Man dies in David Clark's jail from dehydration.

He died of dehydration you retard

This is why I can't believe you're a mod. You're a useless piece of shit that should otherwise be ignored.


Again, as usual, you don't know (anything) all the facts but you've convicted the officers and condemn the idea of of making an informed decision because you're not even a bed wetting puke. Once you achieve that status someone might give a shit what you believe.

First of all, it is possible to live up to a week without water. Second, you don't just suddenly drop dead of dehydration. The man would have shown visible signs of physical distress. Still waiting for one of you jack booted Nazis to come up with one justifiable explanation for this to happen.
3 days without water can kill you...

I understand that. I'm pointing out that it is possible to live up to a week, however.

How Long Can a Person Survive Without Water?
I edited what I meant, yes you are right...
Well here is what we know. Three guards turned off the water and didn't tell anyone. The bipolar person in solitary was supposed to drink the water out of the sink, but couldn't because the three guards turned it off.

Actions do have consequences. And the three guards should be charged with causing the death. Manslaughter at a minimum.

The funny thing about demanding investigations is this. Why is it you on the right demand lengthy investigations when a cop obviously does something wrong but want the person who attacks a cop tried and convicted before the sun sets?

We also know that without water you die in 3 days. So at some point he must have gotten SOME fluid. From what I have read, if you shut off the water entirely, the shitter no longer flushes. Did the man not shit for 7 days or did his shit not stink?

Regardless, if it does indeed turn out that through either neglect or malice the man suffered such a death an example should be made of those officers and they should face the stiffest penalty allowed by law.

I do suspect however there is more to the story specifically because Sheriff Clark has been an outspoken public figure who is no friend of leftists, and the left is notorious for lies, spin and manipulation in order to marginalize their enemies.

As far as "those of us on the right" are concerned, when Janet El Reno's storm troops killed Randy weaver's wife and baby, we protested. When jack boot thugs raided a cult on suspicion of having automatic weapons, and ultimately brought in tanks and killed them, we rebuilt their church and promised to never allow it again. When federal agents attempted to oppress Clive Bundy we resisted.

Yeah, then they got stupid....

I digress....

The "right" does reject oppressive government, and makes an effort to reduce it's power. Libturds undermine law enforcement in favor of incorrigible thugs. You release these assholes from jail after multiple violent crimes, then you become apoplectic because someone shoots one of them, or they end up dead in custody. Never mind the fact they were committing actual crimes against other people who had to suffer through it. You only get outraged if it's a victim that can be exploited politically, otherwise you don't give a fuck what your beloved nanny state does to the proles.

Someone could read your response and come to several conclusions that are at best questionable based upon the information provided. Instead I am going to discuss them as though you are a passionate if misinformed individual.

Others have pointed out that you can live more than three days without water. It depends on circumstances. How long can the average person survive without water?
The three day rule does not apply if you are in Death Valley in the height of summer. You wouldn't make it three days in other words.

Now, on to the Law Enforcement outrages you mention. I started this by saying that a reader could come to several conclusions that are questionable. The use of White Supremicists as your poster boys for egregious action by the Federal Agents is probably because they are the most publicized. Although your use of language could be interpreted if the reader wanted to indicate a feeling that minorities had it coming.
Instead I'm going to agree with you on a bit of them. First Randy Weaver was entrapped. I've believed that for many many years. Second the "sniper" should have been charged with Murder, but state authorities have no jurisdiction over Federal Agents.

Waco was another abomination. But it is a nice Segway into something else. During the furor of the standoff and raid, Janet Reno claimed that they were abusing children. They even claimed that the abuse was sexual. I'll get back to that in a minute. Be patient, I just wanted to remind you of the event.

Bundy. I've lived in Wyoming many years ago, and one thin I noticed is how much land is BLM land. Huge squares that dot the state like a chessboard put the ability for ranching, farming, and even recreation out of the ability of most people. I could wax lyrically for quite some time on my feelings about that.

Here is where we digress. You are operating on the assumption that local law enforcement doesn't do these things. Perhaps you're a part of it, perhaps you have a relative or friend who is in it. Either way you don't want to believe that your friends or relatives are doing anything like that. But they are.

