Man punches Nazi Richard Spencer during interview

The rightwingers in this thread:

  • Are defending a Nazi.
  • Are arguing that it must be a Liberal who punched him because conservatives have problem with Naxis.

I'm lovin' it!!!
Normally I'm against violence, but he's a Nazi.

I'm sorry but I think that blindsiding someone like that is a cowardly thing to do. It is wrong if Trump supporters do it and it is wrong if leftists do it. I think that if one of those Black girls had given the guy a hug or one of the Black males had offered a handshake a better message would have been sent to all watching! They might have even gained an ally!

Standard practice for liberals.
7 pages of argument over an open and shut case of a bastard who deserved worse than just a punch to the face.

The man who was attacked should be legally allowed to draw down and shoot the attacker.
. The left is trying hard to bring the old West tradition back it seems.
I believe you mean the right.
. Well if talking percentages, I'd say the left has the trophy on being violent always. I mean when you do what the left does, and believe what the left believes, then you as a leftist are going to be creating enemies, inviting trouble, and always having to defend some of the weirdest bull crap imaginable.
Normally I'm against violence, but he's a Nazi.

So it's ok for people to punch people for being Islamic as well?
. Not OK for anyone to punch anyone, but some people just want to escalate events in hopes of starting something bigger or they just figure that they want to personally attack someone by way of any cause or excuse they can find.
The rightwingers in this thread:

  • Are defending a Nazi.
  • Are arguing that it must be a Liberal who punched him because conservatives have problem with Naxis.

I'm lovin' it!!!
. No it's just that conservatives are peaceful, so if you take them out of the mix, then you only have the Nazi and the liberal left. Duh. Your problem is that you try and tie to many groups together, but that's what liberals do in order to try and defeat their supposed enemy all at once. LOL
Normally I'm against violence, but he's a Nazi.

. OK, now do give us proof this guy is a Nazi, and if you can't then you are actually an accessory to a crime. And by your agreeing to this violent act, and by you suggesting this guy is a nazi if not true, then you are pushing fake news, and you are condoning violence against Trump supporters.

what level of violence do you see there?
Violence is "okay" when "my" side does it.

This is sad to watch happen. Some leaders need to step up pretty soon.
The rightwingers in this thread:

  • Are defending a Nazi.
  • Are arguing that it must be a Liberal who punched him because conservatives have problem with Naxis.

I'm lovin' it!!!

I see them upset over an unprovoked attack
Standard Leftist response to someone they don't like.

I watched the clip, what did he say that earned the punch?
That he's a Nazi ... simple.
Spoken like a true...Nazi

What unites these leftists is their hatred of actual liberal principles and their utter lack of intelligence.
All they know is Left == hip hip hurray! and right = Ickypoo boo hiss.

They support assault and battery because they hate the notion of free speech. Sure, the guy is an idiot and should just be ignored, but these stupid posters live in a world where only certain politically correct thoughts should be allowed, and violence is the manner in which they seek to enforce utter conformity.
It's wrong tp punch anyone in the face, other than in self defense; even trump supporters...
I don't know this guy and I don't know if he's a Nazi or not.
Anyway punching people is not nice at all. If you have different opinion from another person you just talk and not using violence :(
The rightwingers in this thread:

  • Are defending a Nazi.
  • Are arguing that it must be a Liberal who punched him because conservatives have problem with Naxis.

I'm lovin' it!!!
. No it's just that conservatives are peaceful, so if you take them out of the mix, then you only have the Nazi and the liberal left. Duh. Your problem is that you try and tie to many groups together, but that's what liberals do in order to try and defeat their supposed enemy all at once. LOL

Trump supporter sucker-punches black protester at rally – video

No it's just that conservatives are peaceful
You are such a sack of shit...and by choice.

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