Man Charges at Cop with Axe

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I did it for 26 years... And yes, you suspect everyone. I still go into a restaurant and look for a corner table with brick wall behind it. Where I can see everyone coming in and I am semi protected from behind. Drives my kids nuts.
My brother does that too and he’s rubbed that habit off on me now
The officer did just what he should have done, firing multiple bullets center mass. I am impressed by his quick reaction.

My comment has noting to with the officer and everything to do with the members of this forum.
You people jump on the FBI crime statistics and say people of color are being singled out, but you never really look at the statistics from the real point that it must be viewed from. That is at the local area level.

Here is an example of why the national statistics do not represent the true picture. A state has a black populace of 20%, yet the rate of their incarceration is at 50% for violent crimes. You would call this racist and selective actions by police, but it is not. No one is being profiled.

When you look at these statistics in a local area view, you find out the inner cities are 60% black, so the ratio is actually correct for the populace creating it. Where are the crimes being committed and what is that ratio? All statistics are subjective to point of view.
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You people jump on the FBI crime statistics and say people of color are being singled out, but you never really look at the statistics from the real point that it must be viewed from. That is at the local area level.

Here is an example of why the national statistics do not represent the true picture. A state has a black populace of 20%, yet the rate of their incarceration is at 50% for violent crimes. You would call this racist and selective actions by police, but it is not. No one is being profiled.

When you look at these statistics in a local area view, you find out the inner cities are 60% black, so the ratio is actually correct for the populace creating it. Where are the crimes being committed and what is that ratio?

Who the fuck are "you people"?

My comments were only about the members of this forum, not about anything else.

Why does that confuse you so much?
Who the fuck are "you people"?

My comments were only about the members of this forum, not about anything else.

Why does that confuse you so much?
I don't give a shit who you are.. I don't give a shit what your skin color is. I deal in facts I can prove. I am NOT SORRY if you are offended because that is your personal choice to be offended.

You people, in this instance, are idiots that are clueless.
I don't give a shit who you are.. I don't give a shit what your skin color is. I deal in facts I can prove. I am NOT SORRY if you are offended because that is your personal choice to be offended.

You people, in this instance, is idiots that are clueless.
I was taking a handgun safety and marksmanship course over a weekend, once, and when the instructor made that "21 ft" statement, I didn't believe him. We paired off and tried it and now I'm a believer.

Seems obvious to me
I see you have the standard democrat answer...

. I cant hear you.JPG
I don't give a shit who you are.. I don't give a shit what your skin color is. I deal in facts I can prove. I am NOT SORRY if you are offended because that is your personal choice to be offended.

You people, in this instance, are idiots that are clueless.

Are you drunk or something? You could not be making less sense if you tried.

I am not offended, I made a comment about the habits of this forum in which every thread about a black person doing something bad half the comments are blaming it on the black culture.

Yet we do not see that same thing when a white person does something bad.
WTF is wrong with you?

Seems they have never actually fired a gun. Hitting someone running at you in the head would be difficult to do and very stupid to try.

The person that said this watches way too much TV
No... Martial arts certifications were only done by a very few. They require specialized instructors, and it is very cost prohibitive for a department to have them certified by the FBI. The liability issues get ugly. Standardized training is the way most departments go to minimize liability and use of force policies.

I've seen them used but never tried to use them. One of the draw backs is broken bones rather than incapacitation by muscle trauma.

Well, there are many ways to use them other than just swinging them around; they can also be used to block, catch, trap, wrap up arms and weapons or used blunt force on the ends in the stomach, throat, eyes, etc. Great fun using them.
Are you drunk or something? You could not be making less sense if you tried.

I am not offended, I made a comment about the habits of this forum in which every thread about a black person doing something bad half the comments are blaming it on the black culture.

Yet we do not see that same thing when a white person does something bad.
Injecting race into a behavior argument is not productive. That is why justice is supposed to be blind. Skin color should have no place in dealing with behaviors. The victim mentality absolves one of personal responsibility. That is why the crap democrats are spewing is so vile and destructive.

I apologize if I miss read your intent. I tire very quickly with the "your racist" bull shit..
Are you drunk or something? You could not be making less sense if you tried.

I am not offended, I made a comment about the habits of this forum in which every thread about a black person doing something bad half the comments are blaming it on the black culture.

Yet we do not see that same thing when a white person does something bad.
I haven't had a drink in almost thirty years... LOL...

I know what the habits of many here are. I am simply putting a kibosh to the BS before it gets started.
Are you drunk or something? You could not be making less sense if you tried.

I am not offended, I made a comment about the habits of this forum in which every thread about a black person doing something bad half the comments are blaming it on the black culture.

Yet we do not see that same thing when a white person does something bad.
Then post some insane drug induced attack and see if all the evil white posters make excuses for him, or all condemn him.

The problem is we all grow weary of blacks and white liberals excusing violent behavior from certain races. George Bush called it the, Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
Wow 2 pages and no thugs, savage, feral animal. Hmmm, I wonder why?
What makes you think he ISNT one of those descriptors? Im glad he is a dead. I also think its funny that he was such an idiot that he forgot about his seat belt. That low IQ mistake cost that thug his life. :laugh:
What makes you think he ISNT one of those descriptors? Im glad he is a dead. I also think its funny that he was such an idiot that he forgot about his seat belt. That low IQ mistake cost that thug his life. :laugh:
He failed to also put the car in park... it was rolling... That two second mistake and disorganized behavior is what potentially saved the officers life.

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