Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

Mental health hospitals need a comeback in America.

Why is it that I was taught shock therapy worked?

Now all of a sudden it doesn't?

I read like 90 testimonials, wtf?
They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

"I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue."

They absolutely not should keep the live streaming up, only the perverted would want to watch someone elses torment and horrific death.

Keeping the live streaming up has little in any way to contribute to drawing attention to the souls who have mental health issues.

Sure it will.

How exactly?

I'm also married to a Psychiatrist and he'd say you were 100% wrong as well. WTF letting people watch film of people committing suicide by burning themselves alive is going to draw attention to mental health issues.

I bet you watch those ISIS beheading videos as well don't you? Go on say you do you know you do.

Because it cannot be shifted away.

I don't give a damn who you are married to. I work with many people that are mentally ill.

You still haven't explained how showing people films of people burning themselves alive is going to contribute to drawing attention to mental health issues.

You people are sick and deranged yourselves.

You're a real fucking nitwit, aren't ya?
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

Facebook just hired 30,000 new employee's around the world to stop this live Facebook traumatic craze going on..
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.
Why the fuck would you post this in politics?
There is a political component. But it's not necessarily a PARTISAN one, and I think that the OP didn't make it real clear.

Mental Health issues are routinely relegated to the dustbin in this country. We closed state institutions and dumped people on the street. We claimed we'd use the money saved from that to provide community help but that never happened, the money gets siphoned elsewhere. Some states have good laws providing help for the mentally ill but...oopsie - they don't fucking fund it. Too few people, too few resources and no cute poster kids for mental illness because guess what, it isn't cute. It's ugly. And no one wants to be reminded of it.

Even the struggle to get parity in health insurance is getting a back handed slap under the possible new health care law.
There is a political component. But it's not necessarily a PARTISAN one, and I think that the OP didn't make it real clear.

Mental Health issues are routinely relegated to the dustbin in this country. We closed state institutions and dumped people on the street. We claimed we'd use the money saved from that to provide community help but that never happened, the money gets siphoned elsewhere. Some states have good laws providing help for the mentally ill but...oopsie - they don't fucking fund it. Too few people, too few resources and no cute poster kids for mental illness because guess what, it isn't cute. It's ugly. And no one wants to be reminded of it.

Even the struggle to get parity in health insurance is getting a back handed slap under the possible new health care law.
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.
Why the fuck would you post this in politics?

It was moved. Why the fuck would you continue to bitch?
Mental health hospitals need a comeback in America.

Why is it that I was taught shock therapy worked?

Now all of a sudden it doesn't?

I read like 90 testimonials, wtf?
I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.
"I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue."

They absolutely not should keep the live streaming up, only the perverted would want to watch someone elses torment and horrific death.

Keeping the live streaming up has little in any way to contribute to drawing attention to the souls who have mental health issues.

Sure it will.

How exactly?

I'm also married to a Psychiatrist and he'd say you were 100% wrong as well. WTF letting people watch film of people committing suicide by burning themselves alive is going to draw attention to mental health issues.

I bet you watch those ISIS beheading videos as well don't you? Go on say you do you know you do.

Because it cannot be shifted away.

I don't give a damn who you are married to. I work with many people that are mentally ill.

You still haven't explained how showing people films of people burning themselves alive is going to contribute to drawing attention to mental health issues.

You people are sick and deranged yourselves.

You're a real fucking nitwit, aren't ya?

You still haven't explained how showing people films of people burning themselves alive is going to contribute to drawing attention to mental health issues.
I gather that there needs to be a better mental health system in America.

Where I come from, that's Chattahoochee.
There is a political component. But it's not necessarily a PARTISAN one, and I think that the OP didn't make it real clear.

Mental Health issues are routinely relegated to the dustbin in this country. We closed state institutions and dumped people on the street. We claimed we'd use the money saved from that to provide community help but that never happened, the money gets siphoned elsewhere. Some states have good laws providing help for the mentally ill but...oopsie - they don't fucking fund it. Too few people, too few resources and no cute poster kids for mental illness because guess what, it isn't cute. It's ugly. And no one wants to be reminded of it.

Even the struggle to get parity in health insurance is getting a back handed slap under the possible new health care law.

They are making it a political issue, the partisan hacks in this thread like the sicko who posted the OP.
Mental health hospitals need a comeback in America.

Why is it that I was taught shock therapy worked?

Now all of a sudden it doesn't?

I read like 90 testimonials, wtf?
Sure it will.