Just this week a story was in the news because a Judge did an interview about a case that was finally settled. Deborah Milke spent 22 years on death row for a crime she did not commit. The lead investigator lied. He'd lied many times, and was still a cop. He lied many times, and was still treated like a local hero because he was a cop. Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on death row, has murder case tossed -

It took two years to even begin to bring the cop who shot and killed John Geer in his doorway with his hands up to justice. Cops lie every day in court. Cops lie every single day as they testify about what happened. They are trained to phrase things certain ways.

True story follows. While I was in the Army Reserves, before I went active duty, I got a job as a Security Guard. Part of it was that I had to get a Baton license. In other words I had to be trained and licensed to use a night stick. Part of that training was a briefing in which we were told that it was unacceptable to do what the cops had been doing now. The law had been changed. California Law considered the Baton a lethal weapon. The police were using the system. They would essentially hand the baton to the "baddie" and then when he had it, shoot him. Under the law, that would be a justified shooting.

Also, we were told that if we ever used the batons, we should tell the witnesses that the "baddie" was a child molester. Everyone hates them, and the narrative told by the crowd would be that the bad guy got what he deserved. In other words, we were told to lie.

You act as if the Local Cops don't do anything like the Feds did in the Bundy, Waco, or Ruby Ridge incidents. They do it. They lie, just as the Feds did in the Waco case. They entrap people, just like they did in Ruby Ridge, and they violate the rights of the people regularly.

The only difference is that there are so many incidents that there is no way the news can cover it all. Some are so egregious that they get national attention. Some are merely the last imperfect straw on the camels back. The Right likes to talk about how Mike Brown was a bad guy. But they ignore the fact that the resulting investigation found a longstanding pattern of corruption in the Ferguson cops. Corruption that the community saw day in, and and day out. Corruption like beating an innocent man and then charging him with bleeding on their uniforms. The official charge was destruction of public property.

Now, imagine that you are living with this. Take a moment, and just imagine that you have been harassed for your entire life. Pulled over and searched for drugs many times. Then you watch your children mistreated in the same way. You work fifty or more hours a week in a warehouse trying to provide for your family, and you have to endure questions like is this car stolen everytime you go anywhere. You watch your children endure, and you tell them to always co-operate and just go along because you don't want them dead. But imagine the frustration, the anger you would feel inside knowing you are powerless to do anything about it.
Imagine the frustration and anger you would feel if your friend, brother, or father was beaten until he was a bloody pulp and then charged with bleeding on the uniforms of the cops. The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

That is one story of hundreds, or thousands. They happen every day. Charges trumped up on people. The word of the cops used to put people in prison for years. Remember, I said they lie every day. They do. Most lies are statistically speaking traffic related. But that still leaves many that are not. Police perjury: It's called 'testilying'

I could post dozens of links, probably more than a hundred of cops who were caught lying. I could post videos of small town, or even state police who were caught lying. But either you will believe, or not. If you won't believe, all the links in the world won't convince you. If you are willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, the links I provided will start you on your own search for truth, and that is always the best truth, the one you discover on your own journey of open minded willingness to examine your core beliefs.

I will even give you the problem. The problem highlighted in the Ruby Ridge shooting. Accountability. The last truth I want to leave you with is this. If we accept the truth that power corrupts, then the counter to this corruption is accountability, or responsibility. For there to be balance, the responsibility must be equal to the authority. As long as the responsibility is equal, then there can never be egregious examples of abuse. But if the accountability is lacking, then there can be nothing but abuse and corruption, because power inevitably corrupts. It is in the Bible. Every King that God selected, Saul, David, and on down the line, fell to the temptation of the power. This truth is demonstrable through human history as well. Caligula, Kings and potentates. It goes on and on and on.

If there had been accountability, then the Sniper at least would have faced charges for killing the unarmed wife and child of Randy Weaver. But there can be no accountability of Federal Agents for active duty incidents in state court. You saw the "good shooting" defense at the Federal Level and were outraged. Fine. Good. Why do you accept it at the State, County, or City level so readily?
Someone could read your response and come to several conclusions that are at best questionable based upon the information provided. Instead I am going to discuss them as though you are a passionate if misinformed individual.


