Man gets two years probation for confronting foreigner with a Puerto Rican shirt on

Puerto Rican’s should vote and they should pay income tax.'re for PR statehood..I agree.

I agree

as long as the PR agree

I would not FORCE them to join but I would give them the option.
They have voted for Statehood many times.....the catch is on our end..specifically the right wing do not want what they see as a hotbed of brown-skinned Spanish speaking Democrats to tilt the balance.
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I could Literally put 1000 Democrats in jail for harassment if I walked out my door right now for 15 minutes with my Trump hat on

According to Democrats and what they want done to this man

Poor baby. You support a total piece of shit. When you wear that Trump hat, you are making a statement. So I should be able to make a statement back.

Fuck off if you don't like it.

The gal in the story was wearing a controversial shirt, according to the story.

Why is wearing a Puerto Rico flag 'controversial'? Puerto Rico is part of the US, and Puerto Ricans are Americans.

It would be akin to wearing the California Flag, or the Lone Star of Texas.
Why is wearing the MAGA HAT controversial? Why do you libtards beat the shit out of Trump supporters? Answer you are deranged haters!
About the same percentage of idiot Libs do do RW idiots. Most folks are live and let live.


even the people with whom I have interactions with on a daily/weekly basis, MANY OF WHOM support a different ideology than me, (and they do not know MY ideology) are decent and friendly. I know a number of guys who voted for the wrong person with whom I have very friendly and cordial relations.

we just don't speak about politics.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt
An American from Puerto Rico isn't a foreigner. Education failed you.
you can't fix stupid....

but if you a conservative radio talk show host you can take advantage of STUPID to get it to vote republican
Thus is how our system works...many people spinning on all sides..trying to get stupid people to vote their way..Right or Left..they all do it.
Puerto Rican’s should vote and they should pay income tax.'re for PR statehood..I agree.

I agree

as long as the PR agree

I would not FORCE them to join but I would give them the option.
They have voted for Statehood many times.....the catch is on our end..specifically the right wing down not want what they see as a hotbed of brown-skinned Spanish speaking Democrats to tilt the balance.

Plus, 50 is a nice round number.
Poor baby. You support a total piece of shit. When you wear that Trump hat, you are making a statement. So I should be able to make a statement back.

Fuck off if you don't like it.

The gal in the story was wearing a controversial shirt, according to the story.

Why is wearing a Puerto Rico flag 'controversial'? Puerto Rico is part of the US, and Puerto Ricans are Americans.

It would be akin to wearing the California Flag, or the Lone Star of Texas.
Why is wearing the MAGA HAT controversial? Why do you libtards beat the shit out of Trump supporters? Answer you are deranged haters!
About the same percentage of idiot Libs do do RW idiots. Most folks are live and let live.
Fence sitter!
From your point of view, I guess. from mine---reasoned observation coupled with an adamant refusal to side with idiots of any political stripe.
Of course he will, 2023 We will have fully merit based immigration unless Puerto Rico can show some value to this country we are going to cut it off and sell it to Russia

Did you read that on InfoWars? lol
I just have national pride and I don’t want people I don’t wanna be Americans here And by being Americans that means assimilate

US citizens aren't 'wanna be' Americans. They're Americans.

Remember, white supremacy isn't 'national pride'. And your personal bigotry doesn't change a thing about anyone's citizenship status.
Cool story

And an even better law:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

But good luck with your imagination.
I just hope the all comply when told they have to leave! We need more peace in this world
Did you read that on InfoWars? lol
I just have national pride and I don’t want people I don’t wanna be Americans here And by being Americans that means assimilate

US citizens aren't 'wanna be' Americans. They're Americans.

Remember, white supremacy isn't 'national pride'. And your personal bigotry doesn't change a thing about anyone's citizenship status.
Cool story

And an even better law:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

But good luck with your imagination.
I just hope the all comply when told they have to leave! We need more peace in this world

You aren't 'we'.

Which is is why your proposals run into the law like a bug on a windshield.
Puerto Rican’s should vote and they should pay income tax.'re for PR statehood..I agree.

I agree

as long as the PR agree

I would not FORCE them to join but I would give them the option.
They have voted for Statehood many times.....the catch is on our end..specifically the right wing down not want what they see as a hotbed of brown-skinned Spanish speaking Democrats to tilt the balance.

The language difference is the real problem. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity's programs are being translated into the Spanish language, so the people there would be groveling in the dark as to what's happening. Only listening to leftard networks like Telemundo would not allow the people all of the information they need to make a reasoned decision in politics.

Maybe if Congress would fund translation services for the EIB to bring the program to Latin America?

The problem of course will be to find Spanish translations for words like "Feminazism"
Puerto Rican’s should vote and they should pay income tax.'re for PR statehood..I agree.

I agree

as long as the PR agree

I would not FORCE them to join but I would give them the option.
They have voted for Statehood many times.....the catch is on our end..specifically the right wing down not want what they see as a hotbed of brown-skinned Spanish speaking Democrats to tilt the balance.