How exactly?

I'm also married to a Psychiatrist and he'd say you were 100% wrong as well. WTF letting people watch film of people committing suicide by burning themselves alive is going to draw attention to mental health issues.

I bet you watch those ISIS beheading videos as well don't you? Go on say you do you know you do.

Because it cannot be shifted away.

I don't give a damn who you are married to. I work with many people that are mentally ill.

You still haven't explained how showing people films of people burning themselves alive is going to contribute to drawing attention to mental health issues.

You people are sick and deranged yourselves.

You're a real fucking nitwit, aren't ya?

You still haven't explained how showing people films of people burning themselves alive is going to contribute to drawing attention to mental health issues.

It isn't kicked to the side. It isn't hidden. Fucking get it?
There is a political component. But it's not necessarily a PARTISAN one, and I think that the OP didn't make it real clear.

Mental Health issues are routinely relegated to the dustbin in this country. We closed state institutions and dumped people on the street. We claimed we'd use the money saved from that to provide community help but that never happened, the money gets siphoned elsewhere. Some states have good laws providing help for the mentally ill but...oopsie - they don't fucking fund it. Too few people, too few resources and no cute poster kids for mental illness because guess what, it isn't cute. It's ugly. And no one wants to be reminded of it.

Even the struggle to get parity in health insurance is getting a back handed slap under the possible new health care law.

They are making it a political issue, the partisan hacks in this thread like the sicko who posted the OP.

I am an independent, you nitwit.
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.
Why the fuck would you post this in politics?

This OP has nothing to do with politics, not too surprisingly the Far Leftists are the only ones who want to use a human beings immense personal torment to score cheap partisan political points.

Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

Facebook just hired 30,000 new employee's around the world to stop this live Facebook traumatic craze going on..

They will find another avenue.
There is a political component. But it's not necessarily a PARTISAN one, and I think that the OP didn't make it real clear.

Mental Health issues are routinely relegated to the dustbin in this country. We closed state institutions and dumped people on the street. We claimed we'd use the money saved from that to provide community help but that never happened, the money gets siphoned elsewhere. Some states have good laws providing help for the mentally ill but...oopsie - they don't fucking fund it. Too few people, too few resources and no cute poster kids for mental illness because guess what, it isn't cute. It's ugly. And no one wants to be reminded of it.

Even the struggle to get parity in health insurance is getting a back handed slap under the possible new health care law.

They are making it a political issue, the partisan hacks in this thread like the sicko who posted the OP.

I am an independent, you nitwit.

People who commit suicide this way don't seem to realize the agonizing pain they feel minutes before they die.
There is a political component. But it's not necessarily a PARTISAN one, and I think that the OP didn't make it real clear.

Mental Health issues are routinely relegated to the dustbin in this country. We closed state institutions and dumped people on the street. We claimed we'd use the money saved from that to provide community help but that never happened, the money gets siphoned elsewhere. Some states have good laws providing help for the mentally ill but...oopsie - they don't fucking fund it. Too few people, too few resources and no cute poster kids for mental illness because guess what, it isn't cute. It's ugly. And no one wants to be reminded of it.

Even the struggle to get parity in health insurance is getting a back handed slap under the possible new health care law.

They are making it a political issue, the partisan hacks in this thread like the sicko who posted the OP.

I am an independent, you nitwit.


Ok. Fuck off.
Mental health hospitals need a comeback in America.

Why is it that I was taught shock therapy worked?

Now all of a sudden it doesn't?

I read like 90 testimonials, wtf?
How exactly?

I'm also married to a Psychiatrist and he'd say you were 100% wrong as well. WTF letting people watch film of people committing suicide by burning themselves alive is going to draw attention to mental health issues.

I bet you watch those ISIS beheading videos as well don't you? Go on say you do you know you do.

Because it cannot be shifted away.

I don't give a damn who you are married to. I work with many people that are mentally ill.

You still haven't explained how showing people films of people burning themselves alive is going to contribute to drawing attention to mental health issues.

You people are sick and deranged yourselves.

You're a real fucking nitwit, aren't ya?

You still haven't explained how showing people films of people burning themselves alive is going to contribute to drawing attention to mental health issues.

It isn't kicked to the side. It isn't hidden. Fucking get it?

You enjoy watching suffering just admit it already.
In the 1900s, there was a mental health system in America. At some point, they just turned them all out into the streets and made the counties and states responsible for them.

When did this happen? That was an egregious error.

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