Others have pointed out that you can live more than three days without water. It depends on circumstances. How long can the average person survive without water?
The three day rule does not apply if you are in Death Valley in the height of summer. You wouldn't make it three days in other words.

The complete circumstances are unknown as far as I'm aware ATM. He must have been given SOME fluid whit food. He must have had some ability to flush his shit down a drain.

Now, on to the Law Enforcement outrages you mention. I started this by saying that a reader could come to several conclusions that are questionable. The use of White Supremicists as your poster boys for egregious action by the Federal Agents is probably because they are the most publicized. Although your use of language could be interpreted if the reader wanted to indicate a feeling that minorities had it coming.

People who seek to delegitimize another person based on perceived racism are often the bigots themselves.

Instead I'm going to agree with you on a bit of them.

Good choice, you might not be a bigot.

First Randy Weaver was entrapped. I've believed that for many many years. Second the "sniper" should have been charged with Murder, but state authorities have no jurisdiction over Federal Agents.

The feds are rarely held accountable. The EPA destroyed a river. If it happened during Bush's regime we would be pummeled with documentaries about the devastation he caused. Nothing would happen of course, but no one wanted to use it against the messiah within the ministry of propaganda.

Waco was another abomination. But it is a nice Segway into something else. During the furor of the standoff and raid, Janet Reno claimed that they were abusing children. They even claimed that the abuse was sexual. I'll get back to that in a minute. Be patient, I just wanted to remind you of the event.

Bundy. I've lived in Wyoming many years ago, and one thin I noticed is how much land is BLM land. Huge squares that dot the state like a chessboard put the ability for ranching, farming, and even recreation out of the ability of most people. I could wax lyrically for quite some time on my feelings about that.

I'm on pins and needles....

Here is where we digress. You are operating on the assumption that local law enforcement doesn't do these things. Perhaps you're a part of it, perhaps you have a relative or friend who is in it. Either way you don't want to believe that your friends or relatives are doing anything like that. But they are.

Just this week a story was in the news because a Judge did an interview about a case that was finally settled. Deborah Milke spent 22 years on death row for a crime she did not commit. The lead investigator lied. He'd lied many times, and was still a cop. He lied many times, and was still treated like a local hero because he was a cop. Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on death row, has murder case tossed -

It took two years to even begin to bring the cop who shot and killed John Geer in his doorway with his hands up to justice. Cops lie every day in court. Cops lie every single day as they testify about what happened. They are trained to phrase things certain ways.

There are reams of examples of official abuse across the board. I am not saying it never happens. One of the reasons we no longer have a federal asylum system is because of the rampant abuse that took place and there was no accountability. It had to be defunded and the psychos of the country end up homeless or in the prison system. It sucks. There is no good solution there.

True story follows. While I was in the Army Reserves, before I went active duty, I got a job as a Security Guard. Part of it was that I had to get a Baton license. In other words I had to be trained and licensed to use a night stick. Part of that training was a briefing in which we were told that it was unacceptable to do what the cops had been doing now. The law had been changed. California Law considered the Baton a lethal weapon. The police were using the system. They would essentially hand the baton to the "baddie" and then when he had it, shoot him. Under the law, that would be a justified shooting.

Also, we were told that if we ever used the batons, we should tell the witnesses that the "baddie" was a child molester. Everyone hates them, and the narrative told by the crowd would be that the bad guy got what he deserved. In other words, we were told to lie.

You act as if the Local Cops don't do anything like the Feds did in the Bundy, Waco, or Ruby Ridge incidents. They do it. They lie, just as the Feds did in the Waco case. They entrap people, just like they did in Ruby Ridge, and they violate the rights of the people regularly.

The only difference is that there are so many incidents that there is no way the news can cover it all. Some are so egregious that they get national attention. Some are merely the last imperfect straw on the camels back. The Right likes to talk about how Mike Brown was a bad guy. But they ignore the fact that the resulting investigation found a longstanding pattern of corruption in the Ferguson cops. Corruption that the community saw day in, and and day out. Corruption like beating an innocent man and then charging him with bleeding on their uniforms. The official charge was destruction of public property.

