Malwarebytes Crashed


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
Malwarebytes crashed on our computer. We have other virus protection that is running and it says we are protected.

I emailed Malwarebytes but I have to wait for them to get back to me. I ran their program "Chameleon" and it wouldn't complete what it was supposed to do. It ran but it couldn't load the update or finish scanning. I tried system restore but that didn't work because my virus program was running in the background and it told me to disable it which I am reluctant to do.

What would you do??

Would you uninstall and reinstall Malwarebytes?
Or would you reinstall Windows?

I'm actually tired of protecting Windows because it takes hours and for this reason, I wish to go to Linux.
Now that Glary Utilities owns Malwarebytes it doesn't work as well as it used to. Even Glary, itself, is messing up a lot in the past month or two. I'm going to start searching for something else that had the integrity of the originals. When I contact customer service I'm getting someone from India or China. Poor English and generally no help at all.
If your Malwarebytes is crashing or misbehaving then you most likely have a serious infection that is blocking it. Personally I would do a system restore back to a point before all of this started.
If you want to change after that then there's Spybot-Search and Destroy or SuperAntiSpyware.
If you do switch over to Linux make sure you activate the built in firewall and install ClamAV. Don't believe the deluded fanatics who claim Linux can't be infected.
I'd also get rid of Internet Explorer and switch to Chrome or Firefox or Opera. Most everyone agrees that IE is a hacker's best friend.
If your Malwarebytes is crashing or misbehaving then you most likely have a serious infection that is blocking it. Personally I would do a system restore back to a point before all of this started.
If you want to change after that then there's Spybot-Search and Destroy or SuperAntiSpyware.
If you do switch over to Linux make sure you activate the built in firewall and install ClamAV. Don't believe the deluded fanatics who claim Linux can't be infected.

It is really weird because the computer isn't slow and the computer isn't misbehaving.
We are using McAfee and it isn't detecting anything.
I ran Stinger which is also a free tool from McAfee and it didn't come up with anything.
If your Malwarebytes is crashing or misbehaving then you most likely have a serious infection that is blocking it. Personally I would do a system restore back to a point before all of this started.
If you want to change after that then there's Spybot-Search and Destroy or SuperAntiSpyware.
If you do switch over to Linux make sure you activate the built in firewall and install ClamAV. Don't believe the deluded fanatics who claim Linux can't be infected.

It is really weird because the computer isn't slow and the computer isn't misbehaving.
We are using McAfee and it isn't detecting anything.
I ran Stinger which is also a free tool from McAfee and it didn't come up with anything.

Okay, delete Malwarebytes, reboot into Safe Mode (turn off your anti-virus if it's running) then do a restore. Once the restore is done (and the system rebooted normally) reboot again in Safe Mode and run a scan. Once that that is done boot up normally then reinstall Malwarebytes. I stopped using McAfee and Norton decades ago, both are resource hogs, and started using AVG until it became as bad as the big two then switched over to Avast. AVG and Avast are free.
The only real two problems with Linux are if one is a gamer and if you're using a much older computer and don't know how to configure the lighter Linux operating systems to work on that machine. If you're using a fairly modern, fast computer you can load Ubuntu or Mint and run StealthVM with Windows XP, Vista or 7 in it.
I decided to take a chance. I am downloading Hitman Pro and I am going to do a free scan to see what comes up.
I ran Hitman Pro 64 bit and no threats were found according to it. It did find 116 tracking cookies though.
The only way I would be danger is if this computer found something there wasn't a virus / malware definition for.
I reinstalled Malwarebytes until I have more time to deal with the computer.
I'm doing a scan.
I realize that this may not be perfect but this is what I have time for right now.
Malwarebytes says the computer is protected. I'm going to set the settings to do a more comprehensive scan.
If you can afford it at some point, try using ESET. One of the best anti everythings I've used in the past few years. Otherwise try AVG Free.
Since nothing was found it looks more like a possible corrupt file, an update didn't install correctly or a conflict between Chameleon and Malwarebytes.
Since nothing was found it looks more like a possible corrupt file, an update didn't install correctly or a conflict between Chameleon and Malwarebytes.

I'm not sure how Malwarebytes works. If it tracks registry changes, would it know if I am infected if it has been offline for two or three days? Would it be able to track that?

Thank you for everyone's help.
I've been a paying user of Malwarebytes for several years and used to have great confidence in it. However, it doesn't seem to be the same these days. I used to get "update" notices every two or three days but now when I try to update it I get a message that it's "up to date." That's very unusual. The last two times I DID get a message that it was ready to be updated I got the message via Glary Utilities. That makes me think that Malwarebytes has been swallowed up by Glary and no longer operates in the same manner that it used to. I'm speculating.

Anyway, are there any other trustworthy Anti-Malware programs available? I'm thinking about deleting Malwarebytes and going with someone else.
I've been a paying user of Malwarebytes for several years and used to have great confidence in it. However, it doesn't seem to be the same these days. I used to get "update" notices every two or three days but now when I try to update it I get a message that it's "up to date." That's very unusual. The last two times I DID get a message that it was ready to be updated I got the message via Glary Utilities. That makes me think that Malwarebytes has been swallowed up by Glary and no longer operates in the same manner that it used to. I'm speculating.

Anyway, are there any other trustworthy Anti-Malware programs available? I'm thinking about deleting Malwarebytes and going with someone else.

I think it is still a good program. It caught things in minutes that Norton 360 couldn't detect in hours.

For what they are charging, I am concerned because no one emailed me back from Malwarebytes for my original problem. I checked my claim number online and didn't have a response. In other words, they are doing a good job on giving updates but more money could pay for a little more support in my opinion. I am still happy with them.

Malwarebytes is for malicious hackers and you still need virus protection.

You paid for Malwarebytes and it is a lifetime license so I would always keep it.

We use Emisoft at work and I'm happy with that. You might want to try that. If you look for Hitman Pro, I saw a deal where you can get both and it sounds like they throw in Hitman Pro for the same price but I would want to check again.
Malwarebytes emailed me back and gave me a utility to download and a page to test my computer.
I'm thankful they did that. I will test it.

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