Malkin: Miers Comes Up Short

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

And did I hear that George Will is saying she SHOULDN'T BE CONFIRMED by the Senate? I heard it, campers, I heard it. Man. Bush has really effed this one up. There is not a single serious conservative in America who thinks the Miers nomination was anything resembling a good idea.
William Joyce said:

And did I hear that George Will is saying she SHOULDN'T BE CONFIRMED by the Senate? I heard it, campers, I heard it. Man. Bush has really effed this one up. There is not a single serious conservative in America who thinks the Miers nomination was anything resembling a good idea.

It makes no difference what your political leanings are. Bush mocks the American public when he doesn't even attempt to choose one of the most qualified people for such an important post.
Nuc said:
It makes no difference what your political leanings are. Bush mocks the American public when he doesn't even attempt to choose one of the most qualified people for such an important post.

I agree. There were too many qualified conservatives to pick from, but they would have meant a fight, one which the WH decided not to engage in. So we will get her, we will. She will be confirmed.
Kathianne said:
I agree. There were too many qualified conservatives to pick from, but they would have meant a fight, one which the WH decided not to engage in. So we will get her, we will. She will be confirmed.

I don't care if Bush nominates someone who will rule in ways many will disagree with. It's his perogative to name the kind of justice he wants, he's the elected president. It's just that he should name the best of the breed. And as much as he likes to pull people out of the bullpen, for a position that might be filled for 30-40 years he should have avoided that for the sake of propriety.
Nuc said:
I don't care if Bush nominates someone who will rule in ways many will disagree with. It's his perogative to name the kind of justice he wants, he's the elected president. It's just that he should name the best of the breed. And as much as he likes to pull people out of the bullpen, for a position that might be filled for 30-40 years he should have avoided that for the sake of propriety.

Not that those on Judiciary Committee would agree with you, but who here is?
Kathianne said:
She will be confirmed.

If I had to bet good money right now, I'd agree, but I am hearing from little birds here and there that some NEWS ITEM about Ms. Miers will drop that will be so much blood in the water. There is a credible chance that she WON'T actually be confirmed, if enough D's and R's come together over doubts.

Here's the Will article from townhall.

Read it. He basically says Bush is an idiot, but who hasn't figured that out already? We deserve a better conservative president.
William Joyce said:
If I had to bet good money right now, I'd agree, but I am hearing from little birds here and there that some NEWS ITEM about Ms. Miers will drop that will be so much blood in the water. There is a credible chance that she WON'T actually be confirmed, if enough D's and R's come together over doubts.

Here's the Will article from townhall.

Read it. He basically says Bush is an idiot, but who hasn't figured that out already? We deserve a better conservative president.

If such comes to pass, GW is worse than lamed.
Don't you guys recognize you're getting into circular firing squad formation. ANd nuc is here, to report all back to the other side. Remember who he is inside people, remember, he's got all that lib insanity inside him that he hides a lof of now.
William Joyce said:
If I had to bet good money right now, I'd agree, but I am hearing from little birds here and there that some NEWS ITEM about Ms. Miers will drop that will be so much blood in the water. There is a credible chance that she WON'T actually be confirmed, if enough D's and R's come together over doubts.

Here's the Will article from townhall.

Read it. He basically says Bush is an idiot, but who hasn't figured that out already? We deserve a better conservative president.

remember when nixon chucked a few lame candidates to the wolves so that when the real one came up they were confirmed?
Kathianne said:
I agree. There were too many qualified conservatives to pick from, but they would have meant a fight, one which the WH decided not to engage in. So we will get her, we will. She will be confirmed.
I'm thinking not. To much outrage out there already. I think Congress will,
if they are smart, give her the boot. Better yet Bush an Co realize the error and withdraw her or she withdraws herself. We'll see.
rtwngAvngr said:
Don't you guys recognize you're getting into circular firing squad formation. ANd nuc is here, to report all back to the other side. Remember who he is inside people, remember, he's got all that lib insanity inside him that he hides a lof of now.

Yeah guys and gals, watch out, don't collaborate with the enemy!

Insanity? OK Right Wing Superhero?!?!?!? What a fantasy. The difference between me and you is that if you read my posts you will have a very good idea of how I think. Sometimes it's right, sometimes left. I think about things.

If you read your posts we have a very good idea of how Rush Limbaugh speaks in order to entertain people like you.
Nuc said:
Yeah guys and gals, watch out, don't collaborate with the enemy!

Insanity? OK Right Wing Superhero?!?!?!? What a fantasy. The difference between me and you is that if you read my posts you will have a very good idea of how I think. Sometimes it's right, sometimes left. I think about things.

If you read your posts we have a very good idea of how Rush Limbaugh speaks in order to entertain people like you.

You don't think well regarding things. You should be happy mr. moderate. These guys are upset because we didnt get someone vocally willing to undo roe v wade. Instead of taking glee in the infighting, think about if YOU are really upset with what Bush did.
rtwngAvngr said:
You don't think well regarding things. You should be happy mr. moderate. These guys are upset because we didnt get someone vocally willing to undo roe v wade. Instead of taking glee in the infighting, think about if YOU are really upset with what Bush did.

I said in another post that I think a President has every right to name the kind of justice he wants, regardless of my opinion. I just don't think Bush showed enough respect for the process or the American public. Naming one of his buddies says, "Hey, I know this looks like cronyism, but I'm the President and I'll do what I want. I don't have to name the most or one of the most qualified. One of my pals will do."
Nuc said:
I said in another post that I think a President has every right to name the kind of justice he wants, regardless of my opinion. I just don't think Bush showed enough respect for the process or the American public. Naming one of his buddies says, "Hey, I know this looks like cronyism, but I'm the President and I'll do what I want. I don't have to name the most or one of the most qualified. One of my pals will do."

I would just think that considering your political views, you would happy he didn't go with a known conservative. I guess you're reallly into your new "thoughtful conservative" persona.
rtwngAvngr said:
I would just think that considering your political views, you would happy he didn't go with a known conservative. I guess you're reallly into your new "thoughtful conservative" persona.

The end result of any political adventure is not apparent at the outset, sometimes not for generations or decades. So I care more about the integrity of the process than the perceived short term gain.
Nuc said:
The end result of any political adventure is not apparent at the outset, sometimes not for generations or decades. So I care more about the integrity of the process than the perceived short term gain.

Ok. Right, someone more indoctrinated into academic legalism. wink wink. This is code for "a commie" everyone.
rtwngAvngr said:
Ok. Right, someone more indoctrinated into academic legalism. wink wink. This is code for "a commie" everyone.

At this moment your buddy Trent Lott is bitching about the choice of Miers.
:stupid: :clap: :smoke: :bj2: :puke3: :blues: :dev1:
Nuc said:
At this moment your buddy Trent Lott is bitching about the choice of Miers.
:stupid: :clap: :smoke: :bj2: :puke3: :blues: :dev1:

Ok, cheerleader, let's not funkify the sofa.
Here's Lott:

I didn't know about the Nixon strategy, but I'd be surprised if there was a strategy all that clever going on right now... does anyone think Miers was a deliberately lame choice assured to be rejected so that Bush's next pick would sail through with the increased aerodynamics of an exhuasted Senate, press and public? Hmmmm. Karl Rove coulda thunk it, I suppose.
William Joyce said:

And did I hear that George Will is saying she SHOULDN'T BE CONFIRMED by the Senate? I heard it, campers, I heard it. Man. Bush has really effed this one up. There is not a single serious conservative in America who thinks the Miers nomination was anything resembling a good idea.

I can't believe that you and V-Dare are quoting an Asian woman. Let the racial barriers be broken! :soul:

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