Now, imagine that you are living with this. Take a moment, and just imagine that you have been harassed for your entire life. Pulled over and searched for drugs many times. Then you watch your children mistreated in the same way. You work fifty or more hours a week in a warehouse trying to provide for your family, and you have to endure questions like is this car stolen everytime you go anywhere. You watch your children endure, and you tell them to always co-operate and just go along because you don't want them dead. But imagine the frustration, the anger you would feel inside knowing you are powerless to do anything about it.
Imagine the frustration and anger you would feel if your friend, brother, or father was beaten until he was a bloody pulp and then charged with bleeding on the uniforms of the cops. The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

That is one story of hundreds, or thousands. They happen every day. Charges trumped up on people. The word of the cops used to put people in prison for years. Remember, I said they lie every day. They do. Most lies are statistically speaking traffic related. But that still leaves many that are not. Police perjury: It's called 'testilying'

I could post dozens of links, probably more than a hundred of cops who were caught lying. I could post videos of small town, or even state police who were caught lying. But either you will believe, or not. If you won't believe, all the links in the world won't convince you. If you are willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, the links I provided will start you on your own search for truth, and that is always the best truth, the one you discover on your own journey of open minded willingness to examine your core beliefs.

I will even give you the problem. The problem highlighted in the Ruby Ridge shooting. Accountability. The last truth I want to leave you with is this. If we accept the truth that power corrupts, then the counter to this corruption is accountability, or responsibility. For there to be balance, the responsibility must be equal to the authority. As long as the responsibility is equal, then there can never be egregious examples of abuse. But if the accountability is lacking, then there can be nothing but abuse and corruption, because power inevitably corrupts. It is in the Bible. Every King that God selected, Saul, David, and on down the line, fell to the temptation of the power. This truth is demonstrable through human history as well. Caligula, Kings and potentates. It goes on and on and on.

If there had been accountability, then the Sniper at least would have faced charges for killing the unarmed wife and child of Randy Weaver. But there can be no accountability of Federal Agents for active duty incidents in state court. You saw the "good shooting" defense at the Federal Level and were outraged. Fine. Good. Why do you accept it at the State, County, or City level so readily?

OK... it's late, nice story.

The bottom line is I agree with your sentiments. I do not agree with being outraged over an event in which the entire story is not available. I've had personal experience with shitbag law enforcement persons. It took years and a lot of money to clear up. That said it was only one cop that was the problem. All the rest had enough common sense so I remain supportive of police because they do a job most people can't do. Some of them shouldn't be doing it.... Fine.... Weed them out the best we can. At the very least don't convict them before they're charged.

Someone could read your response and come to several conclusions that are at best questionable based upon the information provided. Instead I am going to discuss them as though you are a passionate if misinformed individual.


Others have pointed out that you can live more than three days without water. It depends on circumstances. How long can the average person survive without water?
The three day rule does not apply if you are in Death Valley in the height of summer. You wouldn't make it three days in other words.

The complete circumstances are unknown as far as I'm aware ATM. He must have been given SOME fluid whit food. He must have had some ability to flush his shit down a drain.

Now, on to the Law Enforcement outrages you mention. I started this by saying that a reader could come to several conclusions that are questionable. The use of White Supremicists as your poster boys for egregious action by the Federal Agents is probably because they are the most publicized. Although your use of language could be interpreted if the reader wanted to indicate a feeling that minorities had it coming.

People who seek to delegitimize another person based on perceived racism are often the bigots themselves.

Instead I'm going to agree with you on a bit of them.

Good choice, you might not be a bigot.

First Randy Weaver was entrapped. I've believed that for many many years. Second the "sniper" should have been charged with Murder, but state authorities have no jurisdiction over Federal Agents.

The feds are rarely held accountable. The EPA destroyed a river. If it happened during Bush's regime we would be pummeled with documentaries about the devastation he caused. Nothing would happen of course, but no one wanted to use it against the messiah within the ministry of propaganda.

