Mall Cop Video: Remove the "Jesus Saves'' shirt or leave the Mall of America.

Because we don't live in a dictatorship....yet
Which is quite unfortunate. Then again I’ve never felt the need to advocate for those things I believe in via bumper stickers, tshirts, yard signs or other form of blatant public vomit.
Which is quite unfortunate. Then again I’ve never felt the need to advocate for those things I believe in via bumper stickers, tshirts, yard signs or other form of blatant public vomit.

You are entitled to your opinion

As I am to mine.... no biggie. :)
You shouldn't be so thin skinned.... if a t shirt is going to affect you that way....well....that's your problem
It’s more of an annoyance than anything. It does make me think less of those who feel the need to wear their advocacy that publicly; but I have so little respect for humanity at this point that’s pretty meaningless.

I try to go out of my way to avoid forcing my advocacy on anyone in public spaces.
I sure hope that fat, stupid hall monitor faces the consequences for his behavior.

He should come back wearing a t-shirt that reads ...
"If you want the phone number of the fat mall cop's wife ...
Just ask me ... She'll hook you up."

If he tried to stop him ... He could just say ...
"Are you telling me you are fat ... Or do you think I have your wife's phone number?
Must not be you then ... Run along" ... :auiqs.jpg:

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blatant public vomit

Definitely. My problem comes when “you” chose to blast your opinion at me, unrequested, in public spaces.
Oh but we've the freedom to vomit publicly Anathema

Holding one's ground , either rejecting or embracing said entities is the $$$ we pay for the 1st amd.

Anecdotal case in point being the Jehovahs , most folks simply say 'no thank you' , and they're out of one's face

Not me, i invited them all in for a grand scripture debate , being raised roman catholic does have some advantages you see....

After about an hour or so, one looks at his watch claiming ' we're way behind', subsequently imparting with cordial ado's

They've never returned....... :dev3: ~S~
Oh but we've the freedom to vomit publicly Anathema

Holding one's ground , either rejecting or embracing said entities is the $$$ we pay for the 1st amd
I’m not a strong believer in freedom, whether it’s of speech or anything else.
Anecdotal case in point being the Jehovahs , most folks simply say 'no thank you' , and they're out of one's face
The “active” ones generally avoid me. I go out of my way to give off a “not interested “ vibe. It’s the passive advocates (shirts, bumper stickers, banner wavers, etc…) who are far more difficult to avoid; mostly because they’re everywhere you look who frustrate me the most
Mall of America......

Man with Jesus shirt.... OFFENSIVE!!! GET OUT!!!

Mall of America...
Hosted a Draq Queen show in the public center, complete with giant screens for everyone to see including children. And also hosted several Drag Queen story tims.

And that is how insane leftist ideology is.
A drag show is not offending anyone normal. A religious nut is another matter.
How is your routine coming along?
If I had ever had any tendencies or interests in that direction I’d have put a bullet in my head years ago. Suicide is a far less soul-crushing moral crime than any form of homosexuality, cross-dressing, etc…
But i'll not go and get some mall cop, nor complain to the manager to do the dirty work for me
This was at the Mall of America, by the way. “We’ve had guests saying they are offended by your shirt,” the guard told him.

Here's a pop quiz fer yuns. And try not to think too hard about it. Would the Mall Cop have harassed this gentleman had he been wearing a BLM or LGBTQ shirt?

I agree with the Twitter user who said he assumed this wasn't even America.

And the "offender" is black being harassed by a white cop.

Where are all the outraged Lefties?

Oh, right - that's only part of the equation when it favors their politics.

I sure hope that fat, stupid hall monitor faces the consequences for his behavior. If he is actually representing the dictates of Mall of America, I hope they get their asses sued big time.

Fucking fascists.

On a lighter note: When you type "fucking fascists" I can't help but hear "The Dude" saying it ;)

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