Mall Cop Video: Remove the "Jesus Saves'' shirt or leave the Mall of America.

"Sue the mall and that rent a cop...."

On what basis, or offense?

Remember poster Rambunctious.....this happened on private property. There is no 1st Amendment aspect here....not for 'free speech', not for 'religion'.

It is private property and the management makes and enforce their own rules.
On what basis, or offense?

Remember poster Rambunctious.....this happened on private property. There is no 1st Amendment aspect here....not for 'free speech', not for 'religion'.

It is private property and the management makes and enforce their own rules.
The mall is open to the public and thus are required to allow freedom of speech and freedom of expression... if they want to be a private mall they can close their doors and require membership to enter... but as long as the American public can enter they must follow the rules of the constitution... same argument for men's clubs and women from decades ago...
On what basis, or offense?

Remember poster Rambunctious.....this happened on private property. There is no 1st Amendment aspect here....not for 'free speech', not for 'religion'.

It is private property and the management makes and enforce their own rules.

But bake that cake... you Fckn idiot
If the mall is open to the public they must follow the US constitution for free speech... if they want to be a private mall and require membership then they can set a dress code standard... its up to them... I would sue the shit out of the mall and that rent a cop fat ass...
The mall is open to the public and thus are required to allow freedom of speech and freedom of expression... if they want to be a private mall they can close their doors and require membership to enter... but as long as the American public can enter they must follow the rules of the constitution...
Not quite.

First, it is private 1st Amendment protections to not broadly apply as they would for government actors. However, there is a line of cases (I ain't lawyer) that does suggest some allowance for certain activities if....if.....a designated space within the mall is used for public gatherings. Walkways between stores or entryways....are not such spaces.

The bottom line ---- this guy was a jerk. He attempted to do a Christianist version of Hare Krishna-style proselytizing which made customers of this private enterprise uncomfortable. He was warned away from doing it.

But he came back with an in-your-face message that not only preached his particular personal Christianist message.....but then dissed other religions. Kick the bum out.
Not quite.

First, it is private 1st Amendment protections to not broadly apply as they would for government actors. However, there is a line of cases (I ain't lawyer) that does suggest some allowance for certain activities if....if.....a designated space within the mall is used for public gatherings. Walkways between stores or entryways....are not such spaces.

The bottom line ---- this guy was a jerk. He attempted to do a Christianist version of Hare Krishna-style proselytizing which made customers of this private enterprise uncomfortable. He was warned away from doing it.

But he came back with an in-your-face message that not only preached his particular personal Christianist message.....but then dissed other religions. Kick the bum out.
Private property open to the public... as long as no laws for decency are broken they have to allow that shirt... period... they do not have the right to disobey the 1st amendment just because its private property.... the mall is home to many private stores... some of which may be fine with his shirt and want to sell him something... the rent a cop over stepped here bigtime....
The mall is open to the public and thus are required to allow freedom of speech and freedom of expression... if they want to be a private mall they can close their doors and require membership to enter... but as long as the American public can enter they must follow the rules of the constitution... same argument for men's clubs and women from decades ago...
Sure public accommodation for a christian Taliban, but not a cake for a gay person, eh.
Not quite.

First, it is private 1st Amendment protections to not broadly apply as they would for government actors. However, there is a line of cases (I ain't lawyer) that does suggest some allowance for certain activities if....if.....a designated space within the mall is used for public gatherings. Walkways between stores or entryways....are not such spaces.

The bottom line ---- this guy was a jerk. He attempted to do a Christianist version of Hare Krishna-style proselytizing which made customers of this private enterprise uncomfortable. He was warned away from doing it.

But he came back with an in-your-face message that not only preached his particular personal Christianist message.....but then dissed other religions. Kick the bum out.
I was asked to leave a bar while I was wearing a MAGA hat... I got my lawyer to write them... they sent me an apology letter and notified me that the bartender had been fired....
Private property open to the public... as long as no laws for decency are broken they have to allow that shirt... period... they do not have the right to disobey the 1st amendment just because its private property.... the mall is home to many private stores... some of which may be fine with his shirt and want to sell him something... the rent a cop over stepped here bigtime....
If I own the property, I make the rules. I could kick just about anyone out I please. You're too noisy/ugly. Get the fuck out of my establishment. Sue away.
"But bake that cake... you Fckn idiot"
"you Fckn idiot"

Lass, is this the right venue for you?
Should you be here?
I mean by that, your incipient anger is developing into obscene tantrums.
That's not a good look, gurlfriend.

Why be low class?
Why telegraph that downscale status with vulgar language?
Why not attempt to control ones' emotions and avoid becoming frantic and hysterical?
Why play into the stereotype that so sadly is levied upon females?
You can do better than that, Lass.

I am mildly sure of that.
If I own the property, I make the rules. I could kick just about anyone out I please. You're too noisy/ugly. Get the fuck out of my establishment. Sue away.
Wrong... not if you open your doors to the public... that changes the game... like I said that mall can go private if they want to tell people what to say... and what to wear...
"you Fckn idiot"

Lass, is this the right venue for you?
Should you be here?
I mean by that, your incipient anger is developing into obscene tantrums.
That's not a good look, gurlfriend.

Why be low class?
Why telegraph that downscale status with vulgar language?
Why not attempt to control ones' emotions and avoid becoming frantic and hysterical?
Why play into the stereotype that so sadly is levied upon females?
You can do better than that, Lass.

I am mildly sure of that.

LoL don't ever dictate to me you no class lowly loon

Never ever
If I own the property, I make the rules. I could kick just about anyone out I please. You're too noisy/ugly. Get the fuck out of my establishment. Sue away.
Same argument was made for mens clubs and allowing women... its not private if you open up to the public... as long as no law is being broken they must allow that shirt...

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