Man kicked out of town meeting for refusingto stand for Pledge

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A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.

Good deal. I support the mayor. You want to be part of the system? Great... but you have to respect the system. By openly saying your are against the system, why should we care, or hear what you think? Get out.

People keep saying they want a better America, and yet openly show their refusal to support America.

The guy was obviously doing it to be a dick , but let's be clear here. Refusing to stand for the Pledge or Natiional Anthem in noway indicates someone is against "the system" or not a "good American" it simply means they are an asshole.
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.

Good deal. I support the mayor. You want to be part of the system? Great... but you have to respect the system. By openly saying your are against the system, why should we care, or hear what you think? Get out.

People keep saying they want a better America, and yet openly show their refusal to support America.
If you do not stand for the pledge, you do not want a better America and you do not support America. It's so obvious.
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.

Good deal. I support the mayor. You want to be part of the system? Great... but you have to respect the system. By openly saying your are against the system, why should we care, or hear what you think? Get out.

People keep saying they want a better America, and yet openly show their refusal to support America.
If you do not stand for the pledge, you do not want a better America and you do not support America. It's so obvious.

Absolutely. What do you think refusing to stand for the pledge means? If it's not a statement, then why are you refusing?

When you refuse to stand in honor of the symbol of this country, you *ARE* making a statement, whether you think you are, or know you are, or not.

You are saying, intentionally or otherwise, that you oppose this country. So your actions showing you oppose America, are speaking loud than any of your words claiming you want a better America.

If you oppose this country, then I oppose you. Get out. We don't want you here.

"Well freedom of speech!"... Yeah, and this is us exercising our freedom too. Get out. You are not welcome here, if you oppose this country.
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.

Good deal. I support the mayor. You want to be part of the system? Great... but you have to respect the system. By openly saying your are against the system, why should we care, or hear what you think? Get out.

People keep saying they want a better America, and yet openly show their refusal to support America.
If you do not stand for the pledge, you do not want a better America and you do not support America. It's so obvious.

Usually those who have traveled overseas, to where they have to subject themselves to a different set of "rights" and laws from a government system completely foreign to them, have a much greater patriotic understanding of how grateful they are for the freedoms they enjoy here. Just like the saying goes: "You don't know what you got 'til it's gone".
No one should have to stand for a stupid pledge if they don't want to. You shouldn't even be expected to sing the National Anthem if you don't want.
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.

Good deal. I support the mayor. You want to be part of the system? Great... but you have to respect the system. By openly saying your are against the system, why should we care, or hear what you think? Get out.

People keep saying they want a better America, and yet openly show their refusal to support America.
If you do not stand for the pledge, you do not want a better America and you do not support America. It's so obvious.

Absolutely. What do you think refusing to stand for the pledge means? If it's not a statement, then why are you refusing?

When you refuse to stand in honor of the symbol of this country, you *ARE* making a statement, whether you think you are, or know you are, or not.

You are saying, intentionally or otherwise, that you oppose this country. So your actions showing you oppose America, are speaking loud than any of your words claiming you want a better America.

If you oppose this country, then I oppose you. Get out. We don't want you here.

"Well freedom of speech!"... Yeah, and this is us exercising our freedom too. Get out. You are not welcome here, if you oppose this country.
nothing says freedom like being forced to stand for the pledge. how dare you refuse to do what others expect/demand/require that you do? this is america!!!
Winter Garden Commission adopts new policy for prayer pledge - FOX 35 News Orlando

The Winter Garden City Commission voted Friday afternoon to change the ceremony by which they open their meetings. The resolution they adopted calls for a moment of silence rather than a prayer and makes it clear no one has to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance.

So, that clears that up, prior the Mayor had the ability to kick the asshole out, now the asshole can stay.

Yepp. Which was the way it was supposed to be in the first place.

Our constitution, whether we like it or not, guarantees assholes the right to be assholes as well.

I think it is very important to remember to separate personal feelings from law.

I have a very personal story to tell you.

About 20 years ago, I was a public school teacher. Every day, in homeroom, we recited the pledge of allegiance. My students stood, we faced the flag and recited with whomever had been chosen that day to say the pledge over the PA.

In the middle of the Fall, a new student entered one of my classes and I had her for homeroom as well. Time came for the pledge: she didn't stand, she didn't recite. She looked just horrified every time it came for the pledge, which was about 7:45 in the morning each school day. Students began to hassle her about it. I myelf was irritated, but suspected that something deeper was going on.

So, I sat the girl down and spoke with her. She told me what happened about one month eariler: in her former school system, one day, her father brought her late to school, she rushed into class, her father was speeding out of the parking lot. The pledge has just started. She dashed through the door and began to recite the plege with the rest of her classmates. Her father ended up in a car wreck, pulled out of the parking lot without looking right, and was killed instantly. Apparently, she could see the parking lot from her homeroom. She literally saw her father die in car wreck right around "and to the Republic for which it stands". And since then, she could not bring herself to recite the pledge and every time it was time to do such, she was paralyzed with mourning and grief.

