Mall Cop Video: Remove the "Jesus Saves'' shirt or leave the Mall of America.

The man was asked on a different day to leave the mall because he was preaching, according to the videos. This time, however, he was just walking around the mall.

And that changes this how exactly?

So he can no longer wear any T shirt he wants forever and ever?

Only thing is that it is private property.

the ejection was based on a complaint by a customer who claimed to be offended by it.

No doubt some crazy eyed Karen with nothing better to do but make some black dude's day more hellish, before she drove off in her Prius with the BLM bumper sticker.
I would suggest that an internet message bird is a very different space than a public shopping area. For example, here I can put wastes of flesh and oxygen on ignore if they annoy me sufficiently.
Correct, the public space of the internet is vastly greater than a mall in America, in fact, it covers the whole planet. So your "opinion" went umpteen thousand miles across here to the UK.
Here is a really radical idea just ignore the guy and go on with your life. I don't like seeing some people mostly guys walking around with their pants sagging halfway down there ass or 200 pound women walking around in yoga pants but I don't complain to police or security guards over it.
Here's a pop quiz fer yuns. And try not to think too hard about it. Would the Mall Cop have harassed this gentleman had he been wearing a BLM or LGBTQ shirt?

No and sorry mods, I didn't know a topic like this already existed.

Personally, I think it’s wrong to be wearing clothing thst advocates ANY religious, sexual or political position in a public space.

Why? What about freedom of speech?
Correct, the public space of the internet is vastly greater than a mall in America, in fact, it covers the whole planet. So your "opinion" went umpteen thousand miles across here to the UK
It’s also a space one enters knowing they will be bombarded by opinions, viewpoints and ideas. When I go out in public I do not wish to be bombarded by that crap. It’s part of why I avoid public spaces as much as possible. I don’t wear my advocacies on my sleeve, nobody else needs to either.
Why? What about freedom of speech?
I don’t believe in freedom of speech or most freedom general. The average human being is not capable of making the proper decisions often enough to be given freedom.
I don’t believe in freedom of speech or most freedom general. The average human being is not capable of making the proper decisions often enough to be given freedom.
It is proven when in instances that people are in the position of freedoms, they give it back to the despot leaders.
It is proven when in instances that people are in the position of freedoms, they give it back to the despot leaders
Very true. In many cases that’s not what they intend to do, but it’s what happens. It’s happening in this country right now. I’m talking about taking them away for the betterment of Society as a whole, because these folks are incompetent.
Very true. In many cases that’s not what they intend to do, but it’s what happens. It’s happening in this country right now. I’m talking about taking them away for the betterment of Society as a whole, because these folks are incompetent.

Freedom and Liberty require Personal Responsibility ... And many People are incompetent of negotiating that correctly.
However ... Freedom and Liberty are far superior to Totalitarian Governance ... So just shuffling the Incompetent along is never the answer.

So ... If one is Incompetent and cannot adequately address the necessity to Guide and Educate the People on how to Protect their Freedoms ...
Exercise their Liberties ... For themselves and of their own Responsibility ... And actually Provide for a better Society ...
They need to shut the hell up .... Get the hell out of the way ... And let someone better than them give it a shot.

Extremist attitudes coming home to America. It's not which side is right, it's that both sides are wrong.

Will there be shootings taking place against those who express their political views on their shirts? Or is that already in progress?
Nothing you lefturds do would surprise me. But face it, they only harassed that guy cause he's black. That's how you leftist vermin are.
My views :
the Ghermezians( Iranian-Jewish ) = the owner of the Mall

They're billionaires! Undoubtedly, all powerful American elites know them. Just don't try to be against the guards in the Ghermezians Kingdom. Or else...YOU'LL PROBABLY BE SORRY!

Since the mid-1980s, the Ghermezians have had plans to conquer the American real estate market as well. The family has done very well in Las Vegas, having become principals in at least 34 companies registered in the state. The Ghermezians also built the huge “Mall of America” in Minnesota. Since its opening, Mall of America has grown to more than 525 stores and now employs about 12,000 people. Inside the building, there are 49 restaurants, a cinema with 14 screens, and 8 night clubs. The mall has an economic impact on Minnesota of nearly $1.5 billion per year. It has become a must-see tourist attraction, with more than 270 million visitors both local and foreign since its opening. At the moment, Mall of America attracts more visitors annually than Disney World, Graceland, and the Grand Canyon combined, which makes it the country's most visited destination for U.S. travelers.

Ghermezian Family - Kodoom – Ghermezian Family
This was at the Mall of America, by the way. “We’ve had guests saying they are offended by your shirt,” the guard told him.

Here's a pop quiz fer yuns. And try not to think too hard about it. Would the Mall Cop have harassed this gentleman had he been wearing a BLM or LGBTQ shirt?

My guess is that he was in the mall trying to proselytize people just trying to shop at the mall.
My guess is that he was in the mall trying to proselytize people just trying to shop at the mall.

It was noted before he was. He was instructed he could not do that. By all indications he abided by that. No one accused him of doing that on this day.

I recall many years ago I was approached by a Krishna at the mall. He handed me this really nice book and tried to talk to me about his beliefs. He got around to asking me for a donation for the book. He was quick......LOL. I told him I had no money on me and he quickly grabbed the book back and handed me a cheap pamphlet.

I chuckled and went on my way.

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