Man Charges at Cop with Axe

What in the hell is happening to people?

Easy. First the Left subjected us to two years of complete economic and social isolation while undergoing two years of concurrent, continual lying, propaganda and nonsense about everything from the origin and nature of the virus to the efficacy of the vaccines while imposing restraints and conditions on living which tore at the very fabric of society not to mention true science, only to be immediately followed without a breath by the far worse consequence of having a Joe Biden as a president with the absolute HAVOC and RUIN he has imposed upon our country ovdernight with insane actions and policies, and, well, this is what you end up with.

I went to a seminar not too long ago with police, ambulance, and psychologists discussing mental patients in crisis.

The question came up from the moderator, "How many people have dealt with a mental patient in crisis?"

Of course, everyone raised their hands. Then the moderator went on to ask, "Where did you deal with them? Was it in a clinic or office where the patient arrived for an appointment. Where the patient was calm and reasonable? Where security could have ejected them if they showed aggression? How many have dealt with a patient in crisis on the streets, possibly with a weapon in their hand, not calm and reasonable but possibly drug or alcohol affected?".

Not one of the psychiatrists raised their hands.
And we police officers deal with it daily. I did it for 26 years.. I've been thrown around like a rag doll by a little woman that was 90 pounds soaking wet and high on angel dust (PCP). I was 250lbs back then and solid as a rock. People in psychotic breaks are unstoppable. I've seen one where the officer had to shoot his 45 and empty the magazine to stop him. You shoot until the threat is stopped. These people will keep coming until their hearts stop and even then keep coming for about 20 seconds. Some of the things we dealt with day to day were frightening. Most people don't have a clue what police deal with daily. Whether its drug induced psychosis and rage or a true psychotic break where the individual was violent, they do not feel pain. This leaves you very few options to deal with them on the street.
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And we police officers deal with it daily. I did it for 26 years.. I've been thrown around like a rag doll by a little woman that was 90 pounds soaking wet and high on angel dust (PCP). I was 250lbs back then and solid as a rock. People in psychotic breaks are unstoppable. I've seen one where the officer had to shoot his 45 and empty the magazine to stop him. You shoot until the threat is stopped. These people will keep coming until their hearts stop and even then keep coming for about 20 seconds. Some of the things we dealt with day to day were frightening. Most people don't have a clue what police deal with daily. Whether its drug induced psychosis and rage or a true psychotic break where the individual was violent, they do not feel pain. This leaves you very few options to deal with them on the street.

Ever have any call for or experience using a pair of nunchakus? They can be terribly effective in close quarters.
Ever have any call for or experience using a pair of nunchakus? They can be terribly effective in close quarters.
No... Martial arts certifications were only done by a very few. They require specialized instructors, and it is very cost prohibitive for a department to have them certified by the FBI. The liability issues get ugly. Standardized training is the way most departments go to minimize liability and use of force policies.

I've seen them used but never tried to use them. One of the draw backs is broken bones rather than incapacitation by muscle trauma.
Close proximity attacks. He's lucky to have been able to fire his weapon with it being so close. A person with a knife or ax can travel 21 feet in the time it takes to unholster, aim and fire your weapon.
That only works if the perp is coming at you from a standing position. This nutcase was seated in his car, and that reduced his attack range to 5 feet before becoming a statistic.
No... Martial arts certifications were only done by a very few. They require specialized instructors, and it is very cost prohibitive for a department to have them certified by the FBI. The liability issues get ugly. Standardized training is the way most departments go to minimize liability and use of force policies.

I've seen them used but never tried to use them. One of the draw backs is broken bones rather than incapacitation by muscle trauma.
Yes....certified by the same FBI that faked Russian Collusion and helped stage Jan 6th.

But it's clear that cops are handcuffed by DAs that refuse to prosecute criminals but will jump at an opportunity to destroy a cop's life forever as an example to other officers.
Wow 2 pages and no thugs, savage, feral animal. Hmmm, I wonder why?
Probably because up until now none had bothered to comment.
But we don't see too many of those here because Democrats think that those types can't afford to pay for their own internet.
Of course I see them on Fornite all day long instead of working during the day.
That only works if the perp is coming at you from a standing position. This nutcase was seated in his car, and that reduced his attack range to 5 feet before becoming a statistic.
True... The weapon was also hidden until he became running. Had there been no hesitation from the assailant, this cop could very well be dead.
True... The weapon was also hidden until he became running. Had there been no hesitation from the assailant, this cop could very well be dead.
The cop probably has seen this act before....which is why he had his hand on his service weapon when the car pulled up next to him.
A cop has to assume that anyone pulling up next to him intends to shoot him automatically.
If he doesn't he won't live long.
Frankly I wouldn't take the job for a million USD.
That is what happens when you bring an ax to gun fight.

Suicide by cop.. I've dealt with this before. Its not pretty but it happens. To cowardly to do it himself so he puts that responsibility on the officer. Now that officer has to deal with killing a person. No one wins here..

Actually, the dead guy wins. He got what he wanted.
The cop probably has seen this act before....which is why he had his hand on his service weapon when the car pulled up next to him.
A cop has to assume that anyone pulling up next to him intends to shoot him automatically.
If he doesn't he won't live long.
Frankly I wouldn't take the job for a million USD.
I did it for 26 years... And yes, you suspect everyone. I still go into a restaurant and look for a corner table with brick wall behind it. Where I can see everyone coming in and I am semi protected from behind. Drives my kids nuts.
Are you hurt that this guy got shot? This man definitely had mental health issues. This time it was identified early in the thread so people like you wouldn't go off on some idiotic rant about race.

So, honestly if the guy had been black do you think that would have stopped the normal idiotic rants about race we get every time a black person does something bad?
I did it for 26 years... And yes, you suspect everyone. I still go into a restaurant and look for a corner table with brick wall behind it. Where I can see everyone coming in and I am semi protected from behind. Drives my kids nuts.
My brother was a US Marshal before he retired.
My other brother spent 8 years in Montana State Pen
So, honestly if the guy had been black do you think that would have stopped the normal idiotic rants about race we get every time a black person does something bad?
This isn't a race thing... This is a self-defense thing... IF your too partisan to see that, its on you. This officer had but one response he could make, skin color had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.
This isn't a race thing... This is a self-defense thing... IF your too partisan to see that, its on you. This officer had but one response he could make, skin color had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

The officer did just what he should have done, firing multiple bullets center mass. I am impressed by his quick reaction.

My comment has noting to with the officer and everything to do with the members of this forum.

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