Man Fatally Shoots Girl, 7, In The Head

Three hours after getting out of jail, North Carolina man fatally shoots girl, 7, in the head while she was eating ice cream.

"Can't sit and eat ice cream while black."

The little girl is black, but unfortunately for her so is her shooter. No one will riot or take a knee for her. No one will ever know her name. BLM can't get any publicity on this one. The shooter is the wrong color.

This is the problem..... judges, prosecutors and democrat party poltiicians keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences...

We don't have a gun problem in this country.....we have a problem with the government, in particular, the democrat party, letting repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again.......

Had they held this asshat in jail, this girl would be alive....

He had been picked up on unrelated charges and then released from jail three hours prior to the incident. The charges weren’t so unrelated, however, in the sense that he was first arrested for assault by pointing a gun at someone.

the new left talking point is if we say all lives matter we dont understand blm and again, we are racist lol.

Black lives matter......a groups started by Black who happen to be marxists....even though Karl Marx was a racist who hated Black people.........
This is the problem..... judges, prosecutors and democrat party poltiicians keep letting repeat gun offenders out of jail on bond, and out of prison on short sentences...

We don't have a gun problem in this country.....we have a problem with the government, in particular, the democrat party, letting repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison over and over again.......

Had they held this asshat in jail, this girl would be alive....

He had been picked up on unrelated charges and then released from jail three hours prior to the incident. The charges weren’t so unrelated, however, in the sense that he was first arrested for assault by pointing a gun at someone.

I second this. The big question is, how many more people have to take the hit in order for people in the pokey to no longer be allowed to fall through the cracks?

God bless you and the girl's family always!!!

the new left talking point is if we say all lives matter we dont understand blm and again, we are racist lol.

I think people are starting to understand BLM clearly. They are a fascist group intent on pushing a false narrative about police brutality for the sole purpose of $$$$ and power. Black lives don't matter to them.
Three hours after getting out of jail, North Carolina man fatally shoots girl, 7, in the head while she was eating ice cream.

"Can't sit and eat ice cream while black."

The little girl is black, but unfortunately for her so is her shooter. No one will riot or take a knee for her. No one will ever know her name. BLM can't get any publicity on this one. The shooter is the wrong color.

Bu, bu, bu, bu, but Black Lives Matter except when skels like this kill black women and children. Who kills most black people? Black people of course. The #BLM movement is a fraud and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist pawns. When will black people break their Stockholm Syndrome chains?
If they vote Democrat, Democrats will bring in more illegals and put them to work and cast Black people aside.
Oh no no no, you see.... if you look at things in percentage terms, and then factor in socio economic and climate factors, White people kill more people per capita than Black people. And besides White people are bad, mmmmm K?
Not true in fact blacks account for almost half of all murders. They are 13 percent of the population and account for almost 50 percent of murders and over 30 percent in other violent crimes. But don't talk per capita IM2 is to damn stupid to understand it and ascelepois ignores it.The White liberals all claim it is cause they are poor and oppressed.
Three hours after getting out of jail, North Carolina man fatally shoots girl, 7, in the head while she was eating ice cream.

"Can't sit and eat ice cream while black."

The little girl is black, but unfortunately for her so is her shooter. No one will riot or take a knee for her. No one will ever know her name. BLM can't get any publicity on this one. The shooter is the wrong color.

Bu, bu, bu, bu, but Black Lives Matter except when skels like this kill black women and children. Who kills most black people? Black people of course. The #BLM movement is a fraud and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist pawns. When will black people break their Stockholm Syndrome chains?
If they vote Democrat, Democrats will bring in more illegals and put them to work and cast Black people aside.
Oh no no no, you see.... if you look at things in percentage terms, and then factor in socio economic and climate factors, White people kill more people per capita than Black people. And besides White people are bad, mmmmm K?
Not true in fact blacks account for almost half of all murders. They are 13 percent of the population and account for almost 50 percent of murders and over 30 percent in other violent crimes. But don't talk per capita IM2 is to damn stupid to understand it and ascelepois ignores it.The White liberals all claim it is cause they are poor and oppressed.

I agree, more poverty exists today throughout politically corrupt Blue States and Cities than ever before despite the "War on Poverty". It appears that only Democrat politicians within those Blue States became fat millionaires, while the average and less advantaged remained in poverty, All you have to do is take a look at cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Flint, Minneapolis and New York and you find the answer....
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftit Democrats point the finger at Conservatives and Republicans, while it's PMS/DSA Democrats that control the Blue Plantation drug-riddled cities.

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