Mall Cop Video: Remove the "Jesus Saves'' shirt or leave the Mall of America.

But Morgan Freeman still is amongst us.

And, arguably, so are about 12,000 Gods worshipped across the world.
Some want to say..."My flavor of God is the only flavor".
In fact, likely many of them like to say that.

So what's a guy to do?
Faced with the choice of picking a single winner out of 12,000.......or simply being a good citizen, neighbor, and human being?

But as we see all the time there are many who like to play the 'God Lottery'....convinced they have the magic formula to pick exactly the right one.

Count me skeptical.
Being those things is noble, but there is none righteous, no not one! My God is alive.
"My God is alive."
That is cool. And, I suspect, reassuring to you.
But I also suspect the gods of a bunch of other people are alive to them too.
The worldwide reality has sort of a open ecumenicalism. A god for everybody.
Nobody left out.

All good, I suppose.
You must worship no other gods, for the LORD, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you. Exodus 34:14

Yeah, I've seen that before.
But you know, even though I ain't versed in 'comparative religion studies'..... I do suspect a number of those other competing gods have similar pronouncements, ala' "MY way is the only way. Don't stray. Or else."

And shux, that's understandable. It's a competitive world....probably the heavens are too. And if one can keep your customers, clients, contributors....from straying over to the competition, well hell yes......make 'em fear they are gonna lose access to your goods and services. Duh!

I get it.
But 'faith' is sort of an individualized preference....sort of like do you ask for vanilla or chocolate, garlic or no garlic?

It's an individual freedom thingy. Each of us can be who we wanna be with whatever god-du-jour appeals to us at the time.

That is cool. And, I suspect, reassuring to you.
But I also suspect the gods of a bunch of other people are alive to them too.
The worldwide reality has sort of a open ecumenicalism. A god for everybody.
Nobody left out.

All good, I suppose.
Other Gods are dead, even according to their religions

A group showed up, chanted Jesus saves, sang a few hymns and were left alone. Mall of America is racist. They asked the black guy to leave but they didn't say anything to this group. Oh wait...maybe THIS GROUP are white supremacists or racists themselves.

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