Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

It's surprising that the left would even obect to streaming immolation.

Do you believe that people have a right to choose their own manner and place of death?

I commented last night that every person has the human right to self-determination, so yes people should have a right to choose their own manner of death and place of death.

I support Assisted Suicide for those people who are terminally sick, I think it's the greatest cruelty telling those people they have to suffer in excruciating pain for months until they die.

I support Assisted Suicide and Dying with Dignity.
Then someone dousing themselves with lighter fluid and flicking their bic is acceptable.
I have read every single post Disir has made in this thread and not one post illustrates that they know anything about either the causes of mental health or how to combat mental health issues or how to draw attention to the issue of mental health in general.

I have though read a lot of political stuff and as I said that old favourite the Gun Control issue.

The Gun Control issue is especially absurd in this thread, as the man in the OP set himself on fire and also there are a variety of ways you can commit suicide from hanging yourself to slitting your throat to throwing yourself off a tall building to jumping off a bridge and none of those methods involve the use of a gun.

The Gun Control issue is a purely partisan political point reserved only for the Leftists.

So this explains why you attacked me then with exactly the same attack as you attacked Disir with?

Or hey, how about this, stop attacking people and stick to the topic. Whether you think he knows nothing about the topic or not is neither here nor there.

I have made numerous posts in this thread about the topic of mental health and suicide.

You must have reading comprehension problems or need new contact lenses if you've missed my numerous posts.

Yes, maybe I have a reading comprehension problem.

you partisan hack.

So take your partisan hack buttocks elsewhere.

You people are sick and deranged yourselves.

the partisan hacks in this thread like the sicko who posted the OP.

you are a sick degenerate, now go and watch your Snuff Films freak.

Yes, maybe when I read these insults, I should actually have read "Oh, I disagree with you, but you are a wonderful person", oh, how bad is my reading?

I stand by all my comments in this thread, my constructive and informative comments and all those comments you highlight.

I don't care what you think you partisan hack, go and play politics with a political topic and leave politics out of mental health and suicide discussions.

Thanks for the laugh. Thanks for showing us what you're made of.

It's a drag show.
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

What is proportional in terms of who is living? Are you trying to say that you can eliminate someone from voting because of reasons that have no basis. I say that the only people who should be counted are those who are legally here. No one here illegally needs to be counted for representation.

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Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

You should support being close to God, because it is without Him that people become mentally off balance.

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Mental health issues are still a taboo subject & nobody wants to deal with it. Showing live streaming of suicide, isn't going to help...because those that watch do have a sick & morbid curiosity but not the ability or willingness to change it. Those that can do something about it, try to stuff it under medical health & push meds to treat it. Many times, they're not the right meds & the patient has to go thru several to find the right one that does work for them. AND meds are only good IF they are taken. Some problems aren't fixed with medication

Sertraline worked well for me back when I was crazy. I only had to take it for about 4 months. I'm not crazy anymore. I am just obnoxious.
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

You should support being close to God, because it is without Him that people become mentally off balance.

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Is that true?
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

You should support being close to God, because it is without Him that people become mentally off balance.

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Absolutely false
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

You should support being close to God, because it is without Him that people become mentally off balance.

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Absolutely false

How can you be so sure?
But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

You should support being close to God, because it is without Him that people become mentally off balance.

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Absolutely false

How can you be so sure?

Ah, so the deal is because you are sad and lonely in the religion area you want to play here.
But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

You should support being close to God, because it is without Him that people become mentally off balance.

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Absolutely false

How can you be so sure?

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

You should support being close to God, because it is without Him that people become mentally off balance.

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Absolutely false

How can you be so sure?


Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

What is proportional in terms of who is living? Are you trying to say that you can eliminate someone from voting because of reasons that have no basis. I say that the only people who should be counted are those who are legally here. No one here illegally needs to be counted for representation.

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I'm sorry, WHAT? What are you talking about here? You've gone way off on some tangent that has nothing to do with anything that we're discussing.
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.

But then people will dismiss mental health issues and just demand that such people end up in prison where they rot and then get released, then use this as an example of why you shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

They are dismissing them anyway. At this point, what do we really have to lose?

I'm not really sure what your point is here.

Yes, the right will dismiss mental health issues and use them for their own political advantage. How do you change this? Well, it's hard.

The problem isn't just mental health issues, the problem is the system. Until the system changes, nothing else will change. Until there is one person, one vote, then the main two parties stay in charge and continue their partisan bullshit approach to politics.

That's why I support Proportional Representation, it's a change for real politics to come through, for those who are interested in making the country a better place to be able to get into politics and stand in a party that isn't out for its own interests.

You should support being close to God, because it is without Him that people become mentally off balance.

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Well, that's complete crap.

I know a religious girl who is mentally unstable. In fact quite a few people who have mental problems are religious. It doesn't stop them having mental problems.

But hey, you keep pumping nonsense.
Jared McLemore's Facebook Live video starts with him sitting cross legged in the parking lot outside Murphy's bar in Memphis, Tennessee. McLemore gets up after shortly leaving the frame and then returns to once again sit cross legged on the ground. He lifts a red jerry can and starts pouring a liquid—kerosene—on himself. The kerosene splashes around him as he shimmies over slightly.

A man, realizing what McLemore was about to do, flies into the frame in an attempt to kick the lighter out of his hand. His efforts are to no avail, the lighter goes off and the video becomes filled with flames and the screams of onlookers. McLemore, screaming, gets up and runs out of the frame. On camera, the flames from the excess kerosene continue to burn.

McLemore, 33, would die later that night from his burns.

While burning, McLemore allegedly ran into Murphy's where his ex Alyssa Moore, an audio engineer, was running the soundboard. According to WREG, McLemore had reportedly strangled Moore last year and twice threatened to kill her. McLemore was sentenced to probation for domestic assault and ordered to do mental health therapy—Moore also obtained a restraining order against him. On social media, McLemore stated he suffered from bipolar disorder.
Man Dies After Live-Streaming Self-Immolation Outside of Ex’s Bar

I hope they keep the live streaming up because it's the only way folks are going to really see the mental health issue.
Very sad news... RIP :(
Poor man what a terrible and painful way to die :cry:

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