Man gets two years probation for confronting foreigner with a Puerto Rican shirt on

A question for Jitss617. Have you ever visited a foreign country? If so, how many?
I grew up inner city of Boston I’ve been around more cultures than you’ll ever see in your goddamn life I didn’t have to go to them they came to me

While living in a big city may have exposed you to a few different cultures, they aren't really a good representation of the culture as it exists in it's original country. In order to fully experience a culture, I believe that a person must be fully immersed in it, it's people, it's buildings and the styles they are built in, the way the people interact with each other, the food, etc. Going to Little Italy in NYC is WAAAYYY different than visiting Naples, Capri, or Rome (all places I've been). I've been to 26 different countries in my time in the Navy, and I can tell you that the Americanized version of various cultures isn't quite the same as seeing it in it's native state.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt
Hello?? Puerto Rico is part of the US? Puerto Ricans are US citizens.
Would be like confronting a dude wearing a Confed flag T-shirt, right? No wait..because the Confederacy was a US enemy..and contemptible. Still...a person has the right to display it. speech..protected a knife that cuts all equally. No matter the nationality..which in this case--was American.
US citizens have a vote, Puerto Ricans do not.
Incorrect..any Puerto Rican on the mainland can register and vote in their State of residence...and they can vote in local elections on the Island. The level of pure ignorance on display is breathtaking!
So they cant vote in US elections? Thank you for proving my point.
A question for Jitss617. Have you ever visited a foreign country? If so, how many?
I grew up inner city of Boston I’ve been around more cultures than you’ll ever see in your goddamn life I didn’t have to go to them they came to me

While living in a big city may have exposed you to a few different cultures, they aren't really a good representation of the culture as it exists in it's original country. In order to fully experience a culture, I believe that a person must be fully immersed in it, it's people, it's buildings and the styles they are built in, the way the people interact with each other, the food, etc. Going to Little Italy in NYC is WAAAYYY different than visiting Naples, Capri, or Rome (all places I've been). I've been to 26 different countries in my time in the Navy, and I can tell you that the Americanized version of various cultures isn't quite the same as seeing it in it's native state.
Only difference is between white immigrants and others is that others never leave their culture behind so you do experience their nasty culture and I have... whites assimilate
You know, while Puerto Rico may just be a territory, their people are citizens of the United States. And, interestingly enough, there are lots of people from Puerto Rico who volunteer to serve in the US military.

And no.......................the military doesn't care if Puerto Ricans wear clothing with their flag on it, we know that Puerto Rico is a US territory, and their people are US citizens.
Nope, they declined US citizenship.

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia
Puerto Ricans are American citizens attacking someone for being a Puerto Rican is pretty ignorant
I don’t think they are. I never got a vote
They are American citizens regardless of your approval or not.
No they are not.. I didn’t get a vote.. they gotta go
No I say they stay my vote trumps your vote.
Well move to their neighborhoods.. then talk to me.. or s a matter of fact I have them move to yours destroy it, pump all your neighborhood girls with welfare babies and they start talking like they are from Compton lol
Then let’s talk haha

You are really displaying your ignorance of Puerto Rico and it's people. Sorry, but the Puerto Ricans that I've known never sounded like they came from Compton. But, thanks for displaying your ignorance and bigotry.
You know, while Puerto Rico may just be a territory, their people are citizens of the United States. And, interestingly enough, there are lots of people from Puerto Rico who volunteer to serve in the US military.

And no.......................the military doesn't care if Puerto Ricans wear clothing with their flag on it, we know that Puerto Rico is a US territory, and their people are US citizens.
Nope, they declined US citizenship.

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia

Quick question there sportcheck..................then why in a person's enlistment paperwork (I was a Personnelman for over 20 years in the Navy), does it list Puerto Ricans as natural born citizens of the US?
US citizens have a vote, Puerto Ricans do not.
Wrong. Not all US citizens have a vote, as puerto ricans are, indeed, us citizens.

Exactly. If Godboy moved to Puerto Rico, he wouldn't get to vote for President either.

He'd be no less an American.

And a Puerto Rican moving to a State would get to vote to for President.

And they'd be no more an American for doing so.

As their status as citizen isn't dependent on whether they can vote for President. It never has been.
If i moved outside the US, id still be a US citizen and id be allowed to vote.
You know, while Puerto Rico may just be a territory, their people are citizens of the United States. And, interestingly enough, there are lots of people from Puerto Rico who volunteer to serve in the US military.

And no.......................the military doesn't care if Puerto Ricans wear clothing with their flag on it, we know that Puerto Rico is a US territory, and their people are US citizens.
Nope, they declined US citizenship.

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia

Quick question there sportcheck..................then why in a person's enlistment paperwork (I was a Personnelman for over 20 years in the Navy), does it list Puerto Ricans as natural born citizens of the US?
Read, dummy...

