Man of the Year in Pennsylvania


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The Pittsburgh news media are reporting a series of events over the past 48 hours that leave me with mixed thoughts (I won't say "emotions," because I frankly don't give a darn).

A ne'er do well woman-beating dirtbag, killed his pregnant BabyMamma yesterday by shooting her in the face. Then, of course, he absquatulated. Today, when the police finally caught up with him he used the same gun (presumably) to successfully off himself.

He was in his early 20's.

The only sane definition of a "hero" is someone who sacrifices himself (or places himself at risk) for the benefit of his fellow man.

Had he not killed himself, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania would have had to expend a small mountain of funds to prosecute his case, then to support him for the remainder of his natural life - probably 50 years or more. There is little doubt that the Commonwealth was saved at least a million dollars (in current-year funds) by this heroic suicidal gesture. What a man!

At a nominal three percent income tax, it would take a worker with a $50k annual income approximately 667 years to pay as much in state income taxes as this fellow saved the State in Legal and incarceration expenses.

The governor should grace his casket with a medal for the money he saved the taxpayers.

Pennsylvania's Man of the Year, 2014.

May his example serve to inspire other homicidal dirtbags to do likewise in the future.

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