Man kicked out of town meeting for refusingto stand for Pledge

In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.

Not for nothing, but liberals are far more authoritative than conservatives. I've yet to see a conservative try to tell someone what size soda they can buy with their own money.

Many times conservatives get all authoritarian about protests, like during Vietnam war protests and occupy wall street. Both sides guilty here.
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.

Not for nothing, but liberals are far more authoritative than conservatives. I've yet to see a conservative try to tell someone what size soda they can buy with their own money.

Many times conservatives get all authoritarian about protests, like during Vietnam war protests and occupy wall street. Both sides guilty here.

Yep, those damned conservatives not wanting people to riot and rape and loot and shit in the streets.
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.

Not for nothing, but liberals are far more authoritative than conservatives. I've yet to see a conservative try to tell someone what size soda they can buy with their own money.

Many times conservatives get all authoritarian about protests, like during Vietnam war protests and occupy wall street. Both sides guilty here.
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.

Not for nothing, but liberals are far more authoritative than conservatives. I've yet to see a conservative try to tell someone what size soda they can buy with their own money.

Conservatives t
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.

Not for nothing, but liberals are far more authoritative than conservatives. I've yet to see a conservative try to tell someone what size soda they can buy with their own money.

Many times conservatives get all authoritarian about protests, like during Vietnam war protests and occupy wall street. Both sides guilty here.

Yep, those damned conservatives not wanting people to riot and rape and loot and shit in the streets.

Riot, rape and loot? I haven't seen that at any of the protests I mentioned. I do know that those protests have been infiltrated by the police and other factions to make the protesters look bad. While were at it, why do conservatives want to pass laws about what a woman does with her body, or pass laws against smoking a joint? Sounds pretty authoritarian to me.
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A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.
Floriduh is not exactly the home of the free.
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.
Conservatives' need for authoritarianism and their intense disdain for dissent, such as one exercising his First Amendment right to not stand for a pledge.
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.
Conservatives' need for authoritarianism and their intense disdain for dissent, such as one exercising his First Amendment right to not stand for a pledge.

Would that be similar to a liberal is an authoritarian in regards to my first amendment rights to associate with whomever I choose when I'm doing business?
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.
Conservatives' need for authoritarianism and their intense disdain for dissent, such as one exercising his First Amendment right to not stand for a pledge.

Would that be similar to a liberal is an authoritarian in regards to my first amendment rights to associate with whomever I choose when I'm doing business?
One of the characteristics of liberalism is the acceptance of a wider range of behavior acceptance. Conservatives counter with campaign slogans of law and order. That also accounts for the bigger tent concept.
He was only removed during the recitation of the pledge.
QUOTE: “Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video

There was nothing to prevent him from coming back in after the pledge was completed. It was known that he was a "pledge of allegiance protestor" and so he was treated in accordance with that. He was given his preference.
He was only removed during the recitation of the pledge.
QUOTE: “Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video

There was nothing to prevent him from coming back in after the pledge was completed. It was known that he was a "pledge of allegiance protestor" and so he was treated in accordance with that. He was given his preference.
So the protester made his point and garnered support and the mayor lost a little face. Better to have not made a confrontation over the incident and ignore the whole thing. What was accomplished?
Do people really recite a pledge of allegiance in a group - like a group loyalty oath - before public business? I thought that was just for school kids.
How strange.
Part of living in a civilized society is not being an obstinate ass just because. If you aren't crippled, stand up and be quiet.

Big difference between this guy and open-carry Activists and the Westboro Baptists.

The mayor is the douche in this situation. Power has gone to his head.
Conservatives t

Riot, rape and loot? I haven't seen that at any of the protests I mentioned. I do know that those protests have been infiltrated by the police and other factions to make the protesters look bad. While were at it, why do conservatives want to pass laws about what a woman does with her body, or pass laws against smoking a joint? Sounds pretty authoritarian to me.

Liberals are stopping people from smoking cigarettes, limit size of soft drinks, make it impossible for anyone to develop property, they want tell you who to associate with, they make it a law to carry health insurance and what your health insurance will cover. They force higher taxation, how are they not authoritative? I don't care what a woman does to their body as long as she takes responsibility for her choice and doesn't ask the government to pay for it.
Yet on this thread conservative posters appear to be more enamoured of loyalty oaths and enforcing the respect of them in one way or another.

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