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

"How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?"


he should NOT have CONFRONTED her.

thats practically "assault"

he and you have every right to be worse than trump. you just can't go up to people and bother them.

I'm sure if I went right up to YOU and said "go back to russia you fascist nazi piece of trump loving garbage" you would have shot me dead and claimed "I was standing my ground"

well....the piece of conservative garbage assaulted her
she stood her ground
and now he has legal problems
I guess this is good news for those who wear MAGA hats. The precedent has been set.
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Puerto Ricans are Americans.
Why can’t they vote for the president ?

Because the people don't elect presidents. The electoral college does.

Every Puerto Rican is a US citizen.

Which, of course, you already know. Making your 'foreigner' bullshit not only laughably wrong. But a foolish, intentional lie.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.
Then why don’t they pay federal income tax?

so any rich conservative who didn't pay any income tax because of republican tax loopholes is NOT a citizen?
A. Who monitors Maine to make sure it's complying with its probation? How are the residents of Maine affected by this probation? If it violates probation do we cast the state out of the union?

B. Puerto Ricans aren't foreigners nor is their flag; they are Americans
Americans get a vote, therefore they arent Americans.

The USC says otherwise.

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

They're Americans. They may not be your preferred color for Americans. But they're American none the less.
Nope, they dont get to vote in our elections. Thats because they arent Americans.

Says you. US law says otherwise.

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Any contest beween you vs. the USC on who is a US citizen has the same winner each time:

Not you.
You need to do some reading...

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia

Your own source says over and over that Puerto Ricans are US citizens.

Maybe you wanna read what you're linking to?
A question for Jitss617. Have you ever visited a foreign country? If so, how many?
I grew up inner city of Boston I’ve been around more cultures than you’ll ever see in your goddamn life I didn’t have to go to them they came to me

No need to be so hostile, I was just curious. But you didn't really answer the question.
And my sisters are Puerto Rican

I wasn't talking about Puerto Rico when I asked you that question. I'm just curious to know if you have been outside the US.
Yes I have .. but what’s your point

I'm just trying to figure you out. You seem to have a strong dislike of foreigners. I've found that in many cases, people with that mindset have never visited or lived in other countries. Personally, I believe that everyone should travel. You can't get a true education through ONLY sitting in a classroom, or living in one place. It takes experiencing the world... the whole world, not just one small part of it.
You know, while Puerto Rico may just be a territory, their people are citizens of the United States. And, interestingly enough, there are lots of people from Puerto Rico who volunteer to serve in the US military.

And no.......................the military doesn't care if Puerto Ricans wear clothing with their flag on it, we know that Puerto Rico is a US territory, and their people are US citizens.
Nope, they declined US citizenship.

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia

Quick question there sportcheck..................then why in a person's enlistment paperwork (I was a Personnelman for over 20 years in the Navy), does it list Puerto Ricans as natural born citizens of the US?
Read, dummy...

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia

Again..................why are Puerto Ricans listed as natural born US citizens on their enlistment paperwork for enlisting in the US military? Like I said, I've known many Puerto Ricans over the years I served, and they were all natural born US citizens.

And, you told me to read, so I did. And guess what? It says that they were given US citizenship by that act without being required to rescind their PR citizenship, so in a matter of speaking, they are actually dual citizens. Did you bother to read and understand what your link says? From your link..............

On March 2, 1917, the Jones–Shafroth Act was signed, collectively making Puerto Ricans United States citizens without rescinding their Puerto Rican citizenship. In 1922, the U.S. Supreme court in the case of Balzac v. Porto Rico ruled that the full protection and rights of the U.S constitution do not apply to residents of Puerto Rico until they come to reside in the United States proper. Luis Muñoz Rivera, who participated in the creation of the Jones-Shafroth Act, gave a speech in the U.S. House floor that argued in favor of Puerto Rican citizenship. He declared that "if the earth were to swallow the island, Puerto Ricans would prefer American citizenship to any citizenship in the world. But as long as the island existed, the residents preferred Puerto Rican citizenship."[21] The Jones Act allowed locals to renounce the United States citizenship and remain exclusively Puerto Rican citizens, at the cost of being stripped of the right to vote.[22] At some point in time, 287 residents had formally done that.[22]

In 1952, upon the U.S. Congress approving the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, it also said that Puerto Rican citizenship continued in full force. This was further reiterated in 2006 while the U.S. Senate probed into the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's status.[5] In 1953, U.S Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., in a memorandum sent to the United Nations, said that "the people of Puerto Rico continue to be citizens of the United States as well as of Puerto Rico."[6]
I don’t think they are. I never got a vote
They are American citizens regardless of your approval or not.
No they are not.. I didn’t get a vote.. they gotta go
No I say they stay my vote trumps your vote.
Well move to their neighborhoods.. then talk to me.. or s a matter of fact I have them move to yours destroy it, pump all your neighborhood girls with welfare babies and they start talking like they are from Compton lol
Then let’s talk haha

