Malthus and Godwin: The Left’s Prophets

You're the sort of dunce who would buy a ticket to a movie, and demand that they show a different one.

You've voluntarily subscribed to this Malthus/Godwin thread, detailing the flaws and errors in Liberal what-passes-for-thought, and you imagine that I will alter the lesson for you.

As in so many of your couldn't be more wrong.

Right, well let me know when you're ready to respond to the text ass whoopin' I just gave you.
You're the sort of dunce who would buy a ticket to a movie, and demand that they show a different one.

You've voluntarily subscribed to this Malthus/Godwin thread, detailing the flaws and errors in Liberal what-passes-for-thought, and you imagine that I will alter the lesson for you.

As in so many of your couldn't be more wrong.

Right, well let me know when you're ready to respond to the text ass whoopin' I just gave you.

You appear as nothing so much as the kite that thought it ruled the wind.

A pity that no one ever loved you enough to teach you how to respect your betters.
9. What’s the sort of promise that will make fools….er, voters, give up their property to the state?

Here’s what Leftism promises:

“Every man would have a frugal, yet wholesome diet, every man would go forth to that moderate exercise of his corporal functions that would give hilarity to the spirits: none would be made torpid with fatigue, but all would have leisure to cultivate the kindly and philanthropic affections of the soul, and let loose his faculties in the search of intellectual improvement.

What a contrast does this scene present us with the present state of human society, where the peasant and the labourer work, till their understandings are benumbed with toil, their sinews contracted and made callous by being forever on the stretch, and their bodies invaded with infirmities and surrendered to an untimely grave? “
William Godwin: Political Justice, Anarchism and the Romantics

That's the promise....entitlements, food stamps, welfare.....cradle to grave.
That's what every iteration of collectivism promises.

But the result is very different.
The Left slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children in the 20th century to test this thesis.

“The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.”
Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198

Amazing that the promises still work.
Just has to be sure that the masses don't study history.
10. To review: Liberals, Communists, Socialists, are the current standard bearers of the views of William Godwin.

a.William Godwin, in the early 1800s, set the table for every collectivist’s dogma….Communism, Anarchism, Socialism, Modern Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, Fascism, et al.

b. The abolition of private property and the dismantling of the hereditary wealth would produce Utopia, Heaven on Earth!
And fools still vote for this.

c. Just as universities teach that the French Revolution is as noble an endeavor as the American Revolution…an absolute lie, as the latter was about freedom and the former about slaughter and totalitarian governance, Godwin was a great fan of Rousseau, and his enmity to private property, too.

d. The difference was that Rousseau was prelapsarian, looking back to the primal innocence of Eden, while Godwin, god of the Left, looked forward to the Utopia of human perfection.

Godwin, before Marx and before Bernie Sanders....
11. “The influence of Godwin's writings on his younger contemporaries was considerable. Such disparate figures as the utopian socialist Robert Owen, the radical Francis Place, the socialist economist William Thompson, and even Karl Marx were impressed by Godwin's political and economic thought.”

And equally ‘impressed’ by Godwin’s thinking are today’s Liberals.

Remembering Godwin:

e. As the ‘godfather’ of totalitarian though, Godwin sowed the seeds of envy and discontent. His book ‘Political Justice’(1793) became so popular that “the poorest mechanics were known to club subscriptions for its purchase” enabling it to “mine and eat away contentment from a nation’s roots.”
Bethell, ‘The Noblest Triumph,’ p. 104

f. Godwin’s promise: In the Utopia to come, ‘there will be no war, no crimes, no administration of justice, as it is called…..every man will seek, with ineffable ardor, the good of all.”
Godwin, “Political Justice,’ 2:528

How'd that work out in the Soviet Worker's Paradise?
How about Venezuela?

g. Remember: all one need do is abolish private property. The Soviets did this via government enforced famine. The Democrats by regulation and taxation.

h.To recognize how truly absurd and specious the Left’s argument is, the alteration of human nature, Godwin claimed that competition itself would cease to exist: there would be nothing to contend about. Vanity, ostentation, and ambition, ‘the produce of the prevailing system of property’- would disappear. Each of us ‘would lose his own individual existence in the thought of the general good.’
Bethell, ‘The Noblest Triumph,’ p. 105

And, if you vote Democrat, you, as well, support Godwin….or you are ignorant of what you lend your political power to.

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