The language difference is the real problem. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity's programs are being translated into the Spanish language, so the people there would be groveling in the dark as to what's happening. Only listening to leftard networks like Telemundo would not allow the people all of the information they need to make a reasoned decision in politics.

Maybe if Congress would fund translation services for the EIB to bring the program to Latin America?

The problem of course will be to find Spanish translations for words like "Feminazism"

you do not get REASONABLE information from anyone who thinks using terms like "feminazi" or "libtard" is acceptable.
I wish then luck! No welfare will be their biggest obstacle
I just pray American democrats gain some national pride like PRicans have for Puerto Rico
PR is not a nation..idiot.
The UN says they are. Speaking of Commonwealths, Bermuda, I am told is a British commonwealth and so her citizens must be British citizens. Why did the Queen let them rot post Hurricane? Doyathink? many things wrong with your post....Lessee..I don't care what the UN thinks..they have no say in the matter. As for the British does not exist..and has not for some time now. It morphed into a voluntary association of sovereign states..all with their own citizenship. Not that it Bermuda is not part of the is a British Territory.

Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations - Wikipedia

As for aid...Hurricane Irma: UK government response in numbers, 15 September 2017

The Queen has no political power.
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I just pray American democrats gain some national pride like PRicans have for Puerto Rico
PR is not a nation..idiot.
The UN says they are. Speaking of Commonwealths, Bermuda, I am told is a British commonwealth and so her citizens must be British citizens. Why did the Queen let them rot post Hurricane? Doyathink? many things wrong with your post....Lessee..I don't care what the UN thinks..they have on say in the matter. As for the British does not exist..and has not for some time now. It morphed into a voluntary association of sovereign states..all with their own citizenship. Not that it Bermuda is not part of the is a British Territory.

Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations - Wikipedia

As for aid...Hurricane Irma: UK government response in numbers, 15 September 2017

The Queen has no political power.
Try the latest. Dorian wasn’t it?
Puerto Rican’s should vote and they should pay income tax.'re for PR statehood..I agree.

I agree

as long as the PR agree

I would not FORCE them to join but I would give them the option.
They have voted for Statehood many times.....the catch is on our end..specifically the right wing down not want what they see as a hotbed of brown-skinned Spanish speaking Democrats to tilt the balance.

The language difference is the real problem. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity's programs are being translated into the Spanish language, so the people there would be groveling in the dark as to what's happening. Only listening to leftard networks like Telemundo would not allow the people all of the information they need to make a reasoned decision in politics.

Maybe if Congress would fund translation services for the EIB to bring the program to Latin America?

The problem of course will be to find Spanish translations for words like "Feminazism"
Somehow..I doubt most would be interested...LOL!
I just pray American democrats gain some national pride like PRicans have for Puerto Rico
PR is not a nation..idiot.
The UN says they are. Speaking of Commonwealths, Bermuda, I am told is a British commonwealth and so her citizens must be British citizens. Why did the Queen let them rot post Hurricane? Doyathink? many things wrong with your post....Lessee..I don't care what the UN thinks..they have on say in the matter. As for the British does not exist..and has not for some time now. It morphed into a voluntary association of sovereign states..all with their own citizenship. Not that it Bermuda is not part of the is a British Territory.

Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations - Wikipedia

As for aid...Hurricane Irma: UK government response in numbers, 15 September 2017

The Queen has no political power.
Try the latest. Dorian wasn’t it?
You could google all this for yourself, right? the EU..of which Britain is STILL part sending aid as well. Our response to its Hurricane...OTH..was and is a disgrace.

Hurricane Dorian: Royal Navy Sends Ship And Extra Medics

Hurricane Dorian: EU €500,000 initial emergency aid to Bahamas
"How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?"
he should NOT have CONFRONTED her.
thats practically "assault"
he and you have every right to be worse than trump. you just can't go up to people and bother them.
I'm sure if I went right up to YOU and said "go back to russia you fascist nazi piece of trump loving garbage" you would have shot me dead and claimed "I was standing my ground"
well....the piece of conservative garbage assaulted her
she stood her ground
and now he has legal problems

And yet....hypocrite that you are, not a PEEP when Maxine Waters issued her "Harass The Republicans and Conservatives When They're Out In Their Daily Lives" proclamation.

I swear you people ARE evil incarnate.

Folks....we are at stake is your freedom and that of your family and your future generations
"How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?"
he should NOT have CONFRONTED her.
thats practically "assault"
he and you have every right to be worse than trump. you just can't go up to people and bother them.
I'm sure if I went right up to YOU and said "go back to russia you fascist nazi piece of trump loving garbage" you would have shot me dead and claimed "I was standing my ground"
well....the piece of conservative garbage assaulted her
she stood her ground
and now he has legal problems

And yet....hypocrite that you are, not a PEEP when Maxine Waters issued her "Harass The Republicans and Conservatives When They're Out In Their Daily Lives" proclamation.

I swear you people ARE evil incarnate.

Folks....we are at stake is your freedom and that of your family and your future generations

No, we're not.
How will ricans Survive in America without welfare!? God I wish them luck
Ship that takes them back home should be called the “ Porta rican express! lol

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