After talking with her mother and the guidance counselor, it was agreed that the counselor would come in the next day, that girl would be excused during the pledge, and then after the pledge, the counselor explained what happened as I described it. I remember students with tears in their eyes. And no one ever said a word about it again.

I don't know if she ever got around that grief, but I learned on those two days to not jump to conclusions so quickly.

Now, not every case is like this, quite obviously, but our Republic is big enough and strong enough for us to be able to handle this without the world caving in.
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Is there anything more ridiculous than a USMB nutter whining about someone not reciting the pledge while spending every waking moment hoping for his country and countrymen to suffer?

I feel allegiance to this nation.....but I am not under any god. Take that dopey phrase out of the pledge and you'll have something.
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from

A first amendment activist was escorted from a public meeting in Winter Garden FL for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Forces Man To Leave Public Meeting Because He Won t Stand During Prayer ThinkProgress

A Florida mayor ejected one of his constituents from a City Commission meeting on Thursday because he declined to stand during the invocation and pledge to the flag at the beginning of the meeting.
Winter Garden Mayor John Rees, a nonpartisan official leading an Orlando suburb of about 37,000, was caught on video demanding that an audience member stand for a prayer, which thanked God for “allowing us to live in a country where we’re free to believe, think, and pray.”
The audience member responded, “I don’t believe I have to do that, thank you.” After the prayer, Rees again instructed the constituent, identified by the Orlando Sentinel as Joseph Richardson, to stand for the pledge to the flag as “children have to in school.” Richardson again politely declined.
“Okay. I asked him to either stand or please be escorted out as we do the Pledge,” Rees says in the video. “It’s just not fair to our troops and people overseas, sir.”
City police then enforced the mayor’s demand and Richardson left.

Good deal. I support the mayor. You want to be part of the system? Great... but you have to respect the system. By openly saying your are against the system, why should we care, or hear what you think? Get out.

People keep saying they want a better America, and yet openly show their refusal to support America.
If you do not stand for the pledge, you do not want a better America and you do not support America. It's so obvious.
The man should have brought a note from home asking the mayor to excuse him from standing.
Yepp. Which was the way it was supposed to be in the first place.

Our constitution, whether we like it or not, guarantees assholes the right to be assholes as well.

I think it is very important to remember to separate personal feelings from law.

I have a very personal story to tell you.

About 20 years ago, I was a public school teacher. Every day, in homeroom, we recited the pledge of allegiance. My students stood, we faced the flag and recited with whomever had been chosen that day to say the pledge over the PA.

In the middle of the Fall, a new student entered one of my classes and I had her for homeroom as well. Time came for the pledge: she didn't stand, she didn't recite. She looked just horrified every time it came for the pledge, which was about 7:45 in the morning each school day. Students began to hassle her about it. I myelf was irritated, but suspected that something deeper was going on.

So, I sat the girl down and spoke with her. She told me what happened about one month eariler: in her former school system, one day, her father brought her late to school, she rushed into class, her father was speeding out of the parking lot. The pledge has just started. She dashed through the door and began to recite the plege with the rest of her classmates. Her father ended up in a car wreck, pulled out of the parking lot without looking right, and was killed instantly. Apparently, she could see the parking lot from her homeroom. She literally saw her father die in car wreck right around "and to the Republic for which it stands". And since then, she could not bring herself to recite the pledge and every time it was time to do such, she was paralyzed with mourning and grief.

After talking with her mother and the guidance counselor, it was agreed that the counselor would come in the next day, that girl would be excused during the pledge, and then after the pledge, the counselor explained what happened as I described it. I remember students with tears in their eyes. And no one ever said a word about it again.

I don't know if she ever got around that grief, but I learned on those two days to not jump to conclusions so quickly.

Now, not every case is like this, quite obviously, but our Republic is big enough and strong enough for us to be able to handle this without the world caving in.

So you got irritated with kids, so you understand why this mayor did what he did and reacted the way he did. He was frustrated with an adult.

The mayor is wrong, this is a free country and as long as we do things legally we should be allowed to voice our opinion and participate in government.

The guy for his own reasons did not stand, it is his business. I see see the mayor's side, however he was wrong in kicking the guy out.
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.
All this reminds me of the GREAT LAPEL FLAG CONTROVERSY of Obama's first election. Any candidate not wearing one was instantly identified as an America hater. Then it escalated to who had the biggest lapel flag. As I remember correctly, Palin ended up winning the lapel flag wars.
I stood for, and recited the pledge at a civic meeting last Spring. It hasn't worn off yet, so I see no particular reason to do it again this Fall. If it starts to wear off, I will cheerfully do it again...perhaps with a little more vigor, so that it will last longer next time.
People who don't stand for the pledge are looking to do the ice bucket challenge
I did the warm bucket challenge ………………………....…….
It’s like the Ice bucket challenge but I did it before it was cool
In his book, Conservatives Without Conscience, John Dean writes about the Conservatives' need for authoritarianism.
This thing of forcing one to stand for the pledge is a fine example of authoritarianism.

Not for nothing, but liberals are far more authoritative than conservatives. I've yet to see a conservative try to tell someone what size soda they can buy with their own money.

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