Waco was another abomination. But it is a nice Segway into something else. During the furor of the standoff and raid, Janet Reno claimed that they were abusing children. They even claimed that the abuse was sexual. I'll get back to that in a minute. Be patient, I just wanted to remind you of the event.

Bundy. I've lived in Wyoming many years ago, and one thin I noticed is how much land is BLM land. Huge squares that dot the state like a chessboard put the ability for ranching, farming, and even recreation out of the ability of most people. I could wax lyrically for quite some time on my feelings about that.

I'm on pins and needles....

Here is where we digress. You are operating on the assumption that local law enforcement doesn't do these things. Perhaps you're a part of it, perhaps you have a relative or friend who is in it. Either way you don't want to believe that your friends or relatives are doing anything like that. But they are.

Just this week a story was in the news because a Judge did an interview about a case that was finally settled. Deborah Milke spent 22 years on death row for a crime she did not commit. The lead investigator lied. He'd lied many times, and was still a cop. He lied many times, and was still treated like a local hero because he was a cop. Debra Milke, who spent 22 years on death row, has murder case tossed -

It took two years to even begin to bring the cop who shot and killed John Geer in his doorway with his hands up to justice. Cops lie every day in court. Cops lie every single day as they testify about what happened. They are trained to phrase things certain ways.

There are reams of examples of official abuse across the board. I am not saying it never happens. One of the reasons we no longer have a federal asylum system is because of the rampant abuse that took place and there was no accountability. It had to be defunded and the psychos of the country end up homeless or in the prison system. It sucks. There is no good solution there.

True story follows. While I was in the Army Reserves, before I went active duty, I got a job as a Security Guard. Part of it was that I had to get a Baton license. In other words I had to be trained and licensed to use a night stick. Part of that training was a briefing in which we were told that it was unacceptable to do what the cops had been doing now. The law had been changed. California Law considered the Baton a lethal weapon. The police were using the system. They would essentially hand the baton to the "baddie" and then when he had it, shoot him. Under the law, that would be a justified shooting.

Also, we were told that if we ever used the batons, we should tell the witnesses that the "baddie" was a child molester. Everyone hates them, and the narrative told by the crowd would be that the bad guy got what he deserved. In other words, we were told to lie.

You act as if the Local Cops don't do anything like the Feds did in the Bundy, Waco, or Ruby Ridge incidents. They do it. They lie, just as the Feds did in the Waco case. They entrap people, just like they did in Ruby Ridge, and they violate the rights of the people regularly.

The only difference is that there are so many incidents that there is no way the news can cover it all. Some are so egregious that they get national attention. Some are merely the last imperfect straw on the camels back. The Right likes to talk about how Mike Brown was a bad guy. But they ignore the fact that the resulting investigation found a longstanding pattern of corruption in the Ferguson cops. Corruption that the community saw day in, and and day out. Corruption like beating an innocent man and then charging him with bleeding on their uniforms. The official charge was destruction of public property.

Now, imagine that you are living with this. Take a moment, and just imagine that you have been harassed for your entire life. Pulled over and searched for drugs many times. Then you watch your children mistreated in the same way. You work fifty or more hours a week in a warehouse trying to provide for your family, and you have to endure questions like is this car stolen everytime you go anywhere. You watch your children endure, and you tell them to always co-operate and just go along because you don't want them dead. But imagine the frustration, the anger you would feel inside knowing you are powerless to do anything about it.
Imagine the frustration and anger you would feel if your friend, brother, or father was beaten until he was a bloody pulp and then charged with bleeding on the uniforms of the cops. The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie

That is one story of hundreds, or thousands. They happen every day. Charges trumped up on people. The word of the cops used to put people in prison for years. Remember, I said they lie every day. They do. Most lies are statistically speaking traffic related. But that still leaves many that are not. Police perjury: It's called 'testilying'

I could post dozens of links, probably more than a hundred of cops who were caught lying. I could post videos of small town, or even state police who were caught lying. But either you will believe, or not. If you won't believe, all the links in the world won't convince you. If you are willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, the links I provided will start you on your own search for truth, and that is always the best truth, the one you discover on your own journey of open minded willingness to examine your core beliefs.

