Man, I'd love to have this one!

I want to live in this place with you, make love to you and then tell you "Frankly me dear, I don't give a dam"
Sounds exciting! Can I come down the stairs dressed in my fav drapes and then you ravish me on the couch in the library?

Shudder. When?
[ame=]‪Gone With The Wind Parody - Carol Burnett‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
You want a mansion?

Come to Maine. They're cheap here compared to most home prices.

I just did price comparison of my home (at market value here) versus california.

Apparently my home (not a mansion of course) would cost about $750,000 in the LA area.

And I suspect, my home (on a pond, a block from the bay, within the village) in a similarly situtated place on the West coast would in fact cost more than twice that amount.

Now the trick is making a living here versus elsewhere.
You want a mansion?

Come to Maine. They're cheap here compared to most home prices.

I just did price comparison of my home (at market value here) versus california.

Apparently my home (not a mansion of course) would cost about $750,000 in the LA area.

And I suspect, my home (on a pond, a block from the bay, within the village) in a similarly situtated place on the West coast would in fact cost more than twice that amount.

Now the trick is making a living here versus elsewhere.
Nice ! Can I wear tank tops and flip flops year round ? How do the palm trees do up'ar ?:tongue: :cuckoo:
You want a mansion?

Come to Maine. They're cheap here compared to most home prices.

I just did price comparison of my home (at market value here) versus california.

Apparently my home (not a mansion of course) would cost about $750,000 in the LA area.

And I suspect, my home (on a pond, a block from the bay, within the village) in a similarly situtated place on the West coast would in fact cost more than twice that amount.

Now the trick is making a living here versus elsewhere.

Nice ! Can I wear tank tops and flip flops year round ?

Yes you can. I don't advise it, but you can if you want!

How do the palm trees do up'ar ?:tongue: :cuckoo:

Absolutely fine....if you grow them indoors.

Here's an image of some trees thriving in Maine

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