Mall Cop Video: Remove the "Jesus Saves'' shirt or leave the Mall of America.

The average human being is not capable of making the proper decisions

I'm curious. . . . I had as part of a multidisciplinary major, philosophy. . .

Epistemology? I find fascinating.

Just what do you suppose, ARE, the proper decisions? And what epistemological paradigm is the most correct? How do you suppose you believe you are the one that has the most justification for that?

As usual, there is more than one side of the story.

He later claims the man was engaging in “religious soliciting,” which the mall forbids. The man claims throughout the video that he was not attempting to proselytize mall patrons but was simply wearing the shirt while shopping.

The man was asked on a different day to leave the mall because he was preaching, according to the videos. This time, however, he was just walking around the mall.

So you agree he did nothing wrong on this day, thanks for clearing that up
Way overblown cracker.

Show the source.

According to CBS News reporting data from the Minnesota Human Services Department ...
13,582 Somali Refugees came to Minnesota between 2005 and 2018 ... This does not include Somalis in the community who are not Refugees ...
And Minnesota is a place Somalis choose to gather regardless of Refugee status.

I have no idea where the other poster was getting their data ...
There was no better or more accurate data I could find on short notice ...
And Minneapolis was a city targeted for Refugee placement ... Because of its size and previously existing Somali influence and community.

It appears that he has a history of religious activity at the mall.

Thanks for playing
From what crabman was saying he did nothing wrong on that day besides wearing a shirt and walking around.

Do you think that's enough reason to kick someone out?
It’s also a space one enters knowing they will be bombarded by opinions, viewpoints and ideas. When I go out in public I do not wish to be bombarded by that crap. It’s part of why I avoid public spaces as much as possible. I don’t wear my advocacies on my sleeve, nobody else needs to either.
We're glad you try to avoid public spaces too.
Epistemology? I find fascinating.
Very interesting. I can’t say I’d ever heard of it before.
Just what do you suppose, ARE, the proper decisions? And what epistemological paradigm is the most correct? How do you suppose you believe you are the one that has the most justification for that?
My upbringing, combined with my personal experiences over the last 50 years had lead me to believe that there actually is a set of “universal human morals and values”. I believe these are imprinted on the soul of every human being. Whether they are divinely inspired or the result of the experiences of early mankind could be debated until the end of time.

They come down to two simple concepts: Right and Wrong. These two concepts lead to the understanding that Law and Order is the core value of any decent society. These concepts are best shown in the Traditional Western Values thst ruled the vast majority of Western Society for centuries.
We're glad you try to avoid public spaces too
I find that humorous (at least as much as my lack of a sense of humor will allow). You would walk right past me in a public space and except for the uniqueness of my face you would likely never even notice me.

You’d never realize that I’m an advocate of self-defense, an Isolationist, a sexist, anti-religion, or any if my other values and ideologies. You’d swear I was just another mindless drone wandering through life. Yet I’m considered the problem child not the imbeciles forcing their intellectually void slogans on everyone in the general area by printing them in bright colors across their chests
You have to know that someone is seriously fucked up in the head, and in the soul (assuming it still has one) who thinks that a message promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ is offensive, but a sick display of sexual deviancy is not.

A drag show is not offending anyone normal. A religious nut is another matter.

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