicide. That would cut down on the amount of dishonesty almost immediately.

I assisted in an event Dennis Prager spoke at called Step Up for Israel years ago. I've met him and I even have a photograph of myself with him! .

I have photos of me and Michael Reagan outside of his home. Isn't that nice?I met Michael. So what? Doesn't make me a conservative

If you assisted Prager in one of his hateful Christian events you are nastier than I would have imagined
Thank you. While you do deserve contempt for not speaking up for the lives of 127 French citizens who were murdered...

Stop hiding behind the shrouds of the victims. It's pathetic and you have NO right to do so. :anj_stfu:

I am not going to indulge this little pity party you are having, Dante'. You need to stop sulking! Enough already.
Sulking? So English is your second language after all.

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