Mall Cop Video: Remove the "Jesus Saves'' shirt or leave the Mall of America.

You shouldn't be so thin skinned.... if a t shirt is going to affect you that way....well....that's your problem.

But whatever.
I was in a walmart store last week, there was this guy wearing a t-shirt that said FUCK Joe Biden Trump 2024 on the back, I wasn't offended but there were children in that store.
Not right.
A drag show is not offending anyone normal. A religious nut is another matter.
No, not if people wanted to see it, in another venue, bar, club, cruise , etc.fine but in the middle of a mall?
Just as bad as having a religious sermon in the middle of the mall.
I couldn't wade through all of the RightieTightie outrage of this whole thread.
I swear there is a segment of contributors to this forum that are just vibrating in their seats to find the next little culture-war skirmish they can hissyfit about.

This religious zealot dumbass wearing that shirt.....had a history of proselytizing at that location before. And had been asked previously not to do it. It is, after all, private property. Many, many, many, maybe most.....retailers will eject zealots preaching Jesus, or Allah, or Jim Jones, or Buddha, or Hari Krishna, and so on.

So this bloke then comes back to the Mall wearing a shirt that displays disparagement towards several other religions while clearly promoting his own personal religion....the Jesus cult thingy.

Gimme a break!

If I was management of that Mall I too would have said....'That nutjob doesn't respect us or our rules of comportment. We were respectful to him in his previous rule-breaking here, but now he flaunts himself. And publicly disses the religions of our other customers. Throw his ass out. And bar him permanently.'

But that's just who I am. ;)
This was at the Mall of America, by the way. “We’ve had guests saying they are offended by your shirt,” the guard told him.

Here's a pop quiz fer yuns. And try not to think too hard about it. Would the Mall Cop have harassed this gentleman had he been wearing a BLM or LGBTQ shirt?

He probably is a stool stuffing faggot himself.
This was at the Mall of America, by the way. “We’ve had guests saying they are offended by your shirt,” the guard told him.

Here's a pop quiz fer yuns. And try not to think too hard about it. Would the Mall Cop have harassed this gentleman had he been wearing a BLM or LGBTQ shirt?

If some short fat moron tried to confront me like that I wouldn't give him the time of day or argue with him. I would simply ignore him.
And that is the primary foundation of liberal wokist idealogy.
Absolute intolerance.
The above by 'whatIseem' is nonsense. Partisan hyperbole and screeching.

If the guy was wearing a fluorescent T-shirt that said Allah Akbar, Or Mohammed is God.....with graphics that crossed out the Christianist's cross, the Jewish star,......I'm kinda thinking our RightieTightie Jesus cultists here would stroke out on us.

The bloke was wrong.
If he would have been a Hari Krishna proselytizing for Buddha ..... the Mall would and should tell 'em to knock it off, or leave.

The difference with some random Hari Krishna is that this guy had been warned previously. THAT is a major difference.

Kick his ass out and bar him for a year. And if he tries some similar shenanigans the local jurisdictions police force and arrest him for trespassing.
Extremist attitudes coming home to America. It's not which side is right, it's that both sides are wrong.

Will there be shootings taking place against those who express their political views on their shirts? Or is that already in progress?
Ask Steve Scalise or Brett Kavanaugh or Bolsanaro in Brazil
I wonder if the rent a cop would have a problem with this T shirt ( Guitar players will get it)

As usual, there is more than one side of the story.

He later claims the man was engaging in “religious soliciting,” which the mall forbids. The man claims throughout the video that he was not attempting to proselytize mall patrons but was simply wearing the shirt while shopping.

The man was asked on a different day to leave the mall because he was preaching, according to the videos. This time, however, he was just walking around the mall.

Maybe read the article next time?

“Yes, you’re walking wearing that shirt in the form of soliciting and we’ve had guests come up and say they’re offended by your shirt,” one of the guards appears to reply.
I couldn't wade through all of the RightieTightie outrage of this whole thread.
I swear there is a segment of contributors to this forum that are just vibrating in their seats to find the next little culture-war skirmish they can hissyfit about.

This religious zealot dumbass wearing that shirt.....had a history of proselytizing at that location before. And had been asked previously not to do it. It is, after all, private property. Many, many, many, maybe most.....retailers will eject zealots preaching Jesus, or Allah, or Jim Jones, or Buddha, or Hari Krishna, and so on.

So this bloke then comes back to the Mall wearing a shirt that displays disparagement towards several other religions while clearly promoting his own personal religion....the Jesus cult thingy.

Gimme a break!

If I was management of that Mall I too would have said....'That nutjob doesn't respect us or our rules of comportment. We were respectful to him in his previous rule-breaking here, but now he flaunts himself. And publicly disses the religions of our other customers. Throw his ass out. And bar him permanently.'

But that's just who I am. ;)

He was asked to not do something and by all acounts he was not.
This is the kind of crap that helped give rise to Trumpism. Multiply this example by about a million similar examples over the years and you'll have plenty of material to build massive and growing resentment.

If you don't like the fucking shirt, don't fucking look at it. Get over it.

Like MAGA hats? Or statues?


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