I will even give you the problem. The problem highlighted in the Ruby Ridge shooting. Accountability. The last truth I want to leave you with is this. If we accept the truth that power corrupts, then the counter to this corruption is accountability, or responsibility. For there to be balance, the responsibility must be equal to the authority. As long as the responsibility is equal, then there can never be egregious examples of abuse. But if the accountability is lacking, then there can be nothing but abuse and corruption, because power inevitably corrupts. It is in the Bible. Every King that God selected, Saul, David, and on down the line, fell to the temptation of the power. This truth is demonstrable through human history as well. Caligula, Kings and potentates. It goes on and on and on.

If there had been accountability, then the Sniper at least would have faced charges for killing the unarmed wife and child of Randy Weaver. But there can be no accountability of Federal Agents for active duty incidents in state court. You saw the "good shooting" defense at the Federal Level and were outraged. Fine. Good. Why do you accept it at the State, County, or City level so readily?

OK... it's late, nice story.

The bottom line is I agree with your sentiments. I do not agree with being outraged over an event in which the entire story is not available. I've had personal experience with shitbag law enforcement persons. It took years and a lot of money to clear up. That said it was only one cop that was the problem. All the rest had enough common sense so I remain supportive of police because they do a job most people can't do. Some of them shouldn't be doing it.... Fine.... Weed them out the best we can. At the very least don't convict them before they're charged.

Remember how you started your responses in this thread. Then compare that with your toned down response now.

There is no excuse for this situation. None. If the deputies could not manage the mentally ill prisoner then they had a responsibility to notify the court and get him transferred to a mental hospital. Instead they decided to punish the mentally ill person by denying him water. I will grant that the original intent was probably for a short time until he settled down. But they did not note the action and it went from a short time to the rest of the mans life. Bipolar can be treated. There are hundreds of thousands who live normal lives with it.

There is one less because of the thoughtless and criminal actions of another person.
Remember how you started your responses in this thread. Then compare that with your toned down response now.

There is no excuse for this situation. None. If the deputies could not manage the mentally ill prisoner then they had a responsibility to notify the court and get him transferred to a mental hospital. Instead they decided to punish the mentally ill person by denying him water. I will grant that the original intent was probably for a short time until he settled down. But they did not note the action and it went from a short time to the rest of the mans life. Bipolar can be treated. There are hundreds of thousands who live normal lives with it.

There is one less because of the thoughtless and criminal actions of another person.

You toned it down too, but you're right there is no excuse for what ended up happening.

If the facts come out that someone was incompetent then manslaughter charges are justified.

In the end however there's one less dangerous person out there shooting at people. It would have been better if he had been shot and killed during the commission of the crime rather than a prolonged death.

Regardless he brought it upon himself, if he is indeed guilty of shooting at people.

I don't want to rehash it all, but I respect your point of view because it is still a human being who is no longer alive.

Remember how you started your responses in this thread. Then compare that with your toned down response now.

There is no excuse for this situation. None. If the deputies could not manage the mentally ill prisoner then they had a responsibility to notify the court and get him transferred to a mental hospital. Instead they decided to punish the mentally ill person by denying him water. I will grant that the original intent was probably for a short time until he settled down. But they did not note the action and it went from a short time to the rest of the mans life. Bipolar can be treated. There are hundreds of thousands who live normal lives with it.

There is one less because of the thoughtless and criminal actions of another person.

You toned it down too, but you're right there is no excuse for what ended up happening.

If the facts come out that someone was incompetent then manslaughter charges are justified.

In the end however there's one less dangerous person out there shooting at people. It would have been better if he had been shot and killed during the commission of the crime rather than a prolonged death.

Regardless he brought it upon himself, if he is indeed guilty of shooting at people.

I don't want to rehash it all, but I respect your point of view because it is still a human being who is no longer alive.

Update. Relevant update.

Jury recommends Milwaukee jail staffers be charged for inmate dehydration death

Jury returned decision. Seven jail staffers should be charged.

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