You are really displaying your ignorance of Puerto Rico and it's people. Sorry, but the Puerto Ricans that I've known never sounded like they came from Compton. But, thanks for displaying your ignorance and bigotry.
They destroyed parts of Boston, they had epic fights with American kids in Boston in the 70’s the Americans kicked there ass but they would go home bloodied up so the parents moved and the ricans took over some of the neighborhoods, all violence and welfare, I went to schools with tons of pregnant 13 year old girls because of that culture.. it’s nasty and they gotta go
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt
Hello?? Puerto Rico is part of the US? Puerto Ricans are US citizens.
Would be like confronting a dude wearing a Confed flag T-shirt, right? No wait..because the Confederacy was a US enemy..and contemptible. Still...a person has the right to display it. speech..protected a knife that cuts all equally. No matter the nationality..which in this case--was American.
US citizens have a vote, Puerto Ricans do not.
Incorrect..any Puerto Rican on the mainland can register and vote in their State of residence...and they can vote in local elections on the Island. The level of pure ignorance on display is breathtaking!
So they cant vote in US elections? Thank you for proving my point.

Your 'point' is pseudo-legal nonsense. As the ability to vote for President isn't a standard of citizenship. You made that up.

If you moved to Puerto Rico, you wouldn't be able to vote for president either. And you would be no less American.

Worse for your argument, a Puerto Rican moving to any state would be able to vote for President. And they would be no less American.

Just obliterating your entire steaming pile of meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish.
I grew up inner city of Boston I’ve been around more cultures than you’ll ever see in your goddamn life I didn’t have to go to them they came to me

No need to be so hostile, I was just curious. But you didn't really answer the question.
And my sisters are Puerto Rican

I wasn't talking about Puerto Rico when I asked you that question. I'm just curious to know if you have been outside the US.
Yes I have .. but what’s your point

I'm just trying to figure you out. You seem to have a strong dislike of foreigners. I've found that in many cases, people with that mindset have never lived or visited other countries. Personally, I believe that everyone should travel. You can't get a true education through ONLY sitting in a classroom, or living in one place. It takes experiencing the world... the whole world, not just one small part of it.
Because I grew up in once proud beautiful American city called Boston Massachusetts with a ton of history and Democrats destroyed it by flooding our neighborhoods with foreigners that destroyed our education system destroyed our jobs our culture.. now if you actually cared about being an American this would alarm you but it doesn’t a because you have a low iq, you’re a fat white girl that needs to get laid, or you are a democrat that sees votes
Yeah, but that's our fault. We should put Puerto Rico up to an ultimatum. You either become a state, or we cut you loose.
Well that would be utterly moronic and would get you laughed out of the room, as they have been trying to become a State for decades.
It seems many here have little knowledge of PR history..the US has been the sticking point on statehood...and the Republicans specifically..who fear a Democratic stronghold being entered into the election fray. It is Partisan politics at best..and racism at worst.
You know, while Puerto Rico may just be a territory, their people are citizens of the United States. And, interestingly enough, there are lots of people from Puerto Rico who volunteer to serve in the US military.

And no.......................the military doesn't care if Puerto Ricans wear clothing with their flag on it, we know that Puerto Rico is a US territory, and their people are US citizens.
Nope, they declined US citizenship.

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia

Quick question there sportcheck..................then why in a person's enlistment paperwork (I was a Personnelman for over 20 years in the Navy), does it list Puerto Ricans as natural born citizens of the US?
Read, dummy...

Puerto Rican citizenship - Wikipedia

Jones Act
On March 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones-Shafroth Act. This law gave Puerto Ricans U.S. citizenship. The Jones Act separated the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of Puerto Rican government, provided civil rights to the individual, and created a locally elected bicameral legislature. The two houses were a Senate consisting of 19 members and a 39-member House of Representatives. However, the Governor and the President of the United States had the power to veto any law passed by the legislature. Also, the United States Congress had the power to stop any action taken by the legislature in Puerto Rico. The U.S. maintained control over fiscal and economic matters and exercised authority over mail services, immigration, defense and other basic governmental matters.
Jones Act - The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War (Hispanic Division, Library of Congress)
ahhh wtf happen to free speech!?
How do you get jail time for calling out a foreigner for wearing another flag!?

We spent so much money on welfare to Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans
We should be allowed to talk

Man gets probation for confronting woman over Puerto Rican flag T-shirt

Puerto Ricans are Americans.
Why can’t they vote for the president ?

Because the people don't elect presidents. The electoral college does.

Every Puerto Rican is a US citizen.

Which, of course, you already know. Making your 'foreigner' bullshit not only laughably wrong. But a foolish, intentional lie.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need to lie to support it.
Then why don’t they pay federal income tax?

so any rich conservative who didn't pay any income tax because of republican tax loopholes is NOT a citizen?
EASY there

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