Mall Cop Video: Remove the "Jesus Saves'' shirt or leave the Mall of America.

This is the kind of crap that helped give rise to Trumpism. Multiply this example by about a million similar examples over the years and you'll have plenty of material to build massive and growing resentment.

If you don't like the fucking shirt, don't fucking look at it. Get over it.

Next thing you know Trump will have the FBI censor Social media posts
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This was at the Mall of America, by the way. “We’ve had guests saying they are offended by your shirt,” the guard told him.

Here's a pop quiz fer yuns. And try not to think too hard about it. Would the Mall Cop have harassed this gentleman had he been wearing a BLM or LGBTQ shirt?

LOL! You clowns are all over this nothing-burger. you do know that the patron was allowed to stay..and was allowed to wear the shirt, right?

Despite the incident, a mall spokesman told the Daily Mail that the man was eventually not required to obey the security guard’s order.
“After a brief interaction, the guest was not required to change his shirt and was allowed to remain at the Mall,” the representative told the Daily Mail.
LOL! You clowns are all over this nothing-burger. you do know that the patron was allowed to stay..and was allowed to wear the shirt, right?

Despite the incident, a mall spokesman told the Daily Mail that the man was eventually not required to obey the security guard’s order.
“After a brief interaction, the guest was not required to change his shirt and was allowed to remain at the Mall,” the representative told the Daily Mail.
Not part of this and yet the fact there was a time we did not dress so casually. People dressed more proper. We have become walking billboards.
LOL! You clowns are all over this nothing-burger. you do know that the patron was allowed to stay..and was allowed to wear the shirt, right?


''Some comments online have suggested that the man was eventually allowed to remain in the mall with his shirt on...

Yes, you’re walking wearing that shirt in the form of soliciting and we’ve had guests come up and say they’re offended by your shirt,” one of the guards appears to reply.

If it was a mere one-off.
A first time offender.
Yeah, tell the guy his clothing is do his business promptly and leave, or.....go to the Brooks Brothers store and buy a jacket and cover up that which makes our customers uncomfortable.
Imagine a Q-MAGA wearing that same fluorescent T-shirt in that same mall ....but with 'F*CK BIDEN' lettering.
The owners of this private mall has every right to tell the RWNJ to leave, or cover-up.


The guys was a repeat offender. He was proselyting before and warned not to push his religious beliefs on their private property.
So he comes back with a 'In-your-face' message and pretends he's just a mere mall shopper.

Throw his keister out and tell him--- 'one-more-time' where our customers complain about you...... and we call the local police to nail you on trespassing.
Maybe read the article next time?

“Yes, you’re walking wearing that shirt in the form of soliciting and we’ve had guests come up and say they’re offended by your shirt,” one of the guards appears to reply.

Don't assume what I read and didn't read. You're assuming that his version of the story is the truth.
I find that humorous (at least as much as my lack of a sense of humor will allow). You would walk right past me in a public space and except for the uniqueness of my face you would likely never even notice me.

You’d never realize that I’m an advocate of self-defense, an Isolationist, a sexist, anti-religion, or any if my other values and ideologies. You’d swear I was just another mindless drone wandering through life. Yet I’m considered the problem child not the imbeciles forcing their intellectually void slogans on everyone in the general area by printing them in bright colors across their chests
Don't worry, we all have useless things to worry about. A problem you might have, I'm a Brit and you're an American, so my humour/sarcasm will fly over your head at 33,000 feet.
Don't worry, we all have useless things to worry about. A problem you might have, I'm a Brit and you're an American, so my humour/sarcasm will fly over your head at 33,000 feet
I try not to worry about the useless things. It doesn’t always work but I’m generally fairl decent at ignoring comments from foreigners.

As for your humor/sarcasm being over my head… I’m not so sure; see my family has a tradition of putting uppity Brits six feet below the ground and not allowing them to be “over” us.
I try not to worry about the useless things. It doesn’t always work but I’m generally fairl decent at ignoring comments from foreigners.

As for your humor/sarcasm being over my head… I’m not so sure; see my family has a tradition of putting uppity Brits six feet below the ground and not allowing them to be “over” us.
What, you, or the French? Don't you try to massage bullshit independence macho speak on me kiddo, or I'll fucking school you.
What, you, or the French? Don't you try to massage bullshit independence macho speak on me kiddo, or I'll fucking school you
There were no French soldiers on Breeds Hill, or Bunker Hill as both sides mistakenly identified it. Members of my family fought in both the Revolution and the War of 1812. We also traveled across the Atlito save your Limey asses twice in half a century.

This conversation is concluded. Good bye Sir.

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